Chapter 762

An Xiaoou felt very stressed. She was not a very smart and powerful person.

She thought about it carefully, made a conclusion in her mind, and then said: "Little prince, in theory, this is the case, but there are not many deeds that have torn up the covenant since ancient times. The covenant is only a temporary check and balance. We fish clan need to Become strong, only when you are strong can you have the right to speak, now there is little understanding between the two races, so they will not act rashly, but in the future, I don’t know.”

Since ancient times, those cases have shown all the time that if you are not strong enough, you will be beaten.

The covenant is only a temporary check and balance.

No covenant can be executed for a lifetime, the least is a few years, and the longest is decades.

Everyone is waiting, when the population is prosperous and the army is strong, no dynasty or generation can have absolute peace. Ferocious warriors will always be indispensable.

An Xiaoou didn't know if the Yuzu could understand this truth, but that was the truth.

"Human beings are the most insidious and cunning, which is enough to prove their wisdom. Father, please let me go. Our fish clan's life expectancy is far longer than that of the human clan. Perhaps accidents will happen after a long time, but in just a few years, the human race Until we fully understand our world, we are safe to go."

Yuyan looked at her father seriously and asked again.

The king was thinking about it, but he was already a little shaken in his heart.

"Your Majesty, I would like to go with the little prince."

Haiming stepped forward, made a fist with his right hand, and gently leaned against his heart.

There is a problem with the reproduction of their fish clan. Human beings have the highest knowledge, so they should learn when they should learn. Every fish clan member has a fearless heart.

"Your Majesty, and my family"

For a while, all the elders rushed to express their opinions. They are the leaders of the fish clan and must be at the forefront.

Everything is for the sake of future generations.

All Pisces are expressing their views.

The little prince Yuyan definitely did not go alone.

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to go with you."

An Xiaoou also stood up. She thought she would live on the bottom of the sea forever, but she didn't expect to be able to return to the land. She changed her identity and race. She is still familiar with that land. With her, the fish clan people It is also convenient, because she can understand human speech.

Maybe she and her elder brother and younger uncle can meet again. She believes that even if they change their racial identities, her elder brother will still be her elder brother, and her younger uncle will still be her younger uncle.

The king nodded in relief, and he said calmly: "Little Ou, take me to meet that human prince Ming tomorrow. Since we want to form an alliance, I can also make some demands on him. If these demands can be met, Then let them go, if they don’t keep their promise, then don’t worry about it, I will personally take them to the depths of the sea and kill them.”

The fish clan may not have such a smart mind as the human race, if they can't think too far, then don't think about it, everything is based on what the eyes see.

An Xiaoou nodded. Now that she is also a member of the fish tribe, she must think more about the fish tribe.

"Okay, you all go back."

The king waved his hand, he is very old, he is already one hundred and eighty-five years old this year, he may die of illness at any time, but at most it will not be more than fifteen years.

The lifespan of the fish family is close to two hundred, and there are very few people who exceed two hundred. He doesn't think he will become a very special king.

After everyone retreated.

The king left his two sons behind.

The eldest son, Yuheng, is an upright man in his prime and is the best successor.

The second son, Yuyan, is a young man. Because of his weaker body, he is much smarter than his peers. From his son's eyes, he can also see the expectation of detection.

When there was a change in the sea area, Yuyan proposed to go out to investigate many times, but he refused.

Now, he is going to be sent to a fish clan that he doesn't understand at all, and his heart is full of worries.

"Yuyan, have you really thought about it?"

he asked worriedly.

Yuyan's eyes were firm: "Father, brother, let me go. I will study hard and write the knowledge into a book and send it back. In the future, we fish clan will also learn some useful knowledge."

"But in exchange, father, we can fool the human race with the space technique. They will be eager for this ability, but they will never be able to learn our natural talent."

Yuyan is proud and confident, with open eyes.

Lao Wang nodded with a smile: "That's exactly what Wei father thinks."

Space art is a unique talent of the fish clan. The human race knows this ability, and they definitely want to learn it. They can teach it, but whether they can learn it or not is not a problem for their fish clan.

Yuheng patted Yuyan on the shoulder: "If you are in any danger, tell us, even if the human race is in danger, my brother will lead the fish clan to save you."

They don't know so many strange things, but as long as humans dare to hurt their people, even with the most primitive claws and fangs, they will definitely make the people pay a heavy price!

"Good boy, the god of the sea will protect you, and the endless sea will give you strength."

The king looked at his two sons with satisfaction, his eyes were full of pride.

He thinks that the fish family will definitely find a new life in this difficult world, and all puzzles will be answered.


After An Xiaoou left, Su Xiaolu thought carefully about what Zhou Zhi said.

She already had a picture in her mind, the exchange of civilizations across clans.

Su Xiaolu couldn't help but asked Zhou Zhi: "Fourth Brother, do you think the Yuzu will agree?"

Zhou Zhi smiled lightly and said: "There is a high probability that it will. The big kun has appeared in the sea for a long time. They know that the people of the human race are the most common fishermen on the seashore, and they also have great wisdom. Knowledge, the fish race must be eager for it."

A fish is just a fish without wisdom. Only with wisdom can we know how to think, and if we can think, we will naturally desire knowledge.

Humans are smarter than fishes, and the fish race certainly desires human knowledge.

Similarly, fish people have special abilities, which are magical and mysterious, and they are also very longed for by people.

And two different worlds, different races, the first negotiation, no matter what the other party is, this first covenant will definitely be successful.

So an alliance can be achieved.

If the fish tribe likes to kill, they won't live until this time, and when they are caught and can be slaughtered, they will directly attack them to avoid future troubles.

"Xiaolu, maybe you can often see Yuzu people in the capital in the future."

There was a smile on the corner of Zhou Zhi's mouth. With the fish race, will there be other beast races?

The future world is really wonderful.

"If there is no accident, I can see them often, but I don't know if they will feel as uncomfortable as we do now when they arrive in the capital."

Su Xiaolu was a little depressed, she couldn't figure out why her body felt so uncomfortable, she was standing on the ground with her feet, but she felt hung upside down.

"Maybe it won't be as uncomfortable as ours. They are in the sea area and have no restrictions at all, but they will record it when the time comes." Zhou Zhi's eyes deepened, and he was already looking forward to it. He will record and observe the whole process.

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