Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Liu Fengliu chuckled, he yawned with his fist against his lips, probably he thought about it more.


The time of Xiuxian Realm always passes especially fast.

Time rushes like sand between fingers, spring goes from autumn to winter solstice, and three years pass in an instant.

Su Kui's belly is still a bottomless hole, and she has not turned into a human form as many novels have said.

The jade pond in the water vapor exudes a light medicinal fragrance, the night outside the window is just right, the silver plate hangs in the sky, the cherry blossoms that bloom all year round shake the petals in the wind, float, swirl to the ground, fall water surface.

Outside the Seven Star Palace, everything is shrouded in moonlight, showing a different kind of picture.

Su Kui jumped in from the window. The man in the water was soaked in the light brown water. The fog around him blurred his eyebrows, but it also appeared the atmosphere of the whole room.

Men's skin is like jade, radiant to almost transparent, without flaws. He leaned his head against the edge of Yuchi, his frost-white hair drooped in front of him, his long and sparse eyelashes were wet with moisture, and his pale cheeks appeared a bit crimson at this time. I don't know if it was sweat or water droplets condensed from water, rolling off his forehead and slowly sliding down his jaw--

With a click, it hit the water and made a ticking sound.

Lip color is like cherry blossom, which is suitable for kissing lips.

Su Kui stayed quietly for a long time. Suddenly, Liu Fengli opened his lips and said lazily: "Shui'er, go out to the wild again? Come to me." He raised his hand from the water, and the drops of water came from his fingers Slipped, glaring white skin.

The stunner on earth——

Lifting his eyes, the cat in front of the window stared at him straight, without moving, Liu Fengliu couldn't help laughing, and Lili's eyebrows were full of spoiling, "Shui'er, really a cat with an unchanging heart Yeah, why do n’t you get closer, I ’ll show you carefully, eh? ”The tail picked up, the voice was long, and it was slightly hoarse and heavy due to the soaking in the water.

Little paw scratched an ear, Liu Fengliu's fingertips moved, the invisible wind gently lifted Su Kui's body, and fell straight to his side.

"Now, Shui'er, do you want to try it and wash with me?"

"Meow ~" Su Kui blinked and threw it on Liu Fengliu's chest. Liu Fengliu raised her hand to support her body, and felt her lips wet.

He was stunned for a moment, and a pair of dark ink eyes slammed into those blue eyes that seemed to reflect the water.

"Shui'er ..."

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"Meow ~" Of course I know that the first thing I do is wait for me to be transformed!

Su Kui touched his cheek again, and the skin under his paws was really smooth, like the best sheep fat jade. She couldn't help rubbing, yawning lazily, lying on Liu Fengliu's palm, paws fiddle with water splashes.

"Huh--" Liu Fengliu chuckled, squeezed her ears, "What is Shui Er thinking?" Suddenly languished.

For her who has always been arrogant and arrogant, it is really rare.

Su Kui lazily raised his eyelids and squinted at him, then lay back again. What can you pursue in your life if you ca n’t reach the person you want? She is just a mess.

Liu Fengliu frowned, and suddenly kissed her forehead without warning. The soft voice rustled. With warm breathing, she fell into her ears, "Shui'er must be happy, I like water most. Here it is. "

The voice is soft, like a spring breeze.

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