Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 258: The End of France (28)

Question: What do you call a hundred thousand French people who raise their hands at the same time?

Answer: The French Army, of course.

Q: How can you identify a French veteran?

A: Just look at his armpits, they are so healthy from the sun.

Q: If the French wanted to sell surplus rifles from World War II, what would their advertising slogan be?

Answer: "Brand new, never fired, only thrown to the ground once."

There were many such jokes in later generations, and at this moment Guderian was walking among these living jokes, and he had to drive these people aside with a loudspeaker. "We don't have time to capture you, put down your weapons, get off the road and stay out of the way."

Guderian's 19th Armored Corps was rushing toward the English Channel. From time to time, what stands in front of them is not the French warriors who are ready to sacrifice their lives for their country; but the French who have suffered a mental breakdown and completely lost their fighting spirit.

"These guys are really annoying." Looking at the French soldiers rushing down the road, Guderian spat disdainfully.

The adjutant on the side looked at these gray-faced French soldiers with disbelief on their faces. "I can't believe these are actually French soldiers. Why is there such a huge contrast with the performance during the last war?" If we had encountered French soldiers like this in the last war, France would have long been in the hands of Germany. .

But the fact is that during the last war, the French were very brave. They devoted themselves to the First World War to avoid the shame of the Franco-Prussian War. Throughout the First World War, the French army's equipment level and combat capabilities were world-class.

At that time, when revanchism permeated all classes in France, the French mentality on the battlefield was "to defeat the Germans at all costs."

For example, in the famous fierce battle of Verdun, Germany did not take advantage of France. In ten months of fierce fighting, the French army suffered 60,000 killed and more than 400,000 disabled, while the Germans suffered 30,000 killed and 350,000 disabled.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to say that the French army "lost miserably" before the US military intervened. Before the United States entered the war in 1917, the German-Austrian Allied Forces and the Russian Army's Carpathian War (January-April 1915) alone cost the German-Austrian Army 800,000 casualties. At this time, the French Army was still attacking on the Western Front. .

Looking at these hopeless French soldiers now, it is hard to imagine that they are all from the same country.

Guderian replied casually. "Maybe I was scared last time." Just like people often have unlimited potential between life and death, but when the danger is over and they come back to their senses, they will be scared. It is basically impossible for you to explode again.

The most important thing is that the Maginot Line cost the French too much effort, gave the French too much of an illusory sense of security, and even became their spiritual support.

The French soldiers spent the whole day doing nothing, neither fighting nor training, let alone those unheard-of infantry-tank coordination and air-ground coordination tactics.

The French soldiers' daily job was to dig useless field fortifications and enjoy the rich and comprehensive recreational facilities provided by the rear. They believed that the Germans would inevitably be beaten to death in front of the Maginot Line and that this war would be an "easy war."

Until the German army broke through the Ardennes Forest, the Maginot Line played almost no role. This made the French army feel that the world was falling apart, at a loss what to do, and its will to resist was extremely weak. How could such an army win the war?

Guderian looked down upon the various weapons thrown by the French soldiers on the road at all, and simply let the tanks run over them, crushing these French weapons with little capture value into scrap metal. The only thing he was interested in now was the gas stations along the way. and oil depots.

The speed of advancement of the 19th Panzer Corps not only caught the coalition forces off guard, but also made the German high command feel a little uneasy. Even Marshal Rundstedt, who always allowed his men to act freely, asked Yannick whether he should let Guderian pause his advance?

Yannick smiled disapprovingly and ordered to run as long as there was enough fuel.

Churchill, who returned to London, took the time to write a letter to the President of the United States after issuing the order to convene the meeting.

To be precise, it's a letter asking for help.

He had written to Roosevelt as early as after the Scapa Flow attack, hoping to purchase American warships.

Although Roosevelt was happy to help, it was a pity that the United States was not Germany. As President of the United States, Roosevelt could not do whatever he wanted like the German Crown Prince Yannick, especially if he could not damage the interests of too many capitalists.

The members of Congress were all representatives of various monopoly consortiums, and these big shots who could influence the United States opened large and small companies and factories in Germany, making a lot of money as the war expanded.

Naturally, most of these people support Germany!

In addition to them, there are many Germans in the United States who immigrated from Germany after the last war.

As a defeated country, domestic conditions were naturally very difficult, and many Germans chose to immigrate to the United States. However, in their hearts, they still carry the shame of the First World War, and they still think about their motherland.

And most of these people are wealthy people. After living in the United States for so many years, they still have some influence.

Therefore, the last time Roosevelt proposed the British warship purchase bill in Congress, he was opposed by most people, and the British ship purchase plan also came to nothing.

Especially now, a new round of general elections in the United States is about to begin, and Roosevelt, who is preparing to run again, will not do anything that offends public outrage at this time.

Yes, he's running for a third term as president, since no one has served three terms since President Washington.

At that time, Washington voluntarily left office after two terms, which later became a common practice in American politics. Jefferson, Madison, etc. all stopped seeking the nomination of their parties after two terms. Grant sought the third nomination in 1876 and 1880, but failed. In the 1880 Republican National Convention, he led the first 35 rounds of votes, but never reached a majority. In the 36th round, James Garfield suddenly emerged. , became the Republican candidate.

However, this is just a tradition and is not written into the Constitution (until 1947, when Congress passed the 22nd Constitutional Amendment with a two-thirds majority, the presidential term was officially limited to two terms).

When Roosevelt first took office, he inherited a mess. The U.S. economy was about to collapse. Roosevelt turned the tide and successfully pulled the United States back.

This was originally a great thing. In the original time and space, the Dispatch Party became a "reform" party in the minds of Americans, and Roosevelt became a standard-bearer of "reform". In his second election in 1936, Roosevelt received 98.49% of the vote, second only to Washington and Monroe, becoming one of the presidents elected with the highest electoral votes.

But by this time, Yannick had already used various New Deal and reform measures in Germany, and Roosevelt's measures no longer seemed so novel. The opposition party sarcastically ridiculed Roosevelt as a "copycat" president. Even if a monkey sat on the presidential throne, he could do a better job than him.

Therefore, Roosevelt's vote rate in the 36-year election in this time and space was 62%, which was far lower than the vote rate in the original time and space.

No one in the Democratic Party was optimistic about Roosevelt's third election, because there was a candidate with the highest voice in the Democratic Party, Wendell Willkie, and it would be difficult for Roosevelt to win; however, Roosevelt stubbornly decided to run for the third time. campaign.

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