Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui raised an eyebrow. It was a bracelet inlaid with a circle of rubies. It was very thin. A bell fell under the bracelet. The workmanship was also exquisite. Although small, it was clear that all lines were clear.

She narrowed her eyes closer to the bracelet and smiled.

The old man is worried, just afraid that there is a tracker hidden here! Well, let him feel at ease. Although she has the means to do things, she can't arbitrarily intervene in Yin and Yang.

Su Kui shook his wrist and listened to the tinkling sound, and was in a good mood.


The night was blowing, and the cold wind was like a sharp knife, and it was scraped on the skin.

In front of the unremarkable dilapidated old mansion, Su Kui stood at the door, and a red ankle dress flew with the wind. The snow on the eaves was blown down and raged in the air.

Her red lips lightly picked her up and walked slowly into it.

After the death of the old thing, only a few people of the Lin family moved their family, and the move was still very hidden. The house is very ordinary, and the place is also in a small village on the outskirts of the city. It is far from the prosperity of the city, but it is ruined, and it is pale and lonely in winter.

Lin Yuezhi is away, she pushes the door to enter.

There are still traces of life in the yard, and the cleaning is very clean.

Su Kui stood in the courtyard and swept around. He tapped the rooms with his fingers. He squinted and walked toward the ancestral hall with a sneer. He kicked the door open without any emotion in his eyes.

Candles were lit all year round in the ancestral hall, and the air smelled of a strong scent of candles, which made the human head hurt. The three long incense sticks on the incense burner smoke, showing that the person who incense did not go long.

She closed the door with her backhand and walked in with a smile on her face, stopping a few steps away from the rank.

"Now, old folks, I am back, are you very happy to see me?" She tilted her head and said to herself: "Actually, no matter what you think, I am really happy because-- "

"I live longer than you, even if you are unscrupulous in order to make your family rise. In addition to a period of glory, it has not fallen quickly. It is regarded as a nail in the eyes of the righteous people. What do you say about this? I ’m afraid you wo n’t be able to get on now. Enjoy torture in hell? "

Her eyes were dangling, her long, curly eyes like a row of fans twitching slightly with her breath, she rubbed her fingers with bright red nails and murmured: "Thank you in fact, without you, I must have been already by now. Turned into a pile of dead bones, can't you see the scene now? "

There was a cold wind blowing in the room for no reason, with a rotten taste, Su Kui giggled at the look, "angry? Giggles ..." She covered her red lips with one hand, the red double pupils glowed all night, Gu Pansheng. "How about you, the younger generation raised too much waste wood, and they didn't understand anything. They thought they wouldn't teach her. From now on, you Lin family will be able to refresh their hearts and wash them again."

She raised her hand at random, and the ranks of the ancestral hall shattered, falling like a raging wind, raising her voice by three points, and said coldly: "Since I know that I will come to revenge one day sooner or later, my son Cultivated talents, no matter how, you have to have half the means of old things! Otherwise, she will fall into my hands sooner or later, I will let you Lin family, sons and sons! "

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