Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 957 Decisive Battle (23)

Everything happened so suddenly that before the Americans could react, the Guard soldiers behind the bunker had already pulled the trigger.


Da da da!

A total of seven machine guns are deployed here, three of which are Goryunov SG43 62mm heavy machine guns, three are M1930 Maxim heavy machine guns, and one anti-aircraft machine gun.

This anti-aircraft machine gun, also known as the Deshka anti-aircraft machine gun, was the main anti-aircraft machine gun used by the Soviet Union during World War II. It is usually mounted on a rotating tripod for fixed anti-aircraft purposes, or mounted on tanks and armored vehicles as anti-aircraft machine guns. It is also used by infantry for support purposes and mounted on wheeled launchers.

Under the fierce fire from seven machine guns, the American soldiers fell down like mowing grass.

A large-caliber heavy machine gun bullet hit the body, not piercing it, but directly punching a big hole, and even directly cutting the person in half. The terrifying blood mist directly enveloped the entire passage, and miserable shouts continued. The American soldiers who were squeezed into this narrow passage could only break into pieces of flesh and blood flying around when faced with the bullets of this large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun.

The major guard picked up the phone and reported the situation here to Comrade Stalin.

As soon as Malenkov picked up the phone, he heard intense and intensive gunshots from the other side and was startled. "What's going on?! Did the Germans rush in?" Why not quickly detonate a bomb and collapse the passage?

The major guard reported loudly. "Comrade Malenkov is not a German, he is an American! The Americans wanted to forcefully break through the barrier, but they fired first."

"What?!" Malenkov was shocked. "Wait a minute, I'm going to ask Comrade Stalin for instructions!" After saying that, he put down the phone and hurried back to the ward to report the matter to Comrade Stalin. "Comrade Stalin, the Americans are storming the second channel checkpoint, fighting with our guards, and firing first."

"What are these damn Americans going to do?!" Stalin suddenly became furious and ordered loudly. "Tell them that they can blow up the passage if they can't stand it any longer, and never let a single Yankee escape! Notify Comrade Rokossovsky immediately to eliminate all these damn bastards!!"

"Yes!" Malenkov ran out again to deliver the order.

On the other side, Rokossovsky, who had just reluctantly sent Eisenhower away, received a call from Malenkov. "What? The Americans are fighting with us? What's going on?!" Aren't the Americans going out to surrender? Why did you start fighting with them? Didn't someone let them leave? But besides Comrade Stalin and himself, who else has the right to prevent the Americans from leaving?

Malenkov was no longer present, so of course he didn’t know the specific circumstances. "I don't know either, but what is certain is that the Americans fired the shots first. Comrade Stalin ordered you to eliminate these guys immediately!"

"Understood, don't worry, Comrade Stalin, I will execute it immediately." Although he was confused, Rokossovsky still obeyed Comrade Stalin's order unconditionally, put down the phone and called the guards at the door, and asked them to hunt down Eisenhower.

Eisenhower had just reached the elevator and was about to press the elevator button when he heard noisy running behind him. When he looked back, he saw several menacing Soviet soldiers rushing toward him and knocking him to the ground without any explanation.

"Asshole, what are you doing?!" Eisenhower was shocked and angry. He had just said goodbye to Rokossovsky, and why was he knocked down? what's the situation? !

But several guards couldn't help but escort the struggling Eisenhower back to the combat command room and brought him to Rokossovsky.

Eisenhower was so angry that he roared. "Commander Rokossovsky, what do you mean?!" But he also noticed that Rokossovsky's expression was strange.

Rokossovsky said helplessly. "Sorry Commander Eisenhower, this was not my intention. I was just following Comrade Stalin's orders."

"Stalin? Why did he want to arrest me?!" Eisenhower's eyes widened suddenly. Could it be that Stalin's mental illness relapsed? But if they get sick again, there is no reason to prevent them from surrendering to the German army, right? They are the US military, not the Soviet army. If they want to surrender, they have to look at Stalin's face? ! But what Rokossovsky said next made him open his mouth in shock. "Because your army is fighting with our soldiers."

"A fight started?" Eisenhower didn't react for a moment. "What do you mean a fight?"

Rokossovsky shook his head. "I don't know the specific details. I only know that your soldiers attacked our No. 2 channel for no reason and a conflict broke out. I heard that your army fired the gun first, and then our soldiers also fired back, and the fight started."

"!!" Eisenhower was stunned, as if he had heard a fantasy, with a look of disbelief on his face. "How is it possible? Our soldiers don't even have weapons, how is it possible..." At this point, he suddenly remembered that he asked the officers to keep their pistols. Could it be that these officers had a conflict with the Soviet soldiers? But it won’t lead to a fight, right? "Commander Rokossovsky, there must be some misunderstanding! You must quickly issue a ceasefire order!" Their soldiers only have the pistols worn by the officers, and the other soldiers use their bare hands. If this fight really breaks out, it will not be a one-sided massacre. ?

Rokossovsky sighed. "Sorry, it's too late, Commander Eisenhower. Comrade Stalin has issued an order to completely wipe out your army. And except for me, commanders at all levels have received orders directly from Comrade Stalin. Even if I issue an order to cease fire now It doesn’t help.”

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Eisenhower was going crazy. "You can't do this. This is a bloody massacre!" These people traveled thousands of miles to come to the Soviet Union to help the Soviet Union fight the Germans and made huge sacrifices. It was so crazy that the remaining soldiers were able to save their lives and go home when the war was over, but they were massacred by the Soviets at this time!

Eisenhower struggled desperately, yelled, and cursed.

Seeing him almost crazy, Rokossovsky waved his hand, and a soldier took off the rifle from his back, and hit Eisenhower on the head with the butt of the rifle, causing blood to flow out instantly. Under the heavy blow, Eisenhower's body fell limply. Seeing this, Rokossovsky gave orders. "Pull out."

Several soldiers dragged Eisenhower out like a dead dog. A trace of unbearability flashed on the face of the chief of staff beside him, and he whispered in a low voice. "Is this really good?"

Rokossovsky sighed deeply. "What can I do?"

(Sorry, there is only one chapter today)

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