Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 685: The German-Soviet War (29)

"Anyway, this is my freedom. I can marry whoever I want. I didn't say that you don't look like an imperial prince at all. You don't want to contribute to the empire. You spend all your time traveling around and not doing your job. Let alone serving the empire. Well, you have not fulfilled your responsibilities as parents. We three brothers were born to deal with grandpa, and now you have the nerve to point fingers at me when I want to marry someone? Anyway, I have to marry her, and I will fall out with anyone who objects. "

After being scolded by Yannick, Prince Oscar and his wife were a little embarrassed; seeing Yannick's resolute attitude, they couldn't say anything else. "Since you like it, then marry her. The little girl is quite beautiful. At least her appearance will not embarrass the royal family. When do you plan to get married?"

"It must be two years later."

"You mean after this war is over?"

Yannick shook his head. "No, when she reaches the age of marriage, this war will not last two years."

Mentioning this war, Prince Oscar couldn't help but give a thumbs up. "Son, you are getting more and more powerful. You dare to challenge the two big countries, the United States and the Soviet Union."

A triumphant smile appeared on Yannick's face. "As for the United States, before it conquered Britain, it was still a bit wary of them. Now without Britain as a springboard, the United States is just a piece of land far away. If I want to bomb, I can bomb, and if I ask them to pay, I have to pay. ! Even if they unite with the Soviet Union, American supplies will not appear on the Soviet front line out of thin air. Even if they safely pass through the hunting ground of the Pacific Ocean, the distance from the Soviet Far East to the front line is more than a thousand kilometers. As for the Soviet Union, there is nothing to fear. You see, we have already captured millions of prisoners of war before we even attack.”

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed my son." Prince Oscar asked. "Then when do you plan to launch an attack?"


"Ah, tomorrow?!" Prince Oscar and his wife were shocked. "Then you are still so leisurely?!"

Yannick smiled. "If I'm not so leisurely, why would I have to run to the front line with a gun? If it weren't for the damn weather in the Soviet Union, we should have launched a massive offensive a few months ago. We might have captured Moscow by this time." After all, he didn't want to It was difficult for the army to move forward on the muddy roads of the Soviet Union.

In the early morning of the next day, the sound of artillery was loud on the front line of several hundred kilometers along the German-Soviet border. Tens of thousands of artillery roared at the same time, tilting their shells towards the Soviet army on the opposite side.

At the same time, Spain's President Arias gave a radio speech.

As mentioned earlier, the Spanish government has spared no effort in promoting the friendship between West Germany in recent years. In contrast, the Spanish media also persisted in criticizing and smearing the Soviet Union, describing the Soviet Union as the most despicable, shameless, evil, obscene, dirty, dirty, disgusting... country on the planet.

From intervening in the Spanish Civil War to refusing to acknowledge the 560 tons of gold that was embezzled. Every Spaniard knows that because of the unprovoked interference of the Soviet Union, many people who should not have died died in the Spanish Civil War. Because the government sent 560 tons of gold to the Soviet Union, the life that should have been better was lost. When mentioning the Soviet Union, every Spaniard is filled with hatred, and even a child of a few years old will spit hard.

Today, the news of Germany's attack on the Soviet Union caused the whole of Spain to boil instantly.

When Germany launched the European War, the Spanish government announced that it would remain neutral. Many people in the country felt that this was not the proper attitude towards a good friend. Many people even secretly went to Germany to join the foreign troops of the Guards.

Now, the Spanish government finally no longer maintains neutrality, and the impassioned speech of President Arias is heard from the loudspeakers on radios everywhere. “As we all know, five years ago we launched a just war to overthrow the corrupt and incompetent government of Manuel Azanilla. What was originally our internal Spanish war became even more serious because of the participation of the despicable Soviets. Long and bloody! Fortunately, we had great help from our closest German allies and won the final victory."

"Needless to say, my dear German allies helped us after the war. What I want to emphasize is that the damn Soviet bandits swallowed up the gold that belonged to Spain and all our people in Spain!! And these damn bandits are still here. They refused to return this batch of gold, and they even refused to admit that they had plundered this batch of gold! You can imagine how important this batch of gold would be to the construction of our motherland if it were still in our Spanish treasury.”

"His Royal Highness Yannick is right. Europe belongs to Europeans. Those hateful Slavic bandits can plunder our gold today, but tomorrow they will plunder all our land, wealth, and resources. They will even enslave our people and harm us. relatives."

"We are thinking about revenge all the time, and we have been accumulating the power of revenge. Now, the chariot of our German ally has driven onto the land of the Soviet Union. Then it is time for us in Spain to show our swords to destroy this evil empire. Do your best.”

"Brave warriors, hold on to your steel guns and polish your bayonets! We will never be merciful, we will never flinch, put bullets into the heads of those Slavic animals, stab the bayonets into their chests, and use Their blood commemorates the innocent lives lost in the war!!"

In the original time and space, Spain remained neutral, but after seeing Germany's rampage and invincible victory in the war, the thief Franco couldn't help but want to snatch the fruits of victory, so he organized a volunteer division. It's called the Blue Volunteer Division. A total of 18,000 people went to the Soviet Union to snatch the fruits of victory together.

As a result, after the extremely cruel Battle of Stalingrad, Franco discovered that Germany seemed to be almost finished, and even more thiefly withdrew the Blue Volunteer Division, continuing to maintain his true character as a neutral country.

And now, with the frothing speech of Head of State Arias, the first batch of 200,000 troops has set off, and there are nearly one million troops waiting behind.

Italy, Vichy France, Finland, Romania, Hungary and other countries have also taken action.

It's just that Yannick still has to worry about the relationship between Hungary and Romania, lest the two countries start a fight.

Hungary and Romania had a deep hatred for each other due to the Treaty of Trianon after World War I.

There is a very funny joke from World War II.

In 1941, Hungary followed Nader and declared war on the United States. The declaration of war read, "The Kingdom of Hungary declares war on the United States of America."

The U.S. Secretary of State at the time asked, not knowing much about Hungary. "Your country is a kingdom, but we have never heard who the king of your country is."

Answer: "Our country has no king, and its leader is Admiral Horthy."

Question: "Admiral? Then you must have a good navy?"

Answer: "We are a landlocked country."

Question: "So what is Admiral Horthy's job?"

Answer: "He is the regent."

Question: "Why are you declaring war on our country? Do you particularly hate our country? Or do you hate our new ally, the Soviets?"

Answer: "What we hate most are the Romanians!"

Question: "Romania, I can't remember exactly, is it our ally?"

Answer: "It's the Axis Powers, our allies."

Therefore, during World War II, Germany separated the Hungarian and Romanian fronts to prevent them from infighting. Yannick promised that they would properly resolve the conflicts between the two parties after the war is over.

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