"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, there is a report from the coast observation post that the Germans have dispatched a large number of bombers." In the British wartime headquarters, a staff officer put down the phone and reported to Churchill.

A few days ago, every British radar station was bombed by the Germans. Today, the British do not have the extra materials and time to rebuild these radar stations. Air defense can only return to primitive means, relying on naked eyes and hearing aids during the day. At night, I have to rely on listening devices. The coast observation post just reported that there were a lot of engine sounds in the sky. Although the specific situation could not be seen clearly, there were at least hundreds of them.

"What do you think?" The haggard and inhuman Churchill glanced at Dowding and asked in a hoarse voice. He has long lost the high-spiritedness he had when he first took office a few months ago, and he has lost the heroic spirit of "everything went up in flames while chatting and laughing." His thin hair, which had not been washed for an unknown amount of time, was messy and stuck to his greasy scalp. The bags under his eyes looked big and dark under the cold light from the roof. He looked a full twenty years older than when he first took office. age.

Speaking of haggard, Dowding isn't much better. Because the British royal family still remains in London, it is naturally impossible for these senior generals to move. But London was being bombed day and night, and they could only hide in the basement. During this period of time, Daoding had not seen much sunlight, his face had become sickly pale, and his whole person looked listless and weak. Of course, everyone else in the headquarters is similar, or in other words, everyone in London is similar.

"Maybe it's not a bomber..." According to the intelligence received, the number of aircraft dispatched by the Germans tonight has far exceeded the previous number. This unusual move made Dowding a little uneasy. After all, various intelligence reports have shown that the German army is intensively preparing to launch a landing battle. Could it be today? !

"Could they be paratroopers?" After thinking for a while, Churchill ordered in a hoarse voice. "Immediately issue a notice to the entire army in my name, 'Wellesley.'" As mentioned earlier, "Wellesley" is a previously determined secret word, and its meaning is "the invasion has begun."

The last time there was a false alarm, ammunition supplies were distributed to frontline soldiers. However, when it was discovered that the Germans had no intention of landing, more than half of the food had been eaten by the soldiers, and a lot of food was wasted.

Praying in his heart that this time it was true, Churchill couldn't help but secretly rejoice. If the German army had continued to besiege and failed to attack, Britain would have completely collapsed in less than a year. At this time, the British Empire still has the strength to fight. As long as the German landing operations are thwarted, the United States may also see hope and join in.


Jonas's team finally approached the church in the center of the town, and saw figures flashing near the church in the distance.

Before they could shout out the password, a black figure suddenly shouted towards them. "Mountain!"

The code word made Jonas relax and shouted back. "Jinsong!"

A battalion command post has been set up in the church, and we have established a firm foothold here. Jonas met his commander, and after he briefly reported the battle situation, the battalion commander asked directly. "Can you and your team still fight?"

Jonas nodded without hesitation. "No problem sir."

The battalion commander nodded with satisfaction and led him to the map on the wall. "This is the enemy's operational map we captured. You can see the artillery positions deployed by the British. Although they are old antiques from the last war, they still pose a threat to the beach. Your task is to unplug them. This area There are eight positions in total, and I have dispatched seven teams. Now I can only allocate two squads of troops to you. Can you complete the mission?"

Jonas looked at the troops deployed by the British army. It seemed that they were all second-line troops, and the number of them was not very large. "It should be fine, sir. What about after we clear them out?"

"You can rest where you are and wait for new orders."


When Jonas and his party were preparing to set off, five more paratroopers gathered over. The battalion commander assigned them to Jonas, barely forming a platoon.


Just as Jonas was leading his temporary team towards the church, the London Wartime Headquarters also received the latest intelligence.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Prime Minister, the Germans dropped a large number of paratroopers!!"

"Say quickly! Where is the location?!" The paratroopers are the vanguard. As long as they know the landing point of the paratroopers, they can easily deduce the German landing point; at that time, the troops can be mobilized in a targeted manner.

The officer swallowed and said desperate words. "There were large numbers of paratroopers in Plymouth, Dover and Norwich!!"

"What?!" Germany did not follow common sense and dropped a large number of paratroopers into three different areas. This unexpected situation stunned everyone who was preparing to mobilize the troops. "Plymouth, Dover, Norwich?!"

It is not difficult to see from the map that Plymouth is located in Devon, the southwest region of England, while Norwich is a city in the east of the United Kingdom. The straight-line distance between the two is nearly 500 kilometers. The Port of Dover is closest to the Port of Calais in France. The distance between the two places is only 34 kilometers, which seems to be more conducive to the Germans' beach landing. But the Germans don't know that the Dover area is a tightly defended "Iron Barrel Fortress." Coupled with the natural barrier of the White Cliffs of Dover, trying to land on the beach in Dover is simply courting death.

But what if the cunning Crown Prince Yannick goes in the opposite direction and wants to land in the Dover area? On the other hand, he thought, if he really concentrated his troops in Dover, would he fall into Crown Prince Yannick's plan?

Beads of sweat appeared on Churchill's forehead. He knew very well that there was no room for hesitation in this extremely urgent moment of urgency. He felt that Dover's defenses were strong enough, and Norwich did not have a large port suitable for German landings. Even if his judgment was wrong, there was still room for recovery.

"Send troops to Plymouth to block the German landing force!!" Hope God bless England! The only port in Norwich was originally stationed with three divisions of troops, and an additional regiment was dispatched a few days ago. Coupled with the existing fortifications, even if the Germans succeeded in seizing the beach at a heavy price, they would only get a damaged port and would not be able to use it in a short time.

Dover? The Germans have not yet completely cleared the mines in the English Channel, and their fleet will certainly not dare to enter the channel hastily. In this case, even if the Germans really land at Dover, they will not receive naval gun support.

The most dangerous one now is Plymouth.

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