Old Wang saw that Zhou Heng was only taking one person with him, and he said kindly: "It doesn't matter if there are more people."

Zhou Heng smiled and shook his head: "No need, my elder brother is in the fish clan."

Enough already.

Old Wang Shang felt a little weird, so he didn't say any more, he pulled Zhou Heng and jumped into the sea.

When they got out of the sea, both Zhou Heng and Su Hua panicked, but only for a few breaths.

After the calm, they all opened their eyes wide and spoke at once, but couldn't say anything.

But the two looked at each other and smiled, what they wanted to express should be the same.

They are not cold in the sea, and they don't feel suffocated.

Lord Wang has already taken them to swim to the bottom of the sea.

All the big kuns are returning, and they have turned into human forms, which is particularly shocking to watch.

The fish family is in the sea, just like people are born to breathe.

Just holding hands, Lao Wang can make them breathe in the sea like fish, which really shocked him.

There are so many secrets of the Fish Clan, and it will definitely be a long process to understand this process. In their world, besides the Fish Clan, what other races are they?

Exploration, the thirst for knowledge in their hearts is all aroused, they want to explore and understand, for the sake of all their subjects and their descendants.

The bottom of the sea is blue, slowly turning into black.

Finally, a little light appeared in the distance, and the closer it was, the brighter it became.

Zhou Heng opened his mouth in surprise, Ye Mingzhu, which is bigger than a human head.

Connected into lines, inlaid on each roof ridge, big and small, countless.

The Yuzu people have all turned into human forms, but their own characteristics are still clearly visible.

Zhou Heng smiled slightly and nodded slightly to the Yuzu people.

After entering the fish clan palace, the old king brought a conch chain to Zhou Heng and Su Hua, and said, "Put it on, so that when you are in the palace, it is no different from being on land."

Both Zhou Heng and Su Hua took Dai on.

Zhou Heng said politely: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the Fish Clan Palace opened my eyes, and I admire it from the bottom of my heart. I believe that when I come to study with my subjects, I will definitely do the same."

"The prince has won the prize."

Lao Wang also smiled lightly, his family was praised, which is naturally a proud and happy thing.

"Your Majesty, can my royal brother let them come to see me?"

Zhou Heng asked politely.

Lao Wang nodded: "Of course there is no problem."

The two princes of the human race are already in the fish clan, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

An alliance is necessary, and maybe the covenant will no longer exist after many years, but the two tribes will definitely be able to form an alliance peacefully and exchange tribes to learn.

Zhou Zhi and the others had already obtained a conch chain, and after wearing it, the feeling of being upside down disappeared.

The fish people took them out, Zhou Zhi showed a faint smile.

Su Xiaolu eats the fruit in the sea, which tastes salty and sweet, and it tastes delicious after getting used to it.

Now that you are a VIP, the treatment will be different.

When he came to the palace, he saw that all the well-known members of the fish tribe were there, and seeing a familiar figure, Su Xiaolu rushed over and said happily, "Second brother, why are you here?"

Su Hua rubbed Su Xiaolu's hair: "How are you doing recently, have you been wronged?"

Su Xiaolu smiled and shook her head, how could she be wronged, the Yuzu people looked at her with fear, knowing her identity, only An Xiaoou came to deliver meals every day, the others stayed away.

They were all afraid that she would make some extinction medicine.

Seeing the sly light in Su Xiaolu's eyes, Su Hua looked gentle and doting: "You."

Su Xiaolu giggled.

She pulled Su Hua's sleeve and asked, "Second brother, are you surprised to see the shark race? It's really nice to see them transformed into prototypes, right?"

Su Hua nodded. It is undeniable that Yuzu is very beautiful.

In their world, they would turn into huge kuns, but in the land of the fish tribe, they could be mermaids with human bodies and fish tails. The beautiful fish tails swing freely, and the scales of different colors shine under the luster of the night pearl. , and their appearance is also beautiful.

Even if some murlocs have obvious features, they are still good-looking.

Zhou Zhi also walked in front of them, Su Hua nodded slightly, and said softly, "I've seen King Ming."

Zhou Heng looked at Zhou Zhi, and asked with concern, "Ah Zhi, how is everything?"

Zhou Zhi smiled lightly: "It's not bad, you discussed it with them and said that I will stay and learn their fish clan's space magic."

As soon as Zhou Zhi's words came out of his mouth, Zhou Heng and others were surprised.

"Ah Zhi, here—"

Zhou Zhi really wanted to say that it was not clear here, and he couldn't take risks.

Zhou Zhi interrupted him: "Brother Huang, I've been tired for so many years, and now I just want to take this opportunity to improve myself. Brother Huang won't agree?"

He and Su Xiaolu will be separated for a few years.

When Su Xiaolu grows up, he also wants to see his own heart again.

Zhou Heng had nothing to say.

Su Hua looked at Su Xiaolu with some doubts in his eyes, but it was only for a moment.

He wanted to ask Su Xiaolu something, but it wasn't here.

Zhou Heng looked at Zhou Zhi, and said seriously: "Ah Zhi, if you really want to stay, I respect your decision, but if you don't want to, is there a way for my brother to know? Now, I can protect you."

As the elder brother, he should have protected his younger brother.

Zhou Zhi looked at Zhou Heng,

He suddenly laughed: "Of course I voluntarily, I don't want to, no one can force me."

Zhou Zhi didn't talk to Zhou Heng, but looked at An Xiaoou and said, "Miss An, tell them what we said between our brothers. I'm sorry to bother you these few days, and you fish clan are also discussing it. Let those go back to the capital with my brother."

An Xiaoou nodded, she calmed down the shock in her heart, and then told the fish family what Zhou Zhi said just now.

Lao Wang gave the order: "Take the guests to have a good rest."

The fish clan will also send some to go to the human race Zhou Dynasty together.

Except for the little prince Yuyan, Haiming and An Xiaoou, everyone else had to discuss who would go. This time, at least ten of them would go.

Zhou Zhi and Zhou Heng went down together, and now they can move around freely.

Their belongings, the Fish Clan, were also returned.

Su Hua and the others started talking as soon as they came back.

Su Xiaolu hugged her sword and looked for Guiyou, she blinked playfully and said, "Master, we haven't practiced in the sea yet, why don't we try it and see if it's different from that on land. "

Guiyou raised his brows: "This is the master's intention, let's go, find a spacious place."

The master and apprentice walked out, and the fish clan they saw were not easy to stop, so they just followed from a distance.

Seeing them stop, the Yuzu people also heaved a sigh of relief, they didn't understand the language, and they didn't know what the two of them were going to do. Now that they were distinguished guests, they couldn't stop them.

Thankfully they stopped by themselves.

But in the next second, they suddenly drew their swords and started to fight. The Yuzu people were stunned for a moment, and after looking at them, they suddenly realized that they were just playing around. So they watched it with gusto.

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