Lieutenant James is a three-year veteran.

His father was worried that his son's playboy nature would discredit the family, so he couldn't wait to throw him into the army as soon as he reached the age of service. Unfortunately, despite his romantic nature, he was not restless in the army. He often flirted with women and was punished several times with demerits. If it weren't for his father, he would have been kicked out of the army as a scum.

Therefore, all his comrades who served in the same batch were promoted. He was still a poor private, and he was not even selected for the glorious expeditionary force.

Yes, it is "honorable". In order to fight side by side with its ally France to fight against the hateful German invaders, the soldiers all enthusiastically signed up to join the expeditionary force. Although James is a romantic guy, he is not a coward who is afraid of death. He also wants to experience the test of blood and fire like a real man. Unfortunately, perhaps because the superiors were worried that he would bring his usual bad habits to France and embarrass the British, they did not approve his request and left him in England.

Everyone knows the result. The expeditionary force that bravely crossed the sea and landed in France was easily made into dumplings by the Germans, and was packed up and sent to the prisoner of war camp.

The British top brass, who had lost nearly 300,000 elite troops, fell into a great panic. Worried that the Germans would cross the sea and land in Britain at any time, they desperately expanded their troops and increased their defense capabilities. This made veterans like James become popular in the army. He originally thought that he would only be a second-class soldier for the rest of his life. He got on the rocket and went straight up. First, he was directly appointed as the deputy platoon leader from the private class. It didn't take long for him to become the deputy platoon leader. Appointed acting company commander. No, now he is an official company commander, but the soldiers under his command are all new recruits, the ones who have just learned how to shoot.

His regiment was sent to Norwich a few days ago to strengthen the coastal defenses near Norwich. Before their defensive positions were completed, the Germans launched an attack. No one expected that the German army would choose such a place far away from the port to attack.

It was learned from the regimental meeting in the morning that German paratroopers landed behind them, destroying roads and occupying bridges, and even slaughtered their wives and children. But as troops guarding the coastline, they could do nothing. One can only hope that the Germans were severely damaged during the landing and gave up the idea of ​​landing. Then they could turn around and deal with the hateful group of German paratroopers behind them.

Unfortunately, the German's combat effectiveness once again exceeded everyone's imagination. The German landing force could be said to have easily broken through the first line of defense and rushed towards their unfinished defense line.

"Bang!" Raising his Lee-Enfield rifle, the James soldier hit a German soldier in the distance who was holding a gun and shooting. After three years as a soldier, he still has confidence in his marksmanship.

Sure enough, the German soldier fell down in response, but the soldier next to him had already noticed James, and a burst of fire broke out from the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

"..." James suddenly felt as if his chest had been hit hard several times with a big hammer, and he fell down helplessly. What I was thinking about was that it was the rumored rifle that could fire continuously.

After suffering very few casualties, the German soldiers approached the British trenches under the cover of intensive machine gun fire. They first threw grenades at their heads and faces, and then jumped into the trenches after a brief charge. Some British soldiers who were still alive wanted to take up arms to resist, but were instantly beaten into pieces by German assault rifles and submachine guns.

The large German army continued to pursue the fleeing British soldiers, leaving some people behind to clean up the battlefield.

A young face appeared in James' eyes. James originally thought that the German soldier would give him a slap in the face with a bayonet or a bullet. Unexpectedly, the German soldier glared at him for a long time and then the corner of his mouth showed a trace. smile. "I've never seen anyone pretending to be dead with his eyes wide open." He kicked the rifle away from James and shouted. "Medic, there is a wounded man here who is pretending to be dead."

The medical soldier carrying the first aid kit ran over to check the injury and saw that the British soldier's clothes on the left chest had been penetrated by bullets, but there was no bleeding. The medical soldier curiously touched James' chest and felt something hard. "What the hell?"

Out of curiosity, the medical soldier began to unbutton James' clothes and took out the hard thing in his arms. The medical staff couldn't help but feel happy when they saw what it was. "Aha, everyone come and see, there is a lucky guy here, His Highness Yannick saved his life."

The surrounding soldiers heard the sound and gathered together. "what's the situation?"

The medical soldier raised the book in his hand. "This guy has a book written by His Highness Yannick in his arms, which just happened to block two bullets for him." This book blocked the two bullets that would have ripped James' heart apart, although the powerful impact still broke him ribs, but saved his life.


"This guy is really lucky!"

Seeing the German soldiers surrounding the circle exclaiming and scrambling to grab the book with two warheads embedded in it, James really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He was currently pursuing a young girl with a strong literary temperament. The girl was very interested in the German Crown Prince's works, so he bought a copy so that he could quote some famous quotes when chatting with the girl.

He stuffed the book into his arms just before the battle, but he didn't expect that this book would become his life-saving weapon.

After the examination, the medical soldiers found that James's wounds were not serious. After the broken ribs and the wounds on his shoulders healed, he was a normal and active person again.

A few days later, James and other prisoners of war were put into a Liberty ship together with the German wounded and returned to Germany.

Listening to the long whistle of the ship, James sighed deeply. He failed to join the expeditionary force and was captured at Dunkirk, but became a prisoner in the UK. It seemed that he was destined to be a prisoner after all. I don’t know if I can be locked up with my brothers from the previous squad in the prisoner of war camp.

Just thinking about spending several years in a prisoner of war camp without beautiful girls is really scary.

"Company Commander, they won't kill us all, right?" Just when James' mind was full of random thoughts, a timid voice sounded in his ear.

Without looking back, James guessed that the person speaking was a recruit in their company. James had even doubted whether he was an adult before. He was just a timid and cowardly child. He was a little worried about whether the child could live in a prisoner of war camp. "Don't worry. If they want to kill you, they will shoot you on the battlefield. Why take you to a prisoner of war camp?"

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