Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

When she heard that, Jane couldn't help crying, "You won? When?"

Su Kui smiled, "Just when you rushed down to save me, there was an old saying in ancient times: Soldiers are not deceitful, don't you understand?"

As a soldier, he has long been familiar with this kind of warfare books, but he did not expect that one day he would fall into the trap so easily.

He patted her short silver hair, "Hey, that's not counted. If I didn't rush down to save you, I would win."

"Is it? I don't think so. There is nothing if you choose to save me, and naturally you fall into my trap. This is your own choice." Even though the small face is pale and the delicate eyebrows, it still looks like Proud and wanton.

Jane pursed her lips, "Then you will work hard to survive, this time does not count, next time, I will try again with you, how?"

Su Kui sneered at him with a sneer, smiling like, "Hey, man, are you a shame?"

Jane raised her eyebrows, saying nothing, "If you say yes, then it's true. In short, if you can survive, I will definitely try again with you."

Su Kui knew that he wanted to arouse his desire for survival. She blinked, heavy darkness, desperately pulling her, trying to pull her into the abyss.

Nodded hard, "Next time, I can only win!"

Jane smiled suddenly, with a clear smile on his well-defined face, "Well, I will wait and see!"

The yellow sand was rolling, the scorching sun in the sky, the golden sunlight, and a soft halo on the two.


Deng Moer paced anxiously on the ground. Since Su Kui disappeared, he sent a message to the headquarters, and all the staff were transferred back to search Su Kui's news.

The planet most likely to land has been turned over and over, and no shadow has been found!

On the one hand, he wanted to prevent the raids from time to time on the empire side. On the one hand, he had to step up his search for Su Kui.

Just like their purpose.

Whoever wants to find it, destroys the other first.

It is also possible that both of them have already--

Dunmore shook his head and dared not think about it again, "Go! Keep looking! Collect all nearby planets, prepare rescue measures, and be ready to rescue at any time!"

Everyone nodded, immediately counted their lives, and launched the next wave of rescue.


The third day.

Jane is okay. As an imperial **** of war, first of all, his physical fitness has been rigorously trained. He insists on not eating or drinking for a week, and it is not harmful.

However, Su Kui is a mental power, the development of the brain domain is too strong, there are gains and losses, the natural body is more fragile. In the absence of any protection, do not eat or drink for three days, has reached the limit.

Su Kui felt that this time, he probably made a big death.

The girl's dark red European-style dress was dirty, and some of them even became broken pieces of cloth, which looked a little embarrassed. Silver hair, which always radiates healthy color, loses its luster and becomes dull due to dehydration.

The girl's hand is too small, and Jane can wrap it tightly with almost one hand, leaving no gaps. He has a complicated look, and the young girl is the first person to dare to yell at him, with powerful ability and arrogant behavior.

Although she is an enemy against herself, the education she received since childhood told him that in order to maintain interstellar peace, the most he should do now is to kill her! God knows nothing about it.

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