Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 310 My Big Brother Is Amazing (2)

Where he stands, where is the chilling rivers and lakes.

Sometimes Lin Xiaozhou can't help but wonder, is this really his brother?

When they were young, the two brothers had a very good relationship. Later, Lin Mo went to New York to do business alone and rarely contacted his family.

Lin Xiaozhou was addicted to playing games as an anchor, and the exchanges between the brothers gradually decreased. When Lin Xiaozhou reacted, his eldest brother had become a high-class person with a gun in the car, a bodyguard in black when he traveled, and a business of over 100 million yuan.

"Brother, I want to go back to China." Lin Xiaozhou asked tentatively, tilting his head in anticipation.

Lin Mo: "Wait for another three days."

Lin Xiaozhou: "Oh, my salary, how much are you going to give, eldest brother?"

Lin Mo ignored him, turned around and walked straight back to the room.

Lin Xiaozhou quietly rolled his eyes, and went back to his room with a bang. Just take a shower, put your head on the pillow and get ready to sleep. Before going to bed, Lin Xiaozhou flipped through WeChat on his mobile phone

I haven't sent a message to Lao Zhao for more than half a month, and I still don't get used to it.

In the past, the two were good brothers who could talk about everything. Lin Xiaozhou would share with Lao Zhao any interesting things he encountered. Even if it is a trivial matter, I will say to Lao Zhao:

"Lao Zhao gave me two planes in the live broadcast room today! Haha, I'll treat you tonight, what do you want to eat?"

"I passed by the vegetable market and bought two fish, I will make pickled fish tonight~~"

"Get on the number, play games, brother will take you to the king."

"Hahaha I saw Rhubarb chasing a flower butterfly in the morning, the butterfly flew to the tree, Rhubarb couldn't climb the tree trunk and barked anxiously, hahaha"

I have to share every little thing with him, and Lao Zhao never dislikes him talking too much.


Lin Xiaozhou was holding his mobile phone, and his mood was complicated.

I really want to complain to Lao Zhao about his live hacking today! Also complain about his big brother's stinginess! I also want to share the Australian lobster he ate at noon. It tastes terrible. The chef is afraid that the dish is not made with feet!

But, he has already blackmailed Lao Zhao with a guilty conscience.

Block all contact information.

Recalling what happened that day, Lin Xiaozhou fell on the bed and cried! So embarrassing! It's so indescribable!

"Damn, I'll never drink again in the future!!"

Before falling asleep, Lin Xiaozhou swore for the nth time.


New York Angel Hotel, the sun shines on the floor-to-ceiling windows, it is noon.

Cheng Qi has no work today and is reading the latest Wall Street financial newspaper on the sofa. BoBo sits cross-legged and carefree on the thick cashmere rug, putting on his headphones and reading gossip on the hacker forum.

The two most compelling news.

The first is the official news released by the forum: [The King of Hackers is freshly released - Ace of Hearts! 】

The second is a small article written by an unknown hacker: [Poke in to see how awesome the Ace of Hearts hacking technology is! ta directly hacked the official! 】

In the comment area, there is a lot of praise and worship.

Hacking is a very simple profession, I will recognize whoever is great is the big brother. Last night, the A of Hearts smashed the sky and directly conquered a large number of hackers! Now the Ace of Hearts has crushed tiger and has become a new myth in the forum.

Just a banner that says:

"Sunrise in the East, only the Ace of Hearts is undefeated, the leader of the East, Wencheng Wude, for thousands of years, unified the hacker rivers and lakes".

The corners of BoBo's mouth twitched up secretly.

Proud, proud.

My eldest brother is the king of hackers you worship!

"Brother, your performance last night was amazing! I admire you so much!" BoBo babbled while browsing the forum, "Especially in the last game, I almost thought you were going to burp, but you can still rely on the sky against the sky. The operation turns the world around! It's too strong!"

Ask for a monthly pass~ (screaming)

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