Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 482: Landing Deduction

"What?!" Daoding stood up suddenly, stared at the staff officer in front of him with splitting eyes, and yelled. "Can you say that again?!"

The staff officer swallowed nervously and said tremblingly. "The Germans destroyed all our radar stations."

"All the radar stations?!" Dowding felt dizzy and slumped on his chair, looking at the ceiling in despair as he murmured. "How is it possible? How is this possible? How did the Germans know the location of those radar stations?!" It would be understandable if one or two radar stations were discovered and destroyed by the Germans, but all the radars were destroyed almost at the same time. It was simply... Unbelievable.

"Could it be..." the staff officer said cautiously. "There are German spies within us..." Before he could finish his words, Dowding gave him a sharp look and did not dare to continue.

Because the suspicious Churchill wanted to find the elusive German spy, the entire Air Force was in a state of turmoil by the intelligence department. Not only the Air Force, but also the Army, Navy and other government departments were subject to the strictest scrutiny. Even he, the Air Force Commander, was questioned several times. Now I have an allergic reaction when I hear the word spy.

The staff officer shrank his neck and whispered. "Or the Germans know divination and figured out the location of these radar stations."


However, Daoding, who was already exhausted mentally and physically, didn't bother to reprimand him. He waved his hand and asked the staff member to go out and stare blankly at the ceiling.

After an unknown amount of time, Dowding, who had regained his composure, sighed heavily and weakly picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Prime Minister's Office in the Prime Minister's Office. "Your Excellency Prime Minister, our radar stations..." He gritted his teeth and told Churchill the bad news that all radar stations had been destroyed.

There was a very heavy breathing sound on the other end of the phone, and it took a long time for Churchill to speak slowly in a hoarse voice. "What do you think?"

Dowding smiled bitterly in his heart, how else could he see it? "Maybe..." But he didn't know what to say next. He could only sigh that the British Empire would be destroyed. But I heard Churchill say in a low voice, "So be it." Then he hung up the phone.

"???" Dowding looked at the microphone in his hand in confusion for a few seconds, not knowing what the Prime Minister meant. But he had no choice but to call and ask, so he could only put down the phone with a puzzled expression. Just as the Prime Minister said, "So be it." What else can we do if the radar station is bombed? Today the UK does not have the resources to restore these radar stations.

Just as Dowding sighed depressedly, German paratrooper platoon leader Herta was sitting in the cabin of a shaking transport plane, squinting and studying the combat map in his hand. The roar of the engine filled the entire cabin, but these paratroopers seemed to have become accustomed to this noisy environment, and many of them closed their eyes to relax.

Suddenly, a harsh electric bell sounded in the cabin, and the red signal light began to flash. Huerta put away the battle map, stood up with difficulty, and shouted an order. "Get ready to skydive! Check your equipment!"

The paratroopers in the cabin helped each other stand up and checked their equipment. After everyone had finished checking, Herta opened the hatch next to her with force.


A biting cold wind suddenly poured into the cabin, making everyone shiver.

Huerta struggled to stabilize herself in the airflow and shouted loudly. "Our mission this time is to capture the town below and block the British reinforcements from the beach! We may encounter the opponent's armored forces, and we must find these weapon boxes as soon as we get to the ground!"

Suddenly, the plane shook violently, simulating avoidance of anti-aircraft artillery attacks on the ground. All the paratroopers were shaken around, and many couldn't help but curse.

Soon, the plane resumed its smooth flight, and the red light on the door turned to green. Herta pushed the weapon box containing the MG3 machine gun, Panzerfaust anti-tank rocket launcher and other heavy weapons at his feet out of the door.

"Start dancing!"

Following his order, the paratroopers jumped out of the cabin one after another. When the last paratrooper jumped out, Herta also jumped out of the cabin door. Within a few tenths of a second, he felt his body being pulled by a huge force. This is the parachute hook hanging on the plane. It feels like the parachute is opened under the force of the plane's flight and the force of the body's falling.

Not far away, he saw paratroopers jumping out of the cabin before him, and paratroopers jumping out of other transport planes. Parachutes blossomed into white flowers one after another in the sky. First there were dozens, then hundreds, then thousands.

Soon, his feet hit the ground heavily, he quickly unbuttoned his parachute, opened his leg bag, took out the FAL semi-automatic rifle, loaded the bullets, and hung the weapons and equipment in the leg bag on his body.

The paratroopers who had just landed nearby were gathering to attack the town, and the sound of roaring engines could be heard in the sky. It was a helicopter serving as the referee for the exercise, and a deafening sound came from the large speaker hanging below the helicopter. "Your airborne troops were blocked by British ground artillery fire and suffered 30% losses. Leave the dead soldiers behind before taking action!"

"I'll go, this is too exaggerated, a third of it was gone just after we got off?" Herta spat dejectedly and gestured to the paratroopers around him. "You few stay here and act as the wounded, while the others attack with me."

Just as Herta led the remaining paratroopers and rushed towards the town, a group of senior generals in Berlin's High Command were also conducting rehearsals for landing in the UK.

"Use cloud bombs to destroy minefields on the beach." The working mechanism of landmines relies on pressure triggering to detonate. When a minefield cloud bomb is dropped over the minefield, the huge air pressure generated by the explosion of the cloud bomb can be used to trigger the mines. The explosion has the effect of quickly clearing mines on the battlefield. "The explosion can also clear various obstacles."

"Where are the underwater obstacles?" Anti-landing obstacles are not only deployed on the shore, but there are also various mines, piles, and floating barriers underwater.

"The frogmen have secretly reconnoitered several times, and there are no underwater obstacles on our landing point. After all, the British are short of supplies. And the British will not know that we do not need to seize their dock ports."

For beach landings, in the past, the beach grabbing points were near the enemy's port. This was to replenish the follow-up troops and supplies in time, so as to prevent the leading troops from being wiped out by the enemy or being driven into the sea. But the enemy is not a fool, and of course he will deploy heavy troops to protect these strategic locations. In this way, even if the attacker pays an extremely heavy price, he may not be able to successfully land. Even if he is lucky enough to succeed, the port may be completely destroyed by the enemy in advance, rendering it useless.

Fortunately, Yannick is familiar with the Normandy landing battle in the original time and space. There is no need to take the risk to seize the enemy's port, he can just build one himself. Once the important factor of the port is abandoned, the German army can land far away from the British army's key defenses.

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