Before the development of modern night vision equipment, night fighting was a weapon for poorly equipped armies to deal with enemies with superior firepower. For example, in the early days of World War II, the Japanese army avoided night battles against the Chinese army because they could not take advantage of the Japanese army's superior firepower. When dealing with the US military, the Japanese army could only minimize the firepower gap between the two sides by fighting at night.

In later generations, more than 70% of the US military's military operations were conducted at night, relying on advanced night vision equipment to greatly defeat opponents with backward equipment.

On the road to Plymouth, British tanks moved forward cautiously one after another. Although the Imperial Chief of Staff had very clearly warned that allowing tank troops to move at night would easily encounter various troubles and losses, Churchill stubbornly persisted in his opinion. The Imperial Chief of Staff had no choice but to obey the order and transferred armored units from all over the country to Lymouth overnight.

Those far away require rail or vehicle transportation, while those close to Plymouth require self-propelled transportation to reach the destination.

The British tank battalion that chose to move on its own along the way accidentally encountered an ambush by German paratroopers.

The scouts at the front have reported the types and numbers of British tanks to the troops behind. The paratroopers dug out a small hole in the middle of the road that was just big enough for one person to lie down in.

"Okay, everyone. It's time to show our courage."

The training of German paratroopers can transform a new recruit into a mature airborne warrior with a high sense of honor and loyalty within 8 weeks. One of the training items is called psychological strengthening training (or courage training), which involves a line of people lying on the ground and watching the tanks rumble over. They pass between the two tracks without moving. This is completely correct. It is a test of courage and will, and the timid ones will definitely be scared to death when they encounter this kind of training for the first time.

The heavy weapons of this team of German paratroopers now only have 5 Panzerfausts. Fortunately, each of them has two magnetic anti-tank grenades, which can play a huge role if used properly.

The sergeant leading the team decided to dig a hole in the middle of the road and wait for the British tank to pass overhead and attach the anti-tank grenade to its chassis. The anti-tank grenade they carry is equipped with two fuses. The first fuse will explode after about seven seconds, and the second fuse will extend to about ten minutes before detonating.

However, this approach is also quite dangerous. If the tank driver suddenly becomes interested and turns a corner or something, the person lying in the middle will definitely be crushed into a meat pie.

After some discussions, Merkel, the most responsive among them, lay down in the middle of the pit and was responsible for attaching anti-tank grenades to the British tank sites. Because he could not carry 20 anti-tank grenades at one time, others hid on the side of the road and handed grenades to him. Fortunately, there were thick bushes beside the road, and it was difficult for the British to spot them at night.

When Merkel stepped into the small hole, the others filled it in with soil. Except for his eyes, mouth and nose, they were covered with a thin layer of soil to camouflage him. The tank driver's field of vision is inherently limited. It's good to be able to follow the road at night. It's difficult to detect the road conditions.

As the British tanks approached, Merkel, lying in the middle of the small pit, felt the vibrations of the ground, and the soil particles on her face were also beating. As the heavy roar of the engine got closer and closer, the vibration became more and more intense.

"Mom, I will definitely be cremated when I die. I don't want to have to experience this bad experience again." Merkel took a deep breath, watched the thick tracks of the tank drive over his head, and turned a magnetic reflection The tank grenade was attached to the tank's base and the fuse was pulled open; he had to be extremely careful not to mix up the two fuses.

Because it was a night march, the distance between tanks was very long to avoid collision accidents. This made it easier for the German paratroopers hiding on the roadside to hand grenades to Merkel.

One, two, three...

From the initial fear and nervousness to the later numbness, in the end Merkel just mechanically attached grenades to the chassis of the tank.

After posting the 18th tank, Merkel discovered that there were no more tanks following her. The sergeant came over and pulled him up. Merkel said with some confusion. "Didn't you say 20 tanks? I miscounted it?"

The sergeant smiled. "That's right, two cars broke down in the back. Well done, Merkel, I will apply for a medal for you, the Iron Cross First Class!"

Merkel just nodded slightly. After experiencing the life and death test just now, he suddenly looked down on fame and fortune in the world, and felt that the joys, sorrows and joys in the world were just ordinary trivial matters...

"Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!!"

Before Merkel could comprehend a more profound philosophy of life, a series of explosions came from the front, resounding between heaven and earth, and the intense fire even burned half of the sky red.


"Long live!"


The paratroopers burst into enthusiastic cheers. They killed 20 British tanks with one platoon, and they were still unscathed. How could it not be exciting?

Merkel was also infected by the cheers and became a mortal again. He thought that he would tell his father as soon as he got the medal. His father had also been awarded the Iron Cross in the previous war. If he knew that he had received the Iron Cross First Class, he would definitely be proud of himself!

The crews of the two tanks that were left behind because of the breakdown also heard the violent explosions. They climbed out of the tanks and stared at the distant fire in amazement.

"What's going on?"

"Tu tu tu tu!"

The crew members who were standing on the top of the tank looking at the fire in the distance were sieved by the sudden bullets. Two German paratroopers equipped with "Vampire" individual infrared night vision systems walked over from the roadside. Due to the rapid development of German technology, the military has generally used more efficient nickel-cadmium batteries, making this "vampire" much lighter than the original one.

One of the paratroopers carefully inspected the bodies of the tank crews, made sure there were no survivors, and then kicked the tracks of the tank. "What should I do with this thing? Drive it away?"

Another paratrooper laughed and cursed. "You can imagine that we are going through mountains and forests. What is the use of this big guy? Are you going to carry it and run?"


The Imperial Chief of Staff was already in a panic and didn't know what to do. There was bad news of being blocked by German paratroopers everywhere, and he found that his armored units had suffered considerable losses.

"20 tanks starting from Bridport were wiped out? How many German paratroopers were there? What? Not clear?!" The anger of the Imperial Chief of Staff had not dissipated, and there was another bad news that the railway was destroyed by paratroopers. .

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