Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Supporting the forehead with one hand, the slender, jade-like hand holds a roll of bamboo slips, and the mind seems to be immersed in that book. But it seemed like he was wandering the sky, and he didn't care about anything.

Suddenly, a snow-white thing came out of the water like lightning, and suddenly fell into the man's arms.

This is the taste-

Su Kui narrowed her eyes, rubbing in satisfaction. Small claws scratched the man's coat. He only wore a thin pair. At this time, she was torn by her, and he showed half of the chest that was lean but not lean, and the elegant lines were smooth and full. With the fragrance of a pine tree, it was as clear as snow.

Ice muscle jade is nothing more than that.

The round cat's pupils were stared wide, and the azure blue pupils crossed the streamer. After the man reacted, his chest had been gently licked by a tongue with a prickly tongue.


The man snorted, his voice as gentle as the spring breeze, the tone was soft when he spoke, the tail rose unconsciously, and he couldn't help attracting attention.

"Huh, where is this little thing coming from here?" Liu Fengliu sneered, **** carved like jade picked up the white cat, and nodded her round head, laughing, "Who is your master?" It did n’t even teach you the rules, is my Seven Star Palace not allowed outsiders to enter or leave? "

"Meow ~" Su Kui blinked, tilting his head and reaching out two small paws to hug one of his fingers.

The pink tip of the tongue licked his fingertips, Liu Fengliu felt very novel, a touch of numbness felt like electric current across his fingertips, he did not break free, but let her hold her, while letting down the bamboo slips and supporting the body .

"Ah, you haven't opened your mind yet?"

A trace of frosted hair slipped from the forehead to Su Kui's nose, and she couldn't help but sneeze. With too much force, the whole body flew forward and almost rolled into the water.

Liu Fengliu's eyes were quick, and he recovered the hair **** falling into the water in a timely manner. He shook his head like a smile. "It's a funny little guy, but it's stupid." Looking at her dumbfounded look, Liu Fengliu did Next comment.

"Meow!" Su Kui glared at him, opened his hand with a paw, dare to say that her brain is not good?


Liu Fengliu blinked and grabbed her forehead to grab her tail to prevent her from escaping. "Huh? The little thing is quite tempered? Just, I apologize, how?"

"Meow!" The little head twisted to the left, the round head raised high, the blue cat's pupil narrowed, and there seemed to be a hint of contempt.

With a few smiles in his eyes, Liu Fengliu raised his cherry-colored lips, "Now, what do you want?"

Su Kui's big eyes brightened, and she was not angry anymore. She wanted to jump up, but her body was too small and her ability was too weak. She only jumped half a foot and fell.

Before landing, he was picked up by a pair of slender hands like jade, and put it firmly in his arms. Su Kui squatted on Liu Fengliu's arm, two claws dragged Liu Fengliu's open brocade, and meowed in the mouth, pointing at the direction of assessment.

The peach blossoms on Liu Fengliu's eyes narrowed and flicked her soft ears, "Do you want me to go to the martial arts field?"

"Meow ~" The little head nodded.

The next second, a finger had already fallen on her forehead and directly pressed her head down, "You are smart, are you asking for me?"

"Meow meow meow!!"

That's right, Su Kui quite likes Liu Changqing as a teenager. If it can be done, it is not impossible for Liu Fengliu to accept Liu Changqing.

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