In fact, since Gu Chu returned from kindergarten, she saw Lin Xiaozhou who was stunned.

There was an air of sadness all over.

"Brother Xiaozhou, what's the matter, is there another black fan coming out to scold people?" Gu Chu asked curiously. Now Gu Chu has regarded Lin Xiaozhou as his family (uncle) and his mother (mother), and the family must take care of each other.

Since the last time he was hacked, Lin Xiaozhou has settled in Cheng's live streaming platform of Hearts, and has settled in Zhao Yan's house for a long time. Lin Xiaozhou is optimistic by nature, has a high level of game play, and is a cute cat boy. His popularity has soared, and his status as a domestic game anchor is stable and secure.

The popularity of live broadcasts is more than one million every day, which can be said to be red and purple.

Such an optimistic, cheerful and talkative Lin Xiaozhou, what are you worrying about today?

Lin Xiaozhou sighed faintly: "It's hard to say anything."

Gu Manxi said: "If you run into trouble, just tell me, we will definitely help."

Gu Chu nodded quickly, and out of the corner of his eye aimed at Zhao Yan, his uncle Gao Leng, who had always been taciturn.

It's strange, my uncle doesn't usually care about Lin Xiaozhou, and Zhao Yan helped to buy Lin Xiaozhou's trousers. Today, Lin Xiaozhou has a sad face, but his uncle didn't even ask, and the corners of his mouth even rose slightly.

There are tricks!

Absolutely tricky!

Lin Xiaozhou took two mouthfuls of rice, his curly hair was listless and drooping, his delicate face flashed helpless: "Yesterday, my live broadcast followers exceeded 10 million."

Gu Manxi was puzzled: "It's a good thing to have more than 10 million fans. What are you worried about?"

Lin Xiaozhou screamed twice, heartbroken: "I promised fans on Weibo before that if the number of fans of Hearts Live exceeds 10 million, I will agree to a request. Achieve the one with the highest likes in the comments."

Gu Chu took out his mobile phone and opened Weibo to find Lin Xiaozhou.

Sure enough, I found the Weibo posted by Lin Xiaozhou.

@Kid handsome cub: Hearts live broadcast has over 10 million fans. Say your wishes, and I will be responsible for realizing them~

Weibo comments exceeded 100,000.

The top five with the most likes are:

[The old man's name is messed up]: "Women's clothing! Women's clothing! Women's clothing!" (99,000 likes)

[The heroine's object is the male villain's ex-boyfriend]: "Cub, expose the bed photo of you and the mysterious game netizen [Lao Zhao]! Immediately!" (90,000 likes)

[Ba Shujin calls out]: "Cai Wenji hits the wild!" (like 8.8W)

[kid's petite wife]: "Marry me!" (liked 6W, and commented on a bunch of netizens suggesting that the landlord eat more peanuts, and there are 'uremia patients' lining up)

[Riding a pig on the high-speed]: "Take a bath, take a bath! Please live to take a bath! Washing dates doesn't count!" (Like 5W)

At present, the highest voice is still women's clothing.

"Ouch, I made such a promise for Mao!" Lin Xiaozhou was worried, "Little Master, a pure man, what maid clothes are you wearing!"

Lin Xiaozhou wants to dig a hole and bury himself, I'll dig myself!

Gu Chu giggled, and Gu Manxi couldn't help laughing.

Gu Chu finally understood the reason why his uncle secretly secretly rejoiced.

"The teacher said that words must be said, and actions must be fruitful." Gu Chu pushed the boat along the water and said with a smile, "It means that what you promise others must be done, or you will lose your trust in others."

"If necessary, I can help you with makeup." Gu Manxi also rarely showed a sly side.

Zhao Yan coughed slightly, quite calmly: "I can handle the clothes."

Gu Chu squeezed his fist to cheer him up: "Come on, you are the best!"

Lin Xiaozhou covered his face: "I'd rather post pictures of my bed with Lao Zhao than women's clothes!!"

Zhao Yan's dark eyes swept over.

update update update update

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