
The king frowned.

An Xiaoou nodded solemnly: "That's right, in the human world, knowledge is extremely valuable. Ordinary ordinary people regard knowledge and achievement as a good thing to honor their ancestors, and they want to honor their ancestors." , is inseparable from knowledge.”

"Knowledge can teach people to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, can teach people to farm, and teach people to stand on the ground. No ordinary people seem to have nothing to do with knowledge, but in fact it is not. It is knowledge, so that people know how to distinguish the changes of the weather and the changing seasons. , the tide ebbs and flows, and many branches of life are inseparable from knowledge. The two worlds will eventually converge into one world. Human beings look weak, but because of knowledge, they can build ships and go to sea, and they can create all kinds of things. That tool makes them powerful."

"Literati are very clever because they have learned a lot of knowledge."

An Xiaoou didn't know if the King of the Fish Clan would accept her opinion, but when she talked about knowledge, she was in awe and admiration.

The more people learn, the smarter they become.

Human beings are weak, but they are still there today, all because of wisdom and knowledge.

People are not simple, An Xiaoou deeply felt that the fish clan should really learn human knowledge, so as to find a foothold in the world.

"What Xiaoou said makes sense."

The king let out a long sigh.

He looked at General Qinglan, and said again: "General Qinglan, those things that hurt Qingxu were all made by the human race. Xiaoou said that these are all good use of knowledge. We really should study hard .”

"If you can't keep up with the changes, you will be eliminated. Why do some of the offspring of our fish family only live as fish and cannot be transformed, while the children born to humans are born human? The knowledge Xiaoou said made me feel It's very different, you should go back and think about it, those human races, don't touch them first."

The king has spoken, and all the fish clan obeyed.

They don't think there is anything wrong with fighting with their sharp claws. They are fish people, and they are free in the sea.

But going ashore is not enough.

The human race can build boats and go to sea, and when they come to the sea, they are far away from the land. Can the fish race build something that allows them to go ashore?

Why do the fish tribe need to be transformed in order to be human, while human beings are born as human beings? Is it really because people are too smart?

These are all worth pondering.

Qing Lan's eyes fell on An Xiaoou, he narrowed his experienced eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Then you ask them why they attacked my son? I don't believe they have no purpose, as long as they have a purpose, we The situation is not good, and if I don't understand this matter, I can't feel at ease."

It is precisely because of the risk of genocide that we should not take it lightly.

The king looked at An Xiaoou again: "Xiaoou, you are also a member of the fish clan. Although you are still in the transition period, you can't change back, do you understand? Humans do anything that harms our fish clan. Things are also a threat to you, when you transform into a fish clan, you are not a human race, do you understand?"

An Xiaoou nodded: "I understand."

"If the king trusts me, let me be the envoy of the two clans, okay?"

An Xiaoou looked at the king carefully and spoke, of course she knew that she couldn't be a human being.

She became a member of the fish clan, a member of the fish clan, and she would not help the human race to harm the fish clan.

She just wanted to do her best to seek peace between the two races.

"Okay, the communication between the two clans will be handed over to Xiaoou and Haiming, and everyone else will go back and wait for arrangements."

The king nodded and ordered.

An Xiaoou and Haiming bowed their heads.

The king looked at General Qinglan again and said, "General Qinglan, Qingxu's injury won't be forgotten in this way, please wait a moment, General."

Qinglan pursed her lips, finally bowed her head and agreed: "Okay."

If it weren't for the fish clan's natural ability, Qingxu would definitely not be able to come back, and this kind of god-given ability has become weaker and weaker in the descendants of the clan.

The survival of the fish family has gone wrong, and they also want to find a better place to live.

An Xiaoou left the palace with Haiming and his son.

Haishi looked at Haiming and An Xiaoou, and said gently, "Xiaoou, the fish clan will depend on you this time, if you need anything, just tell Haiming."

An Xiaoou nodded, feeling the pressure. She couldn't help but wonder if the envoy who once traveled between the two dynasties felt the same way.

No one does not want peace.

Hai Shi looked at his son, and then left first.

An Xiaoou and Hai Ming went back together. Hai Ming held An Xiaoou's hand, and suddenly said nervously, "Xiaoou, I'm not as smart as anyone else, will you despise me?"

An Xiaoou's face turned hot, she shook her head: "No, I'm stupid too."

People with rich knowledge are only a part, and people with very smart minds are only a part.

She is also stupid.

"No, you are very smart, Xiaoou, let me go with you to meet the human race."

Haiming became very curious about the human race. What An Xiaoou said, he pondered over and over again in his heart. After thinking about it, he recognized An Xiaoou's words even more.

People are very weak, no matter how powerful they are who can swim, they cannot do without a boat in the sea.

They don't even have hard scales, let alone sharp claws, but they learn to use many unexpected things to arm their weak bodies

Come on, if the fish clan can also learn more knowledge, it will definitely be different.

An Xiaoou nodded.

Before going, An Xiaoou arranged some food to take with him. It has been a day since Su Xiaolu and the others were brought into the fish clan land, and it is getting dark now, so they also need to eat something.

After getting ready, An Xiaoou and Haiming went over together.

Hearing the sound outside, Su Xiaolu and his party all opened their eyes.

Everyone exchanged glances, some closed their eyes, Su Xiaolu and the others looked at the door.

The door opened, and seeing An Xiaoou, Su Xiaolu felt relieved, and said, "Xiaoou, you are here."

An Xiaoou smiled slightly, and led Haiming to go together. She said to Su Xiaolu, "Miss Su, this is Haiming. I am now the envoy of the two clans. To make a long story short, Your Majesty does not want to hurt you, but neither does he." I will let you go easily."

"The fish clan hopes that you will exchange it with a knowledgeable tutor. The fish clan wants to learn from humans." An Xiaoou said the request.

Su Xiaolu looked at Zhou Zhi, she couldn't explain this matter, the races were different, it involved a negotiation between the royal families of two races, and Zhou Zhi belonged to the royal family.

Zhou Zhi looked at An Xiaoou with calm eyes, his eyes fell on Hai Ming, and Zhou Zhi said, "Miss An, please tell the Yu clan that we will exchange it with the learned Taifu from Chaozhong. What is the exchange for the race? If there is a peaceful and friendly relationship between the two races, it must be reciprocal. For this reason, Ms. An should understand that human beings care most about the world."

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