Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 644: The German-Soviet War (1)

The Soviet-German War in the original time and space was a sneak attack by the German army on the Soviet Union, which caught the Soviet army by surprise. As a result, the Soviet army was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. It collapsed thousands of miles away and fell into a serious passive position.

The irony is that there were already various intelligences indicating that the German army was about to attack the Soviet Union. From January 1941, the Soviet intelligence agency obtained information that the German army was about to attack the Soviet Union. In March, intelligence channels from high-level German military officials provided clear intelligence. In April, signs of a large-scale concentration of German troops were found on the border. In May, emergency warnings were issued like flakes. However, all this was deemed by Stalin as false intelligence and a British conspiracy to sow discord between Germany and the Soviet Union.

Stalin even admonished his generals in this way. "You must understand that Germany will never take the initiative to attack the Soviet Union. If you dare to provoke at the border or deploy troops without approval, watch your head!"

"Go tell your intelligence officer at the Luftwaffe headquarters and say hell with it. This is not intelligence at all, this is spreading rumors." Five days before Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the People's Commissar for International Security presented Stalin with the information from Soviet spies. When asked about the intelligence, Stalin responded confidently and rudely.

As for why Stalin cast ingots like this, there are many reasons.

First of all, the German "smoke bombs" are indeed very well made. Before the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, the German side produced a large amount of false information, which confused the top Soviet officials. This series of actions may still be a textbook of disguise in the history of war to this day.

On the one hand, the German army launched air raids on the British mainland day and night, changing the target of attacks from strategic industrial cities to large cities with large populations, in an attempt to completely extinguish the fighting spirit of the British military and civilians and defeat the enemy without a fight. On the other hand, the German army constantly propagated that it was about to launch an attack on the British mainland, deployed a large number of English translators in the army, and printed and distributed British maps. They mobilized troops to the Eastern Front battlefield with great fanfare, and deliberately made noises claiming to be to confuse the British army, making the British army mistakenly believe that the German army was about to attack the Soviet Union, and then the German army would suddenly attack the British mainland.

Secondly, the top Soviet leaders headed by Stalin believed that the Germans would learn from the lessons of World War I and avoid fighting on two fronts. Therefore, the German army would not take the initiative to attack the Soviet Union before Britain surrendered or fell.

In World War I, Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire struggled to fight on two fronts. They were unable to concentrate their forces to defeat either side, and they were unable to break through the British blockade at sea. They struggled for four years, although they survived the revolution in Russia and withdrew. The war itself was scarred and ultimately ended in failure. Based on the lessons of history, Stalin firmly believed that Germany would not repeat the same mistakes and there was nothing wrong with it.

What's more, in the early days of World War II, the relationship between Germany and the Soviet Union was indeed very good. Not only did the Soviet Union and Germany carve up Poland and Eastern Europe in accordance with relevant agreements, Germany also provided a large amount of technical support to the Soviet Union, and even transferred many of the most advanced technologies that had just been developed. Provided to the Soviet Union free of charge. The Soviet Union also provided Germany with a large amount of strategic resources. Trade between the two countries was very frequent. The Soviet and German armies were brothers and worked together. The Soviet Union had no reason not to believe that the friendship between Germany and the Soviet Union would continue to exist.

A combination of reasons led Stalin to repeatedly misjudge the situation. Although the Soviet intelligence officer Sorge had sent advance news from Japan that the German army would attack the Soviet Union in late May 1941, Stalin still believed that this was a conspiracy between the British and the United States. The country's alienation plan aimed at provoking a war between the Soviet Union and Germany, so no effective measures had been taken. It was not until late at night on June 21, 1941, before the German army was about to attack the Soviet Union, that German surrender personnel provided intelligence that the German army was about to attack the Soviet Union. Stalin reluctantly believed that the German army was really coming and ordered all frontline military districts to prepare.

The Soviet frontline officers and soldiers received instructions that "the German army may launch a war tonight, and the troops are required to secretly enter relevant fortresses and fortresses and make necessary preparations." It can be seen that at this time, Stalin was still doubtful about the German army launching a war. , and at this time, there were only a few hours before Germany launched its attack. On the other side of the border, the German army had concentrated 5.5 million troops, 4,000 tanks and 5,000 aircraft.

On June 22, Operation Barbarossa gave Stalin a resounding slap in the face. After receiving the news of the German invasion, Stalin flew into a rage and cursed. "Lenin left us a great legacy, but we - his successors - made a fucking mess."

Stalin never publicly admitted that he had made an error in judgment. This sentence should be regarded as the closest he came to admitting his error. Of course, on another level, this sentence puts the responsibility on the collective leadership.

As a result, the Soviet army suffered heavy losses in the early stages of the war and almost lost Moscow. Although they won the final victory, they paid tens of millions of lives for it. This was a victory purchased with blood and flesh.

But now, everyone knows that a war is about to break out between the Soviet Union and Germany. The Soviet Union has assembled millions of troops on the border and is watching eagerly. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to carry out a sneak attack. If it wants to fight, it can only be head-on.

It would be fine if the time came to go head-on, but spring in Russia is known as the "roadless season", which is not suitable for marching, let alone mechanized troop operations. Therefore, Yannick agreed to Kruger's proposal to use defensive warfare to consume first. The Soviet army's effective fighting style.

Early the next morning, the Soviet army launched a full-scale offensive against the German defense lines.

The first to be dispatched was the Soviet bomber formation.

It has to be said that Commander Pavlov's military ability is indeed mediocre. He knew that the Soviet Air Force and even the U.S. Army Air Force had suffered heavy losses from the German Air Force in the previous air battle over Georgia, but he still sent a large number of bombers and fighter jets. , trying to destroy the German frontline airfields.

However, as soon as these planes took off, they were detected by German radar. As soon as the fleet crossed the border, they were intercepted by a large number of German fighter jets.

The Soviet Air Force, which was not even fully equipped with radios, was still being crushed. Only a few Yak-1 or MiG-3 fighters struggled to tangle with German fighters.

"I've been bitten! Yuri! Help me!" A Yak-1 fighter pilot anxiously called to his lead plane. Few of their new fighter jets were equipped with radios.

"Where are you? I can't see you!!" Yuri searched for a while before he saw his wingman being chased by a FW190. "Boris, dive and get away!"

"I want to get away too! The German plane is too fast and I can't get away at all!" Boris roared in embarrassment. The German fighter plane behind him stuck to him like brown candy, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he shook it off.

Yuri was about to step forward to help, but saw a series of tracer bullets streaking down from the sky, shattering Boris' hatch cover, and a large cloud of blood mist rose in the cockpit.

Before Yuri had time to feel sad, a FW190 fighter plane targeted him.

In less than an hour of fighting, at least 200 Soviet aircraft of various types were destroyed, while the Luftwaffe suffered almost no losses.

According to Commander Pavlov's plan, the Soviet Air Force should destroy the Germans' frontline airfields and obtain most, at least local, battlefield air superiority.

Unfortunately, the plan is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

After destroying several waves of invading Soviet aircraft groups in one breath, a dense group of German bombers flew over the border. Because it was a short-range bombing, the Germans sent Stukas, Mosquitoes, and Ilheles, but did not use strategic bombers.

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