Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 934 Decisive Battle (4)


The crew of the Panther tank that had just passed over the steel bridge heard a dull crash.

"You seem to have been shot?" Just as the loader muttered uncertainly, the commander loudly ordered. "Two hundred meters from 11 o'clock, one anti-tank gun, loaded with grenades!"

The loader quickly stuffed a grenade into the barrel and closed the breech. "Grenade loading is complete!" Just as the loader reported, the commander saw the bomb falling from the sky blowing up the anti-tank gun.

The commander smacked his lips in frustration and ordered the gunner. "Hans, just find a target and shoot the shell out." Once the tank shell is inserted into the barrel, it must be fired. Retraction is time-consuming, laborious, and quite dangerous. "There seems to be movement at 12 o'clock."

"Got it." The gunner stepped on the trigger, and there was a loud "boom" sound. The tank body shook violently, the barrel retraction movement ended, and the shells were automatically ejected and fell into the shell collection basket below. The commander saw a flash of fire on the Soviet position in the distance, followed by a puff of smoke mixed with soil.

German tanks continuously crossed the anti-tank trenches and rushed towards the first Soviet position. A few unlucky tanks encountered "surviving" mines and were blown up. Their tracks were paralyzed and they could only wait for the rear. Maintenance vehicles come for repairs.

As the German tanks approached, gunshots and artillery fire were sparsely heard in the Soviet positions, but these weak resistance were quickly wiped out by German tanks and attack aircraft from the sky.

"Comrade Commander, the German army has broken through the first position in the southwest!" In the Soviet frontline headquarters, the pale-faced staff officer reported the battle situation to Zhukov.

"..." Although Zhukov knew that was the direction of the German army's main attack, the opponent's combat effectiveness once again exceeded his expectations. "Where are the enemy forces in other directions?"

"The enemy's offensive in other directions is also quite fierce. I'm afraid they won't be able to survive today. Especially those..." The staff officer hesitated and lowered his voice. "Especially those of the 'Russian Restoration Army'. Their offensive can only be described as crazy. Their attack speed has almost caught up with the main force of the German army."

"Are you eager for revenge?" Zhukov sighed helplessly. If Comrade Stalin had not issued "Order No. 270" and lost their loved ones, maybe these people would not have been so desperate. After all, according to common sense, prisoners of war choose to join the puppet army just to survive. Such troops have no combat effectiveness at all.

And "Order No. 270" made these surrendered prisoners of war and Stalin become sworn enemies, especially when Comrade Stalin's eldest son Yakov was captured and Comrade Stalin announced his decision to sever his father-son relationship. The German propaganda department took advantage of it and promoted it to deepen the hatred of these prisoners against Stalin; the result was that the combat effectiveness of these prisoners of war was so explosive.

But if these soldiers were so brave and desperate when fighting the Germans, they wouldn't have let the Germans hit the gate of the capital in one go.

Zhukov shook his head, stopped thinking about these annoying problems, and came to the huge sand table.

Although the depth of the first line of defense is more than 50 kilometers, the terrain around Moscow is not complicated, and most of it is flat areas. The defenders have no natural dangers to rely on, which means that the German armored forces can gallop invincibly.

The chief of staff pointed to the signboard representing the German offensive forces on the sand table and reminded him with a worried look on his face. "Comrade Commander, the German armored forces will soon collide with our 104th Guards Tank Division."

"Guards" generally refers to the elite division in the army. The earliest concept of the Guards appeared in slave society, and mainly refers to the retinue of the commander. In the 12th century, Italy named the elite troops who specialized in guarding the national flag "Guardians". This is also the earliest origin of the title "Guardians". In other words, the "Guards" in the traditional sense are actually the Imperial Guards and Imperial Guards in ancient China. They are a force that serves as a guard rather than a force used in field battles. During the French Napoleon I period, it was stipulated that only French soldiers who had experienced more than 20 battles had the right to be incorporated into the French Guards.

The Guards have a long history in Russia. The first Guards was created as early as the time of Peter the Great in Russia. During World War II, in order to boost morale, the Soviet government began to award the title of "Guard" to some Red Army troops, ships, regiments and regiments that had performed heroically and made special contributions during the war. After obtaining the title, not only will the salaries of officers and soldiers be increased, but they will also be given priority in the supply of equipment and personnel. This was indeed a genius move. The awarding of honors boosted the Soviet military's fighting spirit, strengthened their team spirit, and multiplied their combat effectiveness. They contributed greatly to the victory of the Great Patriotic War.

For example, it was changed to the 100th Division of the 1st Guards Rifle Division (later changed to the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps). This unit severely damaged the 35th German Infantry Division in the battle under the city of Minsk from June 26 to 28, 1941. and the 25th Armored Division, annihilating one of its infantry regiments, one armored regiment, one and a half motorcycle battalions, and destroying more than 100 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, and 23 anti-tank guns. In early September 1941, the division carried out an offensive during the formation of the 24th Army Assault Group, broke through the German defensive positions north of Yelnya, cut off the Yelnya-Smolensk railway line, and surrounded the place from depth The German army group was of great significance to crushing the German army and regaining Yelniya.

During the entire Soviet-German war, the Soviet army awarded honorary titles to 17 group armies, 82 corps, 315 divisions, 59 brigades, and 177 regiment-level units. Some units were abolished after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, and some remained in Russia in later generations.

But now, at a critical moment of life and death, in order to boost the morale of the troops, Stalin gave all the troops guarding Moscow the title of "Guards". The morale did not improve much, but it felt a bit like a bad street.

"The 104th Guards Tank Division?" Zhukov frowned slightly, unable to remember the configuration of this division.

The chief of staff naturally knew that Zhukov was suffering from some amnesia and quickly reported it. "Comrade Commander, this tank division is equipped with 70 KV-1 tanks, 30 IS-2 heavy tanks, and various other types of self-propelled artillery. I think the strength of this division is enough to eat up the forwards of the German armored forces and destroy them. Destroy their spirit! Besides, there is the 105th Guards Tank Division nearby that can serve as reinforcements."

Zhukov nodded when he heard this, seeming to agree with what he said. "Instruct the 104th Guards Tank Division to attack immediately and destroy this German forward force!"

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