"Can you make beasts? Like which ones?"

The eldest prince Yuheng asked, the fish clan is actually a beast clan, and they need a lot of things to transform into a human form, unlike the human race, who are born human.

It looks weak, but very strong.

They have never thought that the human race can have a way to make the genocide.

"There are some cattle, sheep, pigs and horses, not only beasts, but also used on humans."

An Xiaoou answered truthfully, and she didn't exaggerate, she was telling the truth.

But these, in the eyes of the Yuzu, are earth-shattering.

At this time, no one spoke, and everyone was silent.

After a while, Old Wang said: "Let's all get ready to form an alliance with the human race."

To get a foothold, you have to work hard, you can't choose to hide without trying.

In the next few days, the entire fish family fell into a state of nervous alert.

An Xiaoou's neck was already covered with fine scales, so she went to deliver food to Su Xiaolu.

Seeing that Su Xiaolu's bags of medicinal materials disappeared as soon as he collected them, An Xiaoou was terrified.

Su Xiaolu smiled at her, and ate slowly and methodically. An Xiaoou watched from the side, and wanted to open his mouth to ask a few times, but swallowed the words back.

Su Xiaolu looked at her helplessly: "Xiaoou, if it's really hard to say it, or go out, I can't bear you like this."

An Xiaoou blushed, she looked at Su Xiaolu, and asked cautiously: "Miss Su, you, have you really prepared medicinal materials to make the fish clan extinct?"

Su Xiaolu looked at Xiaoou, An Xiaoou had changed a lot, looking at the pink scales on her neck, Su Xiaolu smiled and asked, "Little Ou, how long will it take you to turn into a fish?"

An Xiaoou has changed a lot. Maybe An Lie will not recognize her when he sees her again in the future.

"I don't know either. Haiming said that it will take a few more months. When I can become a fish, I will be completely a member of the fish family. By then, I should not be able to speak."

When she becomes a fish clan, her body will also become different. She can transform into a human like Hai Ming, but she is not a real human anymore.

The language of the fish clan is sound waves, and the fish clan turns into humans, and their bodies are also different.

An Xiaoou looked at Su Xiaolu. Miss Su hadn't answered her question yet.

Su Xiaolu smiled warmly and said: "If the two races form an alliance, I won't, but if they don't form an alliance, I will definitely do that. You also know that there is a saying in our human race that it means that even if you die, you have to pull a few backs. Well, he is not a kind person who is merciful or merciful."

An Xiaoou's heart sank.

Su Xiaolu went on to say: "However, I don't know if the medicine has such a big effect, after all, I haven't used it before."

An Xiaoou forced a smile: "The king has already decided to form an alliance."

I don't know what will happen after forming an alliance, but if we don't form an alliance, the result will definitely not be very good.

The fish family may be very resistant now, but after they understand more, they will definitely not regret this decision.

"That's great, everyone's happy."

Su Xiaolu ate the last bite of food, she wiped her mouth and sighed: "Xiaoou, don't you feel too raw after eating these now?"

The food made by the Yuzu tribe really tastes terrible, there is no feeling of warmth, only lukewarm, a bit uncooked.

An Xiaoou shook his head: "I'm quite used to it."

"That's good, little gull, live a good life. The fish clan is much simpler than humans, but it is not without struggle. No matter what your identity is, you must work hard to become stronger. Do you understand that the fish clan will set foot in the mainland in the future?"

Su Xiaolu looked at An Xiaoou seriously and said.

An Xiaoou was a little puzzled why Su Xiaolu said this to her, but seeing the sincere warning in her eyes, An Xiaoou felt warm in her heart, and she nodded solemnly: "I will, thank you Miss Su reminder."

Ms. Su should have seen Haiming's affection for her and was worried that she would be lost because of her feelings.

Miss Su is right, only when she is strong enough can she completely control her life.

Su Xiaolu returned to the shell bed, lay down, and rubbed her belly to increase digestion.

Lying down right after eating is not good at all, but walking around in the fish tribe's land is uncomfortable, so it's better to lie down.

An Xiaoou went out gently and closed the door.


There are big kuns appearing back and forth on the sea all the time.

Jin Er and the others knew that this was an investigation.

Before, they thought that there were only a few big kuns in the whole sea area, but it was not. There were many big kuns appearing back and forth. Because they didn't know each other, they couldn't tell them apart, so they thought there were only a few of them.

I don't know how they distinguish human beings, Jin Er feels that they find them accurately every time, recognizing people but not ships.

Fifth day of May.

There are red clouds rising in the distance.

All the big kuns in the sea surfaced to check, and then dived into the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

Jin Er also took out the signal to let go, waiting for the reconciliation.

A few things will come true, and rows of ships appear on the sea.

Slowly approaching this side, these ships are official ships, many people are in the ships, dressed plainly, but they are all very skilled.

Zhou Heng stood on the deck in black armor.

After the reconciliation, Zhou Heng stepped over, nodded to Jin Er and the others, and asked, "Where are they?"

Jin Er pointed to the surface of the sea, which seemed to be calm,

But the bottom of the sea is certainly not calm.

Zhou Heng walked to the edge of the fence and looked down. The blue sea could not be seen to the bottom, which made people feel palpitating.

He squinted his eyes, feeling as if something was slowly rising.

Zhou Heng saw it clearly, the black shadow was so big.

The big kun, it turns out that the big kun is so big.

The one on Big Kun seems to be a human figure?

Zhou Heng frowned.

As the big Kun slowly came out of the water, Zhou Heng saw a 'person' on the big Kun. It looked like a person, but there was a flash reaction on her exposed neck, which turned out to be scales.

An Xiaoou was not afraid of being sized up, she looked at Zhou Heng and the others and said slowly: "You guys, follow, let'sā€”"

An Xiaoou patted Haiming under him lightly, and Da Kun swam away gently. An Xiaoou's figure was always on the surface of the sea, allowing Zhou Heng and the others to see clearly.

Zhou Heng waved his hand and ordered: "Follow."

With An Xiaoou leading the way above the sea, Zhou Heng and the others were not worried about following the wrong way.

Zhou Heng turned to Su Hua and said, "Ah Hua, tell them to keep records."

Is this the route to the land of the fish family? Whether it is or not, write it down.

There was a white mist on the sea surface, and through the fog, the figures leading them could be vaguely seen all the way ahead. It can be seen that there is still no change in the sea area.

It was getting dark.

It wasn't until they experienced heavy fog six times, and the night passed and the sky became bright, that the figures in front of them stopped, and the big ship also stopped.

"Your Highness, there are big kuns all around, especially many."

Su Hua walked quickly to Zhou Heng's side and spoke in a low voice.

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