Su Xiaolu didn't come here in men's clothes this time, Bai Xu was shocked.

She asked in disbelief.

Su Xiaolu turned out to be a woman, how could he be a woman?

Baixu's face turns blue and red.

Su Xiaolu looked at Baixu in embarrassment, but didn't speak for a moment, Baixu didn't know she was a woman.

Hu Changshou was also very surprised: "Xiaolu has always been a woman, don't you know Miss Baixu?"

Hu Changshou didn't expect that what Baixu was talking about was him and not her.

"Yes, I'm a woman. I'm going out to avoid trouble, so I wear men's clothes."

Su Xiaolu looked at Baixu and said.

Baixu was really surprised, she gave an explanation for showing off her men's clothes.

There were many emotions in Baixu's eyes, she stared blankly at Su Xiaolu, she didn't know what to say for a moment, all the words she had planned had been drowned in the shock of seeing Su Xiaolu was a woman.

Su Xiaolu sat down, Bai Xu was still looking at her.

Hu Changshou ordered some food and it came up. He smiled and said, "Let's eat first, we'll talk after we eat."

Baixu seemed so shocked that she couldn't come to her senses for a while, but after eating, it should be almost over.

Su Xiaolu nodded.

The meal was very quiet, Su Xiaolu thought that Bai Xu would not be able to eat, but she did not expect her food to be delicious.

After eating, Baixu turned to Hu Changshou and said, "Hu Changshou, can I have a few words with her alone?"

Hu Changshou nodded, he got up and went out.

After Hu Changshou left, Baixu looked at Su Xiaolu and said awkwardly, "I didn't know you were a woman."

"Now I know."

Su Xiaolu answered the words casually.

"I don't understand, I was so annoying at the time, why did you still show kindness to me?"

Baixu struggled for a while, but still asked the question in her heart. Knowing that Su Xiaolu was a woman, after meeting this time, there was a high probability that she and Su Xiaolu would never meet again, so there was no need to hold back what she wanted to ask.

The little bit of envy in my heart also dissipated with knowing that she was a woman.

"There is no reason, just do it if you want to do it."

Su Xiaolu couldn't remember why she did that at the time, she just did what she wanted anyway, and she didn't care who Baixu was or what she had done.

Su Xiaolu's casual frankness made Baixu look at her for a while.

Su Xiaolu is about the same age as her, she looks like a very happy person.

Baixu pondered for a while and then said: "Su Xiaolu, I want to apologize for my previous attitude. I'll tell you I'm sorry, and then thank you for giving me the medicine at that time. I wish you all the best in the future."

Baixu stood up and sincerely bowed to Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu also got up, and she smiled at Baixu: "It's fine, I wish you all the best in the future."

"Thank you, good bye."

Baixu smiled and thanked her sincerely, she stopped being entangled and turned to leave.

Su Xiaolu also followed and prepared to go home.

Hu Changshou had already settled the bill, and he was a little surprised to see Baixu and Su Xiaolu coming down so quickly, but he didn't ask any further questions.

Coming out of the inn, Hu Changshou asked Su Xiaolu, "Xiaolu, you should be leaving Beijing soon."

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Well, I'll leave after fifteen."

"Be careful on the road, have a good trip."

Hu Changshou gave a few serious instructions. Today is the eleventh day, that is, there are still four days left, and Su Xiaolu will leave Beijing.

Su Xiaolu nodded, she waved her hand: "Then cousin, I'll go back first."

Hu Changshou nodded, and Su Xiaolu waved to Baixu again: "Baixu, goodbye."

Bai Xu smiled and waved, Su Xiaolu turned and left.

Baixu looked at Su Xiaolu's back and murmured softly, "Why is she a woman?".

Hu Changshou didn't hear clearly, he thought Baixu was talking to him, but he didn't understand: "Miss Baixu, I didn't hear what you said."

Baixu shook his head: "It's nothing, thank you Hu Changshou."

Hu Changshou waved his hand: "It's nothing, you're welcome."

Baixu thought about how sad Hu Changshou was when they met yesterday. Baixu looked at Hu Changshou and asked, "Hu Changshou, thank you for helping me. But I saw you were very unhappy yesterday. If you don't mind , you can tell me, if I can help, I will help you."

Hu Changshou paused for a moment, then smiled relievedly and said, "Miss Baixu, thank you, my matter has been settled, and I've already thought about it, so I don't need your help."

Baixu frowned slightly, then she said with a smile: "Hu Changshou, I'm going to leave Beijing tomorrow too, will you drink? I want to drink tonight."

Hu Changshou didn't want to say it, and she didn't force it. Everyone has something on their minds.

She won't stay in the capital all the time, she has seen the capital as well, met friends, settled a worry, and is content.

"Miss Baixu, do you still drink alcohol?"

Hu Changshou looked at Baixu in surprise.

Baixu nodded naturally: "What's the matter, it's just drinking, whoever knows how to drink, you can't."

Hu Changshou shook his head: "I will drink a little."

"That's fine. We're friends. It's normal for friends to drink together."

Baixu smiled, her eyes were bright, she watched Hu Changshou suddenly dim, and her voice became quieter: "You don't want to be with Hu Changshou?"

I drink, unless you don't regard me as a friend, do you regard me as a friend? "

With that said, Baixu looked up at Hu Changshou again.

Hu Changshou looked at the expectation in Baixu's eyes, and said quickly: "Of course I regard you as a friend, Miss Baixu, you go back first, I'll go buy wine."

Bai Xu smiled instantly, she nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Hu Changshou pursed his lips and separated from Baixu. He actually wanted to say that men and women are different, but Baixu's eyes were radiant, and if he said this, the brilliance in those eyes would dim in an instant.

Thinking about him, he couldn't say anything, so he could only comfort himself, the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes don't care about trivial matters.

Baixu looked at Hu Changshou's back and smiled broadly. Hu Changshou helped her, and she wanted to help him too.

Baixu went back first, sat cross-legged when she got back to the house, and started to practice.

Hu Changshou bought good wine and came back with a few fish. Seeing that Baixu was practicing internal strength, he didn't bother him. He turned and went to the kitchen.

At dusk, Baixu opened her eyes, she sniffed, the corners of her mouth curled up, Hu Changshou's cooking skills are really good.

She got up and went to the kitchen. There were two pots, one for meat and one for wine.

Hu Changshou wasn't there, so Baixu sat by the stove and waited.

Hu Changshou came back soon. He bought mutton from the restaurant and some kimchi to go with it.

The two ate together, and Hu Changshou poured Baixu a small glass of wine.

Baixu got up to get a big bowl, she smiled and said, "Eat meat and drink too much, that small cup is too small, use a bowl."

Hu Changshou didn't expect Baixu to be so bold, he nodded: "Okay, as you like."

Baixu filled Hu Changshou with wine, she smiled and said, "Hu Changshou, thank you for being my friend, I respect you for this bowl."

Baixu didn't say a word after finishing speaking, she just raised her head and got bored.

Hu Changshou was shocked by her being so bold and unrestrained. He can't drink badly, so he nodded his head and took a mouthful of boredom.

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