The clerk nodded: "It should be. She also handed the gloves to the man."

Cheng Qi's eyes became cold every inch, and his eyelashes were low and sharp. He calmly analyzed: With Gu Chu's character and ability, he would never let strangers approach her for no reason, unless she had absolute certainty that she could gain benefits in this strange battle.

Nine times out of ten, the people who came to Gu Chu were from the hacker contest.

For some reason, Gu Chu didn't think the trip was dangerous, and she happily followed him away.

But Cheng Qi was still worried.

He wanted to see with his own eyes that Gu Chu was intact and healthy.

Cheng Qi left quickly and made a phone call.


The bustling streets of New York are full of traffic.

Gu Chu followed the man in black and entered the underground garage of the shopping mall.

In the shopping mall just now, Gu Chu quickly picked out a pair of leather gloves as a gift for Dad Dog. Turning around, ten meters away from Gu Chu, there was an unfamiliar American man in black. He looked ordinary, but he was holding an eye-catching poker card.

【Ace of Hearts】.

Gu Chu smiled, she knew that the prize for the champion of the hacker competition was about to be delivered.

"Uncle, aren't you really the bad guy who kidnapped children?" The lights in the underground garage were half-lit, Gu Chu folded his arms around his chest, and moved away from the man in black like a little adult.

The man in black shook his head like a robot with no emotions.

The man in black led Gu Chu to the end of the garage, where a black extended luxury car was parked. Gu Chu casually glanced at the material of the body, the national bulletproof level, the owner of this car must be a big man.

The man in black walked to the door and tapped on the window.

There seemed to be a response from someone in the car, the man in black nodded, put down Gu Chu, turned around and left. His mission was to bring Gu Chu over with that ace of hearts playing card.

As soon as the man in black left, there was a brief silence in the garage. The bright lights fell on the black luxury car, and the black car skin reflected the bright light; Gu Chu stood at the intersection of light and dark, in the light and darkness, her eyes no longer had the childishness of before, she instantly recovered the hearts A's arrogant and uninhibited state.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

The black luxury car door didn't open, and Gu Chu didn't knock on the door.

It was like a quiet confrontation.

Until the phone in his pocket beeped, Gu Chu took out his phone and saw that it was Cheng Qi's call.

Gu Chu's voice was soft, and his tone was elongated: "If you don't move, I'll answer the phone. With Cheng Qi's ability, you can't take me away from this mall."

The voice fell, and the rear door of the car creaked and slowly opened.

Gu Chu saw the black figure leaning lazily in the shadow, the outline of his face was hidden in the darkness, and he could only vaguely see the straight edges and corners of the suit, with an ice-blade-like coldness and sharpness on his body.

"Get in the car." The man said.

A calm voice, slightly cool, loose-very familiar.

Gu Chu remembered that not long ago, she and BoBo went to buy a computer and accidentally bumped into an American man with a black umbrella at the door of the store.

the same voice

Gu Chu got into the car with a small face.

"Turn off the phone," the man said.

Gu Chu turned off the phone and put it into a shopping bag with leather gloves. As he got closer, Gu Chu noticed the man's appearance, with pale complexion and three-dimensional facial features. The moment he saw Gu Chu, the corners of the man's thin lips raised an indifferent arc.

Gu Chu shrugged, tilted his head and asked, "So, are you Lao Mo? Or Shen Si?"

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