Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The face is gorgeous and picturesque, and the skin is so pale that it looks very strange in the night. Even though there was a certain distance, Qin Shizi could feel the chill from the layers of her, as if the woman had just crawled out of the ground.

Her tall, slender body was wrapped in a skirt of unknown material. The skirt was blood-red, without any folds, and the skirt of her ankles flew with the wind, hunting.

Qin Shizi looked at her again, only to realize that this woman was barefoot. The ten toes stepped on the ground as fine as white jade, small and delicate, without any dirt.

How is this possible--

Could it be that she is really not human? !

Chilling all over the body, he suddenly heard the lock of the car behind him, and the cold wind of hunting poured into the car. He instantly recovered and stopped in panic: "Sir, danger, don't go!" Enchanted by the illusion cast by this demon?


He chased and got out of the car, Qin Yu glanced at him with no expression, the outlined facial features were reflected by the pale moonlight above his head, as if he was covered with a veil on the finely carved statue. His pupils are light gray, his pale lips are thin, and there is a thin cold smile at the corners of his lips, which is daunting.

He was dark, with a black shirt, black trousers, and a big trench coat outside. After Qin Shishi was stopped, Qin Yu slowly stepped up and walked to the woman in front of him, facing the wind of Ling Xian, stepping over some invisible bones under his feet, wrapped in a murderous momentum, and came to her.

The narrow and narrow eyes narrowed dangerously, and he asked lightly, "Who are you?"

"I am Yinluo, do you need any help?" She tilted her head, clearly holding the beautiful picture, but she just made a naive and indifferent look, and her lips were stained with a layer of hooks. the taste of.

The roar of the car sent by the invisible wind moved from far to near. Qin Yu knew that within two minutes, all the surviving murderers would have arrived at the scene.

He stroked his sleeves, his eyes light, "What do you want?"

He has always believed that there are connections, and this woman is stuck in front of his car for no reason. It can never be purely good-hearted and wants to save him once.

Exactly, he was also curious as to what this woman is.

The slender and pale fingers slowly touched his chest, and the slightly long nails scraped a button slightly above her. She had a pretty eyebrow and thin clothes, but she didn't seem to feel cold. Laughing, the eyes are confusing, "I want--"

Her fingers tightened tightly, and she approached inadvertently, with white teeth still visible between her red lips, "Shared with your life."

"Sir! No!"

Qin Shizi was not far away, and he paid full attention to the situation here. Hearing this sentence, his face changed immediately. The husband's health is not good, if he is entangled by this unknown woman, who knows what will happen in the future?

Therefore, absolutely not!

If he goes back, he is sure to be killed by the few above him!

"Giggle ..." She suddenly stepped back two steps. During the movement, Qin Yu saw her two pale ankles, with a red rope tied to one side, and the bells caused by the two white bones swayed silently, as if growing in white. The poisonous spider on the rose is tempting.

Covering his lips and laughing, his low, hoarse voice showed endless indifference.

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