Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 754 Bombardment


In the underground office in Moscow, Stalin stared at Navy Commander Kuznetsov, who came to report the news, with a shocked face, and the cigarette butt in his hand fell to the ground. The secretary hurried forward to pick it up, but Stalin pushed him away, walked straight to Kuznetsov, and shouted hoarsely. "Say that again?! What happened to our battleship?!"

Facing Stalin's sharp gaze, Kuznetsov couldn't help but shuddered and repeated it tremblingly. "Two of our battleships were sunk by the German fleet." You must know that the "Soviet-class" battleships are "national artifacts" built by the Soviet Union with all its efforts, and they have been hidden like treasures. Now, two battleships were sunk at once. Kuznetsov felt that his heart was bleeding, and he wanted to run to the sea immediately to salvage the two battleships.

The muscles on Stalin's face twitched violently several times. "Then how many German battleships did they sink?!" In his opinion, to sink these two super battleships, the Germans would have to bury at least four or five battleships with them.

Kuznetsov lowered his head even further, as if he wanted to bury his head in his chest. "There was not one. The German fleet launched a large number of torpedoes out of range. The two battleships were sunk after being hit by many torpedoes."

"!!" Stalin's body shook a few times and almost fell to the ground; Kuznetsov quickly supported him. "Comrade Stalin, are you okay?! Come, call the doctor!"

"..." Stalin never dreamed that his warship would be sunk without even sinking an enemy ship. This is so cowardly! he asked, huffing and puffing. "Where are the American warships?!" He even wondered whether the Americans had used these two warships as cannon fodder.

"The accompanying U.S. fleet was also completely wiped out. I heard that the entire fleet was severely damaged by German torpedoes. After the Americans surrendered, the German fleet sank all the U.S. warships. The German fleet has already approached Boston, USA."

"This group of trash!" Stalin cursed fiercely when he heard that the US fleet was also completely wiped out. “Why don’t these stupid Americans have long memories?!”

At this time, the German fleet's attack aircraft formations were attacking all parts of Boston wantonly. When the third wave of attack aircraft formations returned, the fleet had already sailed to the sea more than 40 kilometers away from Boston.

"The battleships are ready to fire. We will be the first fleet to bombard the United States in half a century!" The United States has unique geographical location. After its founding, except for the Civil War, its mainland has never suffered from foreign enemies. Invasion, and at this moment they broke this barrier again and set up the cannon at the gate of the Americans.

boom! boom! boom!

The 36 406mm naval guns on the four battleships let out a deafening roar. Although there was no accuracy at this distance, they only needed to fire the shells into the city of Boston, and there was no need for a specific target at all. Three waves of attack aircraft have destroyed most of Boston's landmark buildings. At this moment, the entire city is filled with thick smoke and flames. Even if you want to aim at the target, it is extremely difficult.

The first round of artillery shells fell near the Boston Military Port. The large and small warships in the port had already left the port and moved away. The entire port was empty, with only one battalion of soldiers hiding in the air-raid shelter of the military port and shivering.

Several artillery shells landed not far away from the air raid shelter. The earth-shattering explosion was still clearly audible in the air raid shelter dozens of meters underground. Then the entire air raid shelter shook crazily, and the steel frame structure supporting the air raid shelter made a horrifying sound of metal twisting. , as if it would break at any time.

The second round of shells fell closer, and with the explosion, more than a dozen electric lights on the ceiling of the air raid shelter were shattered at the same time, plunging the entire air raid shelter into darkness. In the darkness, all senses and perceptions will be infinitely amplified, especially negative emotions. Everyone in the air-raid shelter only felt that every shell outside was falling on their heads and exploding.

"Oh God! We are going to die here!" I don't know which soldier couldn't bear this terrible pressure and suddenly screamed hysterically. He ran frantically to the entrance of the air-raid shelter, but in this pitch-black environment, before he could even take two steps, he was tripped by someone else and fell to the ground in a panic, shouting even more crazily. "I don't want to die here! I'm no longer a soldier! I want to go home!"

"Shut up! You bastard!" The battalion commander's nerves were tense. When this guy made such a noise, an unknown fire arose in his heart, and he reprimanded loudly.

But the soldier was still screaming heart-piercingly. He had long forgotten his respect for the commander, and even began to curse wildly.


At this time, someone lit the lighter, and a small flame instantly illuminated the surrounding area. At this time, many people remembered that they still had lighters in their pockets, took them out and lit them, barely dispelling the terrible darkness.

An extremely strong soldier picked up the soldier who was still crying and screaming on the ground, and punched him in the stomach so hard that his whole body was bent like a shrimp, and he stopped moving in an instant. "If you make such a noise like a girl again, I will beat you to death next time!"

"Hey, bison, don't beat him to death!" This guy is the strongest man in the whole camp. No one can beat him in boxing, so he got the nickname "Bison".

The bison chuckled. "Don't worry, battalion commander. I only used 10% of my strength, so I can't kill him."

At this time, the explosions on the ground gradually faded away, and the air-raid shelter no longer shook, and everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The German fleet's artillery fire gradually extended forward, and shells fell one after another in the city; the fourth wave of attack aircraft formation also flew over Boston. In the previous three waves of attacks, they destroyed most of the military bases, industrial areas, and landmark buildings in Boston; they could no longer find any important targets, and could only find some tall-looking buildings to swoop down and drop bombs.

On the flagship of the German fleet, the fleet commander was leisurely drinking coffee. "It seems like these Americans are determined to be cowards?"

"Stop the bombardment, recover the attack aircraft formation and return." As a special mechanical equipment, the cannon itself must have a lifespan. Generally speaking, the life of the main gun refers to the degree of wear of the rifling. It can still be fired after the rifling is damaged, but the accuracy is greatly affected and the hit is more difficult. The Navy will not allow this to happen, so the life of naval guns is generally marked shorter. The lifespan of their 406mm naval guns cannot exceed 300 rounds, so he does not want to waste the lifespan of the naval guns on these insignificant targets.

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