A clear, somewhat puzzled child's voice lashed her behavior like a whip.

Cao Yuezhi's hands trembled slightly.

She had a guilty conscience, and the draft of the movie script in her hand fell to the ground.

The scratch paper scattered and fell all over the floor, mixed with the manuscripts piled up on the floor. Cao Yuezhi stabilized her mind and turned around to see a little girl in a green shirt standing at the door.

A pair of big clear eyes, obediently stopped by the door, looking at her without blinking, seeing Cao Yuezhi inexplicably guilty.

Gu Chu's smile was simple and cute, and there was something in his words: "Aunt Cao, I saw you come in just now. Are you here to find Uncle Lu? But Uncle Lu is the director in the crew, and he won't be back until very late."

For some reason, those clear, impurity-free eyes seemed indescribably terrifying to Cao Yuezhi.

The faint eyes.

It was as if she could see through all her thoughts.

Cao Yuezhi pulled out a smile, pretended to be sorting her clothes, and replied casually, "I forgot something here, come and look for it. It's you, a five-year-old child running around, not afraid of your mother's worries?"

Gu Chu tilted his head and suddenly said, "Aunt Cao, stealing is not good."

It was like a bucket of cold water poured on Cao Yuezhi.

Cao Yuezhi did a lot of psychological construction for herself last night. She thought about the future and finally decided to find the complete script without knowing it, as a letter of entry into the Wang family.

Who would have expected it to be smashed by a five-year-old baby!

Cao Yuezhi narrowed her eyes, and a cold look flashed in her eyes. She walked to Gu Chu's side, squatted down and looked at Gu Chu: "Auntie didn't steal anything, Auntie just came to find something. Don't tell anyone outside Chuchu. ."

She patted Gu Chu's shoulder with her slender fingers, and she saw Gu Chu's thin and soft black hair.

Very close to her fingers.

With just a little tug, you can get a sample of the child's hair from Gu Chu. Go to the dressing room to find Gu Manxi's hair sample and make a DNA comparison

Cao Yuezhi stretched out her fingers, but before her fingertips touched Gu Chu's hair, Gu Chu suddenly ran to the table, stood on tiptoe, opened the refrigerator, and took out a vanilla ice cream.

Gu Chu tore the wrapper of the ice cream and stuck out his tongue mischievously: "Auntie, keep looking for something, I'll go with an ice cream. Auntie, don't tell anyone outside, otherwise Mama and Uncle Lu will know. would be mad at me."

Cao Yuezhi frowned, it turned out that this little girl wanted to steal ice cream, and hit her with a crooked punch.

Cao Yuezhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"At the beginning of the day, only the two of us know what happened in this room today, and we don't tell anyone else." Cao Yuezhi followed the instructions, what kind of bad thoughts could a five-year-old child have?

As long as you threaten a little, it's definitely easy to deceive.

Gu Chu bit the ice cream and nodded vaguely: "Mmmm."

Cao Yuezhi bent down and picked up the script draft papers scattered on the ground one by one. The crew has many eyes, and if she carries scattered complete scripts with her, it is easy to be discovered. Cao Yuezhi had a way, she quickly spread out the sheets of paper and took pictures with her mobile phone.

Hidden in the phone, who can check her phone?

Next to him, Gu Chu was holding ice cream in his mouth, observing Cao Yuezhi's every move and pondering in secret. What is Cao Yuezhi doing here to steal the script? Are you going to sell it at a high price? This is not reasonable.

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