Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The old king heard General Anderson's request, frowned, and quickly hurried out.

In the hall, the old king sat on the throne, looking at the tall man under his highness. The man is undoubtedly favored by heaven, with outstanding appearance and outstanding ability. If he is dissatisfied, he wants to overthrow the royal family and become king independently. The royal family has no resistance at all.

This is why he had to squeeze his daughter to him.

But for now, it seems to be counterproductive.

"General Anderson, please see me today, what's the matter?" The old king's eyes flickered, unable to see through his slightest emotions, and he just kept changing.

Jane rubbed his wrist and raised his head casually. Although the position of the two was high and low, he never lost anyone in terms of momentum.

"Master King, Jane feels deeply troubled by several princesses recently. Has the king ever considered it? Is it time for the princesses to choose a spouse?" His eyes were always light, his lips lightly tickled and fixed. Looks at the old king.

"What does General Anderson mean?" The old king was stunned, looking a little embarrassed, so straightforwardly said that the princesses were entangled with him, but had the royal majesty ever been put in his eyes?

"Literally," he smiled, ignoring the vigilance of the guards around him, his long legs stepped forward, and slowly walked up the steps.

For the act of such great disrespect, the old king felt frightened and did not stop it.

Finally, Jane walked in front of the old king and slowly leaned down. The dark brown eyes were fixed on the old king, and he said in a word, whispering, "Master, it ’s not good to be your king. Is the world outside now changing too fast, you just need to enjoy it, as for the rest, you do n’t have to worry about it, okay? "

He sorted out the collar for the old king, and took two steps back, so that he could relax: "I hope that the king will seriously consider my suggestion and stop doing something that bothers me. After all, it is difficult for me to do it- — ”

He snorted, his face clearly defined, it was all lifeless.

"Once it is difficult to do, I will be unhappy. At that time, if you do something, please ask Master for your understanding!"

"Then say goodbye."

He stooped lightly for a ceremony, countless noble gestures.


After Jane left, the old king was alone on the throne, gasping violently. He was old and weak, wiping the cold sweat of his forehead weakly.

This is Anderson, is he planning to tear his face with the royal family? !

In the end, he forced him too tight. The old king now regrets his previous actions. If this action caused Anderson's rebellious heart, it would be too bad.

After sinking his thoughts, he thought about it suddenly and said aloud, "Come here, invite some princesses, and send invitations to all the nobles, saying that I will hold a spouse selection ceremony for princesses tomorrow night. Men can come to participate! "

Sadly, however, Anderson has already spoken to such a point that if he does not make an expression, he may be resolved in his own way.

His three flowery daughters are his greatest treasure, but now, because of Anderson's words, it will soon become worthless.

It may be possible to win over some nobles, but all of them add up, not as important as Anderson!

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