He looked very unhappy, he should have encountered unhappy things like her.

In fact, she didn't have much friendship with him, and Hu Changshou might not even remember her, so he passed by, but he didn't see her or say hello to her.

She shouldn't have greeted him, she just looked at his back, somehow, she just wanted to talk to him, just like she did a few months ago.

So she turned back and looked at him coming towards him again, she collided with him without hesitation, and then she called him to stop.

At this time, after saying all these words, Baixu not only did not feel relaxed, but even more depressed.

"Miss Baixu."

Hu Changshou didn't expect Baixu to encounter such ups and downs. He thought for a moment, why do unlucky people always encounter more unlucky things?

"If you don't mind, I have a hut in the capital. You have nowhere to go in the capital, so you can go to my place to rest."

Hu Changshou invited Baixu, and he didn't know why he said that. By the time he realized it, the words had already been spoken.

Baixu is a woman, and his invitation like this is really offensive and frivolous, Baixu might get angry.

But the next moment, Baixu raised her head and smiled brightly: "Okay, I just happen to have nowhere to go, thank you."

Hu Changshou didn't expect Baixu to agree, seeing her smile, Hu Changshou said, "Come with me."

"Hu Changshou, do you have any friends in the capital?"

On the way, Baixu looked at Hu Changshou and asked.

Hu Changshou nodded: "There are a few."

Bai Xu recalled that when she followed Hu Changshou in a foreign land, Hu Changshou already had many friends around him, even the Mr. Su whom she hated once was there.

Baixu looked at Hu Changshou, and asked tentatively, "Hu Changshou, are you friends with that Mr. Su?"

Hu Changshou was stunned for a moment: "Mr. Su?"

He was a little dazed, not knowing who Baixu was talking about.

"It's Mr. Su who is very good at martial arts and looks about my age. He has an old man and a half-old man beside him. They are masters and apprentices. He has two masters."

Baixu went into more detail.

"You mean the deer, right?"

Hu Changshou realized that Su Xiaolu was dressed in men's clothes outside, so it was probably her that Bai Xu asked.

"Is he called Su Lu? Which deer?"

Baixu didn't know Su Xiaolu's name, and her memory of Su Xiaolu was still in that meeting a year ago.

That experience, was not good at all, but she owed him a thank you for his kindness to her.

If Hu Changshou can introduce her, she would like to thank him.

"Her name is Su Xiaolu, and the deer is a common deer in the forest."

Hu Changshou glanced at Baixu beside him and said.

Bai Xu lowered his eyes, Su Xiaolu, his name is not special at all.

"Are you friends with him?"

Baixu asked again.

Hu Changshou nodded: "Well, we are friends."

Also cousins.

Baixu didn't ask any more questions. She lowered her head and saw her tattered clothes. She is a woman, and she should not be too ugly to meet people.

Hu Changshou brought Baixu to his residence, which was a small courtyard with only two rooms.

Hu Changshou let Baixu live in the room, while he went to the kitchen to make a bed with chairs.

"Hu Changshou, thank you."

Baixu looked at Hu Changshou, he was a good man, one of the few good men she had ever met.

"Hu Changshou, do you know? I have grown up so much, I have met three good people, one is you, one is Su Xiaolu, and the other is the person who saved me in a foreign land."

Since she was a child, she has mainly followed her mother-in-law's words. She knows that she is annoying. Su Xiaolu and Hu Changshou met when she was not good. She knows that they are good people.

She thought that she would be able to make friends if she changed her mind, so after she came out from the foreign land, she was alone, and she began to learn to be friendly to others, but in the end, all she got in exchange was bad results. They lied to her and betrayed her.

Whether she is good or bad, she has only met three good people.

"Miss Baixu, you will meet more good people in the future."

Hu Changshou didn't know how to comfort Baixu for a while, Baixu only summed up what happened to her on the road to the capital in a few words, and behind what she didn't elaborate on was a difficult and dangerous road.

Baixu smiled: "Thank you, I'm sleepy."

Baixu closed the door, went to the bed and fell asleep. ,

What she didn't tell Hu Changshou was that she had never slept soundly in the past few months.

When Hu Changshou was trapped by snake venom, the time she took him to seek life in a foreign land was actually the most peaceful night she had slept in since she could remember.

We met again in the capital, Baixu felt very relaxed, and soon fell asleep under the quilt.

Hu Changshou went out while Baixu was sleeping.

Baixu has nothing, and he is going to go out to buy two ready-made clothes for Baixu to change and wash.

Xu Shi reunited with Baixu, which dilutes his emotions, and when he thinks about Chu Li again, his heart has no emotions.

When Hu Changshou came back from buying the ready-to-wear, it was already afternoon, and he boiled hot water for Baixu.

Baixu woke up, looked at the clean clothes and the steaming tub next to her, and shouted to the door: "Hu Changshou, thank you."

Baixu raised his hand and smelled his body, his face became hot


During these days, she was running for her life almost every day, and there was nothing on her body except this whip. She couldn't mend, and the clothes on her body could only be torn if they were torn.

She also suffered many injuries, and the blood stains dried up and added again, which could not be washed off in the end.

After changing out of her old clothes, she went into the tub to wash up, seeing the various scars on her body, Baixu's eyes darkened.

After washing, Baixu opened the door, there was a smell from the kitchen, Baixu couldn't help but go to see, Hu Changshou was chopping vegetables, Baixu was a little crazy.

Hu Changshou noticed Baixu's footsteps, he looked towards the door, smiled at Baixu and said, "I can eat this cabbage after I fry it."

In the pot is stewed chicken.

Baixu walked in and asked a little shyly, "Can I help you?"

Baixu doesn't know how to cook. She has been with her mother-in-law for more than ten years. As long as she can remember, she has been an inn and a farmer, and her mother-in-law gave her money to eat.

And among the farmers she has seen, there is no man who cooks.

Baixu was surprised that Hu Changshou could cook.

"Then you take a bowl to scoop up the rice."

Hu Changshou looked at Baixu, she had a confused look on her face, and she knew she couldn't do it at a glance. Hu Changshou pointed to the cupboard on the side, and it was not difficult to scoop up rice.

Baixu went to fetch two bowls and chopsticks, scooped up the rice with a spatula, some rice fell on the stove, she glanced at Hu Changshou, but Hu Changshou didn't pay attention, Baixu immediately grabbed it into the bowl with her hands, she held it The bowl was done in the past.

It was obviously just a small matter, but her heart beat so fast.

In a corner that Baixu couldn't see, the corner of Hu Changshou's mouth slightly raised. He saw Baixu's actions just now from the corner of his eye, and felt a little cute for no reason.

ps: The epidemic is involved in the family, and everything is inconvenient. Recently, the changes will be reduced. After the mediation is completed in the next few days, the two changes will resume.

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