Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 208 Eben Emar Fortress


Daniel suddenly pulled the bomb release button, and the huge Grand Slam bomb detached from the pylon inside the belly of the aircraft. At the same time, the He-177 body suddenly jumped upwards, and Daniel even felt the seat belt tied to his body being tightened. There was a tight feeling, but his eyes never left the bombsight, staring closely at the falling bombs and the targets on the ground.

Ordinary bombers will immediately accelerate their return after dropping their bombs. But this He-177 bomber slowed down instead. After all, if it just flew away, the dropped bomb would become a headless fly in free fall; it needed to slow down and become a stable operating platform so that Daniel could better control the bomb.

This is like a paradox. If the mother aircraft leaves quickly after dropping the bomb, the unmanned bomb will become a free-falling ordinary bomb; but if the mother aircraft hovers slowly over the target, it will be easily destroyed by the opponent's anti-aircraft fire or It was the fighter planes that blew it up; then no one can operate the bomb either.

Therefore, it is the safest place where bombs can only be dropped in places with little air defense like the Eben Emaar Fortress.

Daniel stared closely at his target, the 120mm turret in the center of the Eben Emaar Fortress. At the same time, his right hand held the joystick on the side tightly, fiddling back and forth to control the trajectory of the bomb.

The cross-shaped luminous signal light at the tail of the missile body flashed continuously. This signal light reminded the operator of the location of the bomb.

And Daniel must accurately hit his target according to this row of indicator lights! This is just like the drone model aircraft of later generations, which uses radio control, and the operating stick that Daniel is tinkering with is like controlling the handle of the drone, through which it sends out signals and adjusts the attitude of the bomb.

It sounds simple, but it is not easy to operate!

Even later generations have not completely solved the problem of radio signal delay, let alone now that even transistors cannot be mass-produced.

The joystick could only send four commands, up, down, left, and right. Daniel saw that the trajectory of the Grand Slam was leaning to the left, and controlled the joystick to correct it. However, it took a full second for the electromagnetic drive rudder mounted on the bomb's tail to react sluggishly. There was a reaction. He found that this correction was too much, and the bomb suddenly deflected to the right.

"Damn it!" Beads of sweat broke out on his forehead, and his heartbeat was as high as more than a hundred times per second!

They are part of the X force of the Guards, and their main task is to carry out various secret weapon experiments. It was all about training and simulation tests on weekdays, and the actual combat was just a few days ago when I dropped one in an open field on the outskirts of the Norwegian capital.

Whether it is a test or actual combat, this thing is really difficult to control. The bomb moved left, right, up, and down, like a swaying drunkard walking.

Daniel took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He has the best results in daily training, which is why he was sent to carry out today's mission. He must not mess up now!

As the bombs continued to fall, the huge missile became smaller and smaller, and only the row of flashing signal lights at the rear left could be seen.

Daniel gradually calmed down and adjusted the joystick smaller and smaller.

Because there is a delay, each correction will be excessive, and then the reverse adjustment will be made too far. The solution is to only adjust a small amount at a time, so that even if the adjustment is not in place, you can continue to adjust, and even if the adjustment is overdone, it will not be too outrageous.

Finally, the bomb had dropped to a height of more than 1,000 meters, and its speed was almost approaching the speed of sound.

Daniel carefully released the control stick. Firstly, at this altitude and speed, the airflow could hardly affect the flight trajectory of the bomb. Secondly, as the bomb fell lower and lower, the delay became more and more serious. If he continued to control it, he might will deviate further from the goal.

He stared nervously at the tail signal light and saw the bomb slamming into the ground about 20 meters away from the 120mm turret.

"God bless!" Daniel took a few sharp breaths and slumped on the chair. In just over twenty seconds, it seemed like a century had passed.

"Daniel, how's it going?" The captain's voice sounded from the loudspeaker nearby.

Daniel picked up the communicator. "Mission accomplished, return!"

He-177 and the accompanying Stuka and BF-109 returned, and saw a huge group of JU-52 transport aircraft flying towards this direction from a distance. There is a tow rope hanging on the back of each JU-52 transport aircraft, and a DFS230 military glider is towed on the tow rope.

As if receiving some kind of signal, the JU-52 transport aircraft group slowly divided into four formations and flew in different directions.

The Eben Emaar Fortress is surrounded by artificial canals. Since it is a river, there is a bridge. There are three bridges on the Albert Canal on the northwest side of the fortress: Canney Bridge, Froenhafen Bridge and Feldweseldt Bridge, which are the only way to cross the canal from east to west. ?

In addition to this fortress, the three bridges must be captured to successfully complete the mission!

Therefore the first echelon of the attack was divided into four commando groups, codenamed Concrete, Steel, Granite and Iron.

The "Granite" commando is responsible for capturing the fortress; the "Concrete" commando is responsible for capturing the Froenhafen Bridge; the "Steel" commando is responsible for capturing the Feldweseldt Bridge; and the "Iron" commando is responsible for capturing the Canni Bridge.

In a glider in the "Granite" commando team, squad leader Fred looked at the He-177 in the distance and muttered. "Looks like their mission is accomplished."

"Attention, we are about to land." After a while, the glider pilot reminded loudly. The glider has no engine noise and everyone can hear it clearly.

This glider needs to rely on the wheels when taking off, but the wheels will be abandoned after taking off, because the wheels will add extra resistance and weight, and when landing, the wheels need a runway long enough to land.

The best way to shorten the landing distance is to increase the resistance during landing. To this end, they usually wrap a large amount of iron wire around the landing skid of the glider. This approach has gradually become a common battlefield modification method for the German airborne troops. They can even add a speed reducer on the tail of the aircraft. These allow the glider to make a rapid dive at a steep angle, land and stop within a short distance in an emergency.

But the impact force during such a head-on landing was very powerful. After being reminded by the glider pilot, everyone in the cabin tightened their grip on the handles around them.

Fred looked through the window and saw green smoke lingering over the Eben Emar Fortress. The center of the fortress was in a mess, and streams of smoke spewed out from cracks in the ground from time to time.

"How interesting." Fred couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, because he noticed that a large piece of the fortress' ground collapsed, forming a huge crater, but there were no traces of being bombed by aerial bombs on the surface. The scene looked like a big explosion underground.

Before he could think about it, the heavy skid under the belly of the glider had already collided with the platform on the top of the fortress.

Immediately afterwards, they felt a huge impact. If it weren't for the seat belt, Fred felt like he could be bounced up and his head would break through the roof of the cabin.

There was a harsh friction sound under the feet, and the speed of the glider became slower and slower, and it stopped after a while.

"Another safe landing." Fred was secretly grateful.

Although gliders have the advantages of being "silent", having a small airborne dispersion range for personnel, and being able to collect personnel for combat as soon as they land, they are not very safe.

Friends who have watched the American drama "Band of Brothers" about paratroopers know that paratroopers riding gliders not only face the same threat of enemy anti-aircraft firepower as paratroopers in the air. Moreover, landing is simply a "ghost gate" for the glider troops. Any obstacle on the landing field may cause the tragedy of aircraft crash and death.

However, he couldn't show this feeling on his face. As a squad leader, he had to set an example and take the lead; otherwise, if he showed a timid expression, the soldiers below might be so frightened that they wet their pants.

He quickly unbuckled his seat belt, pulled open the cabin door, and yelled. "Hurry up!"

The paratroopers in the cabin filed out of the cabin door with assault rifles in their arms and rushed towards the assigned targets.

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