After an unknown amount of time, Sergey suddenly woke up from his deep sleep and stretched out his hand to shake the people next to him awake. Although the journey was tiring and this was the meeting point arranged by the superiors, the few people did not completely relax their vigilance. They woke up immediately after being touched by Sergey. "What's the matter, Captain?"

Sergey pointed to the ceiling above his head and whispered in a low voice. "I seem to hear footsteps above." He was not sure whether the slight noise just now was in reality or a dream. But he is very cautious and likes to prepare for the worst when doing things. Now that they are deep behind enemy lines, they dare not be careless in the slightest.

"..." Everyone couldn't help but look at each other when they heard Sergey's words, which even he was not sure about. "Is it Comrade Androvsky?"

Sergey shook his head cautiously. "The footsteps don't seem to belong to one or two people." He took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was three o'clock in the morning, and even Androvsky should have rested long ago.

Everyone immediately became vigilant. Androvsky had said before that there were no idle people coming and going here. "Captain, did you hear that correctly? Is there something wrong with Comrade Androvsky? But this is the connection point designated by Minister Comrade Beria himself. Comrade Androvsky should be reliable, right?" If Androvsky If there is really something wrong with Rovsky, then they are in this narrow basement now, aren't they just a turtle in a jar?

"I just heard footsteps in a daze, and I can't be too sure, but just in case, everyone is looking for any other exits here."

The basement was only about 20 square meters, and a few people quickly searched every corner to find any exit other than a small ventilation hole.

At this time, there was a rustling sound from the basement door. Sergey picked up an iron rod and held it in his hand, guarding the stairs and giving serious instructions. "Comrades, if there is a real situation, remember not to let the enemy capture you alive!"

"Yes!" Others also picked up the tables, chairs and benches they could find as weapons and prepared for battle.

There was a soft creaking sound, and someone opened the basement door. Sergey asked in a low voice. "Is it Hans?"

Boom, boom, boom!

No one responded. A metal object rolled down the stairs and landed in the center of the basement. Sergey was shocked when he saw traces of white smoke coming out of the cylindrical metal object. "Grenade!" The thought that flashed in my mind was that he was dead! In such a cramped basement, this grenade was enough to kill them all. Unwilling to accept it, they were killed inexplicably before their mission was completed. Could it be that Androvsky really became a traitor? This damn bastard, his country and his comrades trusted him so much, yet he betrayed his own beliefs and country? !

Before anyone else could react, there was a bang, dazzling light and deafening noise instantly filled the small basement.

This cylindrical object is not a grenade, but a shock bomb recently developed by Germany. Compared with flash bombs that only produce a strong flash of light, shock bombs also produce huge noises while producing flashes of light. Flash bombs only temporarily blind people with strong light, while shock bombs can not help but cause temporary blindness, and the noise is enough to stun people.

I don't know how long it took, but when Sergei and the others came to their senses in a daze, they suddenly found that they had been tied up and surrounded by several burly men with loaded guns.

Sergei recognized their armbands as belonging to German counterintelligence.

At this moment, Androvsky was standing among these Germans, smoking cigarettes leisurely, pointing at a few people, and introducing the Germans standing next to him. "His name is Matvey, and he is a sharpshooter who can make every move; his name is Oleg, he is a demolition expert, and he can tinker with even the most inconspicuous things into bombs; his name is Andre, he is a mechanical master who can not only drive , and you can also fly a boat and fly a plane..."

"Very good." The German nodded with satisfaction. Seeing that the eyes of Sergey and others gradually became focused, he raised his hand and waved to them, smiling and saying hello. "Everyone, thank you for coming all the way. I am Major Lorenz, the leader of the operations team of the Imperial Counterintelligence Department. This place is too shabby and not a good place to entertain guests, so I came here to ask you to rest somewhere else. I hope you won't be disturbed. Come to your sweet dreams.”

"Androvsky!" As soon as he spoke, Sergey found that his jaw had been removed and he could not speak at all. He could only make vague sounds.

"It seems our friend has something to say?" Major Lorenz waved his hand. A big man pinched Sergei's cheek and carefully inspected his mouth. He reached out and pulled out the poison-containing dentures and threw them away. He reached the ground and pressed his chin back with a click.

Sergey ignored the soreness in his jaw and glared at Androvsky angrily. "Androvsky, how dare you betray the motherland?!"

Androvsky shook his head disdainfully. "What is betrayal? I call those who understand current affairs a hero. Sooner or later, the Soviet Union will die in the hands of that madman Stalin. There is no need for us to be buried with him. And I am not the only one who betrayed him. You know what is happening at the top of the government? How many people have secretly defected to Germany? Why don't you think about how you were sent here?"

"!!" Sergey was shocked. Comrade Beria had personally arranged their journey. Could it be that even Comrade Beria had defected to the Germans?

"If you have anything to say, please come to my place. The air here is really not good! Bring them up!" Major Lorenz stretched out his hand towards Androvsky. "Goodbye, Comrade Androvsky, I'll buy you a drink after this is done."

Androvsky held out his hand and laughed. "I have plenty of wine here, just bring some good meat."

"Okay, then I'll bring some Liberian ham."

Several strong men carried Sergey and others out of the basement, put on hoods and got into the car.

By the time their hoods were taken off, they were already in a strange room. But sitting opposite them was still Major Lorenz. "Everyone, I have to say that Stalin underestimated the capabilities of our imperial intelligence department. Do you think you are the only one who wants to assassinate His Excellency the Crown Prince? Many people have thought about this idea and even put it into action, but none of them have succeeded. Guess Why? Because our imperial intelligence department has penetrated into all walks of life, every corner, and even everyone in the empire. It is an exaggeration to say that a person talks about his assassination plan to his closest people, even if he reveals the slightest clue, secondly This information will be on Director Reinhard’s desk by the end of the day.”

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