Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Mu Xiaxue squeezed in a group of people with a complex look, her fingers trembling slightly, she vaguely felt that things should not be like this, but could not tell, what is different.

It seemed that the trajectory of life had deviated, but she was powerless to stop it.

Looking up at the sky above the head, the clouds were overcast, layers of black clouds pressed against the top of the head, the air was heavy, and the pressure was almost breathless.

The sky of the Supreme Sovereign is about to change--


Liu Changqing has been kneeling in front of the hall for a day and night, Liu Fengliu never came out, and Su Kui did not move. He was anxious and anxious, fearing that Su Kui really had something wrong, and he would not be able to let go of his poor life.

He was seriously injured, and the season of the Seven Star Palace changed with Liu Fengliu's mood. At the beginning, he was also curious and surprised by this change, and at the same time he could easily guess Liu Fengliu's mood.

Of course, when Su Kui is in the mood of Liu Liuliu, every day is the beginning of spring for everything.

After returning from yesterday, it became a cold winter. All the cherry trees withered overnight and lost their breath of life. The sky was foggy, and the snow fluttered down like a tumble, and there was already a pile under him. His body has almost frozen into an ice sculpture.

When suddenly hearing the outside voice, Liu Changqing was shocked, and he clasped his fists.

What happened?

How dare these people come to disturb the purity of the elders? !

Just looking back, I saw that in the distance, there was a frost-white long hair, wide-sleeved robe, like a jade, a man like a fairy, slowly stepping out of the hall, standing with his hand outside the hall door, looking out to the Seven Star Hall.

Outside the formation, almost all disciples of the Supreme Sect were gathered.

He lifted his thin lips lightly, slowly raising a light smile. That smile, there is no temperature, it is easy to see, and then I feel terrified.

Changqing Liu's eye tremor twitched and said weakly: "Elder ... what happened ..."

With this sound, Liu Fengliu's eyes fell on his body for a long while, and he slowly opened his lips, "Get up, the matter is here, and I can't keep you in the Seven Star Palace, leave by myself." Cold and indifferent, with no fluctuations.

Liu Fengliu's emotions are not easily exposed, but Liu Changqing was surprised for a while before he recovered.

In that box, Liu Fengliu had already opened his formation by waving his sleeves, and there was a sound outside. Soon, noisy footsteps came.

Liu Qingqing begged weakly and insisted on kneeling on the ground, "Elder ... disciple knows the wrong, and asks the elder to punish, only hope that the elder will not rush the disciple away!"

Liu Fengliu looked at Xie Changning and the elder elders who were approaching in front of them. They seemed to laugh, but raised their eyebrows nonchalantly. "Soon, you won't say that."

Changqing Liu really doesn't know what he meant by this sentence, but the elder has always been unpleasant and disobeying his meaning. Even if he kneels for a long time, the elder will not be soft-hearted. It's better to be obedient first and ask him afterwards.

Xie Changning came to his eyes, first respectfully performed a half ceremony, and then said: "Something happened today, which disturbed the elder's cleaning, and asked the elder to atone."

Liu Fengliu's lips always had an unclear smile, and the narrow and long eyes were deep and he could not see the bottom.

"No problem." He opened his lips lightly.

"Then there is one more thing for disciples, please elders to solve the puzzle!"


Xie Changning glanced at the second elder, and the second elder understood, he stroked his beard and shook his head.

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