Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 1005 Decapitation (2)

There are naturally many anti-aircraft gun positions deployed around this military base. After receiving the warning from the radar station, the anti-aircraft gun positions immediately exploded. With the shrill sirens, all the soldiers entered their combat positions as quickly as possible; Countless anti-aircraft guns were aimed at the direction in which the German bombers were about to fly.

"Damn it, these German guys aren't really coming to bomb here, are they?!" Since the 150mm anti-aircraft guns were deployed here, those ME-264D high-altitude bombers have never come here again. But the news from the radar station said that this time it was a jet bomber flying at an altitude of more than 17,000 meters. This makes most anti-aircraft gunners anxious. After all, the effective shooting height of the 150mm anti-aircraft gun is only 16,000 meters.

"Who knows? Maybe the Germans are just passing by." Many people prayed in their hearts that these damn Germans were really just passing by.

Unfortunately, the Germans did not let them get what they wanted. More than half an hour later, three black spots appeared in the distant sky, slowly getting bigger, and soon a dull roar was heard.



"Da da da da da!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"


Almost at the same time, hundreds of nearby anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns opened fire, wildly spraying bullets into the sky. Artillery shells of various calibers continued to explode in the sky, and the entire sky was like a basin of boiling water with foam.

However, these shells could not cause even a little damage to the bombers flying at an altitude of 17,000 meters. The three B-52 bombers easily flew over the dense barrage below and flew over the base.

"Get ready to drop the bomb! I wonder if we can blow up all these guys." The bombardier pressed the bomb release button and mocked.

Next to him is an operator sitting in front of a television. Because it needs to hit the center of the base accurately, the bomb is television-guided. "I don't know if it can blow them up, but it can kill all the rats underground, that's for sure."

As the bomb fell, the optical fiber in the belly of the machine also fell off quickly. The dropped bomb followed the operator's control and fell straight towards the center of the base below. In order to ensure foolproofness, in addition to fiber optic guidance, this earth-penetrating bomb is also equipped with radio guidance. Once the optical fiber breaks or fails, the radio control can be replaced immediately.

After the ground-penetrating bomb's trajectory stabilized, the operator pressed another button and ignited the rocket thruster mounted on the tail of the bomb.

"Oh God! What is that?!" The troops on the ground were stunned when they saw the giant bomb falling from the sky!

"Quick, knock it down!" Someone shouted and shook the handle of the anti-aircraft gun desperately, trying to aim at the huge bomb and fire.

At this time, a cone-shaped cloud appeared behind the bomb's body, and its falling speed exceeded the speed of sound. In the horrified eyes of everyone, the bomb hit the concrete floor in the center of the military base with huge kinetic energy. The entire bomb body smashed into the ground and disappeared.

When a nuclear earth-penetrating projectile passes through rock or concrete, the projectile body may rupture due to the huge impact force, and the internal electronic equipment and nuclear charges are easily damaged. Therefore, the shell of a nuclear earth-penetrating bomb is very strong and has an overall design with few welds. In order to avoid high-temperature burning of the warhead during the process of drilling into the ground, there are heat-proof coatings on the inside and outside of the nuclear ground-penetrating bomb shell. In particular, there must be a heat-proof liner between the inside of the shell and the charge. In order to reduce the vibration of the internal device, there is usually stuffing inside the projectile. In addition, the layout of the internal device must ensure that the center of mass of the projectile is at an appropriate position to ensure the stability of the ballistic trajectory during the ground penetration process.

All the anti-aircraft artillery positions stopped firing, and countless pairs of eyes were staring at the big crater created by the bombs. After a few seconds of silence, a big lump suddenly bulged out from the ground in the center of the military base, and countless streaks of light shot into the sky. Flames shot out from cracks everywhere. Then the bulging ground suddenly collapsed, and a huge pit appeared.

As we all know, earthquakes are caused by the fracture and dislocation of rocks deep underground, which rapidly releases the energy accumulated over a long period of time and spreads in all directions in the form of seismic waves. Underground nuclear explosions obviously have the characteristics of strong energy release, which is equivalent to an earthquake.

As waves of earthquake waves swept away in all directions with devastating force, various buildings in the base collapsed one after another, and people were turned upside down on the air defense positions in the distance.

On an anti-aircraft gun position, the U.S. military officer who had finally survived several waves of seismic waves stood up unsteadily, looking at the messy position, and was shocked and speechless. Those big guys with a caliber of 150mm were knocked aside by the seismic wave, and many people were crushed to pieces by these big guys.

"Oh God!" The officer stumbled and circled the anti-aircraft gun next to him. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the base not far away. There was no complete building visible there, only a fragment of ruins, and fires were burning in several places.

"Quick, save people!" He quickly picked up a few soldiers who could still move and ran towards the base. He had an ominous premonition that the German bombs must be aimed at high-level government officials in the underground fortifications.

A soldier ran behind and said as he ran. "Platoon leader, why are you anxious? Isn't there water, food and air stored down there? I heard that just the air can last for a week. And the passages leading there are reinforced and can withstand Level 8 earthquake."

"This is not a magnitude 8 earthquake, it is simply a magnitude 10 earthquake!" Of course, no one has ever experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. The largest earthquake recorded so far is the 1906 Ecuador earthquake: magnitude 8 on the Richter scale, which occurred along the coasts of Ecuador and Colombia.

As for the largest earthquake in later generations, a magnitude 5 earthquake occurred in Chile on May 21, 1960. From this day to May 30, the country was hit by several earthquakes. During the earthquakes, six extinct volcanoes erupted again and three new volcanoes emerged. The magnitude 5 earthquake on May 21 caused the largest tsunami of the 20th century; it was the largest earthquake ever recorded with instruments.

While they were talking, they had already run to the outskirts of the base. Seeing that the usually tall walls and locked gates had collapsed, several of them sighed with lingering fear. "This is too scary. What kind of bomb did the Germans throw?! Did they invent some kind of 'seismic bomb'?"

A soldier grabbed the platoon leader who was about to cross the ruins of the wall and enter the base. "Uh, platoon leader, we don't have passes. If you break into the base without permission, you will be shot!"

The platoon leader rolled his eyes speechlessly. "What's the point of caring about the pass at this time? Saving people is more important!"

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