"Did you gain anything from the Tiger Sharks sent to the East and West Coasts of the United States last time?" Last time he ordered all Tiger Shark submarines (six in total) to be sent to the US coast (three to the East Coast and three to the West Coast of the United States) , there seems to be no big movement after such a long time.

Marshal Dönitz smiled bitterly. "Your Highness, all ports in the United States are now closed. Whether they are civilian ships or military warships, they are all holed up in their ports and dare not leave even half a step." Because the German submarines are implementing unrestricted submarine warfare, it doesn't matter to you Whether they are military warships or civilian ships, or even American ships, as long as they appear in U.S. waters, they will all be sunk. As a result, no ship from any country dares to approach U.S. waters, making it a veritable "no-ship zone." "So our Tiger Shark subs haven't had much to gain these days."

Yannick said disapprovingly. "Then let them continue to be cowardly turtles." The ban on shipping from the United States will not have a big impact on the mutual transportation between the east and west coastlines. As early as 1865, the United States had built 60,000 kilometers of railways. By 1916, during World War I, the United States had built 400,000 kilometers of railways. Railway transportation ranked first in the country's freight transportation. Moreover, road transportation is also developed. Starting from the first half of the 19th century, the United States spent about 100 years using a large amount of manpower and material resources to build a modern road transportation network based on highways and national trunk roads.

Marshal Keitel couldn't help but wonder. "Didn't I hear that the U.S. Navy also developed active sonar? They don't even dare to go out to search for submarines?"

Marshal Dönitz's tone revealed unconcealable confidence and pride. "The U.S. Navy has indeed developed active sonar, but their active sonar cannot search for our Tiger Shark submarine at all, and it will only be sunk." Marshal Redl added. "Their submarines are invisible to our sonar."

Everyone's faces were filled with joy. Now that the German army has completely crushed the enemy in the sky, on land, on the sea, and under the sea, what other reason is there to lose this war? And with the current situation, most people think that this war has been won!

"We can't be happy too early." Yannick coughed lightly. Although it was unlikely, he didn't want to ruin a good situation because of some people's complacency. Even losing some battles that would not have been lost is an unforgivable sin. "We cannot take it lightly until the last moment and completely eliminate the enemy. Marshal Kesselring just said that he could defeat the United States with strategic bombing. This is a bit exaggerated. If the United States could be surrendered so easily, they should have done so long ago. Surrendered, didn't we? To completely defeat the United States, we must be prepared to land on American soil and fight. Although the weapons department is developing a 'super bomb' that can destroy a city, but if the Americans suffer these If the bomb refuses to surrender, then we really have to land in the United States." Seeing the curious expressions on the faces of the marshals, Yannick planned to reveal the power of the "super bomb". Although all the marshals have heard of this "super bomb" more than once, until now even Marshal Rundstedt doesn't know what kind of "super" it is.

"As for what kind of 'super' it is, the energy released by a one-ton 'super bomb' is equivalent to the explosion energy of 200,000 tons of TNT." The explosion energy of the "Little Boy" atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in the original time and space is about the same Compared with 13,000 tons of TNT explosives, the direct killing radius is about 1 kilometer, and the direct killing radius of this atomic bomb with 200,000 tons of TNT bombs may easily exceed 10 kilometers. It is scary to think about it!

"God! 200,000 tons of TNT?!" When the marshals heard this, their eyes widened in surprise and they looked at each other; they all saw shock and disbelief on each other's faces.

"Your Highness, when will this 'super bomb' be put into actual combat?" Marshal Rundstedt's excited voice trembled slightly, as if he was frightened by the 200,000 figure.

"It won't take more than two years, but you can't count too much on this kind of 'super bomb'. The United States is a big country with a vast territory and abundant resources. We can't use this kind of 'super bomb' to bomb every inch of the United States. We can only bomb a few big buildings." The city scares them. If the Americans are not frightened, then we can only land on American soil to fight."

After the meeting, Yannick stayed with Reinhard. "Is there any new news from Beria?"

Reinhard said respectfully. "Beria has contacted many high-level officials in Siberia. Many of them do not want to be buried with Stalin and are very interested in the conditions we propose. When enough forces are gathered, a purge operation will be launched. I think it will take at least a month. Stalin only has territory west of Moscow and the Ural Mountains. Natasha is ready to move Beria's family to a 'safe' place when the time comes."

"According to the information from Natasha, Stalin is frantically 'scavenging' nearby troops these days to transfer to Moscow. Now the number of regular troops in Moscow plus the American Expeditionary Force has exceeded 5 million, but this is already the limit. , it is impossible to increase. Moreover, Stalin ordered all men and women aged 13 to 50 to take up arms and surround Moscow."

"Five million?" Yannick frowned slightly. Of the more than 5 million regular troops, at least two million are die-hard elements of Stalin and the Soviet Union, right? This number does not include those "militias" who took up arms. In other words, they must eliminate at least 3 million enemy troops before they can completely occupy Moscow.

It seems that this will be an extremely brutal battle.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, the construction of the Moscow Metro, built in 1932, was mainly for military purposes, and the convenience of travel was actually a secondary purpose. Most of the subway lines are built 50 meters below the ground, so even if the German bomber formations bombard them day and night, they can only destroy the buildings on the ground. It is impossible to use ground-penetrating bombs to blow up underground defenses like in Stalingrad, Leningrad, and Smolensk. Until now, the bombing has not suffered any substantial damage to the soldiers and civilians hiding in Moscow's underground fortifications.

"It's really crazy. Let Dr. Goebbels launch a propaganda offensive and ask Stalin if he also sent his daughter Svetlana Josephna to fight on the front line? Otherwise, why would he ask other people's children to bleed and die on the front line? Also, how is Yakov doing?"

A strange smile appeared on Reinhard's face. "The relationship between him and our nurse is becoming more and more ambiguous. It sounds like he wants to settle here after the war."

"Tsk tsk, it's really hard for a hero to be a beauty, but that guy is not a hero either. Don't let him just talk about love. Let him make more broadcasts and write more leaflets. He can also attack Moscow more or less. The morale of the military and civilians.”


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