Chapter 713 Deer, help me

He really wanted to be a partner with Su Xiaolu, but Su Xiaolu might not agree to him.

Now that Su Xiaolu suddenly asked this question, there must be someone he wants to meet, this is an opportunity to express himself.

"Well, I really want to meet someone who is very important to me. He has made me a success in my previous life. He passed away before I could repay him well."

So much so that she spent many years alone, every time she thinks back, she is full of regrets.

"Then when I grow up, I'll take you back to watch."

Pippi Shrimp took the opportunity to say, it’s good for people to think about it, and if they think about it, they will have the motivation to move forward.

It takes hundreds of years for him to grow, if Su Xiaolu doesn't practice diligently, he won't live for that long, then nothing will happen.

If she wants to go back and see the person who is thinking about it, shouldn't she work hard to practice.


Su Xiaolu touched Pippi Shrimp's head, and stroked down the oily and slippery hair, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

"It's so comfortable, little deer, don't stop—"

Pippi Shrimp liked Su Xiaolu touching him very much, and he soon fell asleep next to Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu looked at Pippi Shrimp, who looked like a newborn puppy, and smiled. With such a little thing around, she didn't feel lonely.

Because of menstruation, Su Xiaolu didn't go out for the next few days.

I didn't practice the sword either.

She basks in the sun occasionally, and teases her little nephew occasionally.

After eating, drinking, drinking and sleeping, the whole family finally felt relieved after seeing this.

On November 17th, Su Xiaolu's menstruation was over.

She started to practice swordsmanship, Chen Shi had achieved some success in swordsmanship, Su Xiaolu had time to hone him when he was done, and together with Chen Xing, he made medicine in his spare time, she didn't feel much, it was already December.

A first snow covered the entire capital.

Su Xiaolu got up very early. When she woke up, it was just dawn, and her family hadn't woken up yet. She didn't feel sleepy. She opened the window and saw that there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the snow was still falling. She was in a clear mood, so she simply got up .

She flew up to the eaves, found a good place to sit down, and prepared to watch the snow scene.

In the early morning, the whole world is quiet, not even the wind.

Only the rustling of snow falling.

Su Xiaolu sat alone on the eaves, she stretched out her hand to catch the snowflakes, and couldn't help murmuring: "It's almost the fifteenth year."

She looked at the black and white eaves, then at the snow-white street, and when she saw a figure standing in the alley, Su Xiaolu froze for a moment.

She couldn't help but flew towards that person.

Zhou Zhi didn't know how long he stood in the snow, his hair and shoulders were covered with snow, when he saw Su Xiaolu coming, he smiled with his lips curled up: "Good morning, Xiaolu."

He hadn't seen her for a month, and he couldn't bear it.

"You, what are you doing here?"

Su Xiaolu was a little hard to understand, what was Zhou Zhi doing standing here blankly?

Zhou Zhi looked at Su Xiaolu's face, he didn't answer, but smiled gently.

"Are you cold?" Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi, his eyelashes were covered with frost, Su Xiaolu felt a little weird, she pulled Zhou Zhi's sleeve and called out "fourth brother".

Zhou Zhi smiled: "I'm not cold, what have you been doing recently, why haven't you come to see me at my house?"

Zhou Zhi raised his hand and waved off the snowflakes on his body, but he still restrained himself.

Now that he is still incomplete, and Su Xiaolu is still young, he is now boldly revealing his feelings, and he is not good to her or him.

He calmly asked about daily life.

"I didn't do anything after returning to Beijing. I just went to see my sister, and then I practiced swords and kung fu at home, taught Chen Shi and Chen Xing, and bought some medicinal materials to make medicine. I will detoxify you in the next year. I will also use some medicinal materials It should be prepared in advance.”

Speaking of these, Su Xiaolu was calm, and after she finished speaking, she looked at Zhou Zhi.

Su Xiaolu hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Fourth brother, how about you? I heard that Princess Cindy chose you, and you like her"


Zhou Zhi didn't wait for Su Xiaolu to finish, and interrupted Su Xiaolu's words.

"I haven't seen her."

Zhou Zhi said plainly that he looked into Su Xiaolu's eyes and saw accidents in her eyes, and some inconceivable ones.

Zhou Zhi lowered his eyes and hid his thoughts. He said softly, "Father's will is not what I want. I don't like that princess. I prepared that princess for my elder brother."

Su Xiaolu was even more surprised, Zhou Zhi's elder brother is Zhou Heng!

What he prepared for Zhou Heng was not for this Princess Cindy to enter the palace, her sister would inevitably feel sad when she entered the palace.

Su Xiaolu wanted to ask why, but before she asked, Zhou Zhi had already opened his mouth to explain.

"Princess Cindy Li doesn't like men. She has her lover. Her lover is the same as her. They are all women, and they are her maids. Jiang Wei, the future prince can't resist the mouths of all the ministers. Your sister can’t be the only one, but he has the deep affection he promised, and only by including some women like Princess Cindy Li can he persuade him of his promise and stop his tongue.”

Zhou Zhi explained to Su Xiaolu that he didn't want Su Xiaolu to think of him and the princess together at all.

Su Xiaolu understood after listening, she seemed to have something to say, but she opened her lips, feeling that there was no need to say.

It is already very good for Zhou Heng to achieve this step.

"but now"

Su Xiaolu remembered that Princess Cindy Li seemed to have chosen Zhou Zhi, and she became puzzled again.

What's going on again?

Zhou Zhi smiled and said, "Xiaolu, I need you to do me a favor."


Su Xiaolu was even more confused.

Zhou Zhi raised his hand to wipe the snowflakes off Su Xiaolu's head, and in just a short while, a lot of snow fell on Su Xiaolu's body.

"Cindi Li chose me because my legs were disabled. She heard that I was not a womanizer, and my health was not good. It was rumored that I would not live to be twenty-five, so she came up with my idea. She thought, as long as I survive After a few years, when I passed away, she can justifiably be my widow, and stay and fly with her maid Jiang Wei."

Zhou Zhi's careful explanation made Su Xiaolu understand the princess' intentions.

"Nonsense, who said that you won't live past twenty-five years. After you get rid of the poison in the next year, you can live a hundred years. What's more, now that your spiritual energy is revived and the period of cultivating immortals is coming, you can live more than a hundred years."

Su Xiaolu said firmly, with her here, how could it be possible for Zhou Zhi not to live past twenty-five years.

Zhou Zhi chuckled: "So I need you to help me, let that princess know that I won't die so early, don't waste time on me."

Su Xiaolu also looked at it squarely: "How can I help?"

"It's very simple, in the name of your divine doctor, heal me."

Zhou Zhi looked into Su Xiaolu's eyes, and said word by word, Su Xiaolu detoxified him, few people knew, Princess Cindy Li came to pester him, the best way is this, although he has other ways, but he wants to use this one.

He wants to see Su Xiaolu often, so this is the best way, he can't go in, he wants Su Xiaolu to come out and come to him.

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