Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

He remained silent and quietly became a bystander.

Watching the young girl's emotions fall instantly, at that moment, the fragile child seems to be in need of comfort. But he didn't dare to go up, and knew that she didn't need it!

"This picture was taken by chance some time ago. By the way, you know, where did I get this picture ?!"

Su Kui turned his head and looked at Al steadily, "Continue."

At this moment, she has concealed her grief, and looks just like a normal person.

El is a honeysuckle. Apart from her adoptive parents, the only person who knows her past is now looking at her. In her eyes, she is intolerant.

At such a young age, if parents are alive, they will probably be held up in the palm of their hands, right?

However, now she has endured many things that she should not bear in her life.

However, after getting along, everyone knows that this strong girl, she is proud and arrogant, unruly, she does not need sympathy, as long as she finds the enemy, Al knows that she will use the same tactics to fight back!

"This picture was found in their private file library when I invaded the royal defense system!"

"Royal!" Su Kui's silver eyes burst into endless hatred, she clenched her fists, "What else have you investigated?"

"Remember what your parents researched back then?" Al asked.

Su Kui is a mentally capable person. From the age of one, his memory is surprisingly powerful. It's very simple to let her remember things as a child.

She nodded. At that time, Leng's parents developed a medicine. Because they had not been tested, they were named after Leng Tong and Leng Ran, with the abbreviation TR1.

The significance of this medicament, originally studied, is to extend the lifespan of ordinary people.

Humans who have not undergone evolution have lived up to 155 years old, unable to resist life, death, illness and torture.

The younger daughter Leng Tong luckily awakened the power, but Leng Ran at that time was like an ordinary person. She awakened the power later, when the awakening, the parents of Leng's family were murdered!

After countless repeated tests, in the end, the potion ushered in TR3! The most successful one, every time you take it, can prolong the lifespan of about 7-10 years, and at the same time can reactivate those aging cells and make them fresh and live again.

However, the parents of Leng's family felt that the medicine was not perfect enough, and many unpredictable sequelae had not yet been discovered. As such, they were prepared to continue their research.

And intends to add irritating drugs to the pharmacy, trying to extend lifespan, while activating human body, that one-hundredth of talent, let them awaken abilities.

This intention is good, and they are working hard for it, even ignoring the two daughters.

Success is getting closer, however, this news, I do not know when it leaked out. Drugs that can extend lifespan and have the potential to stimulate the human body are countless underground power organizations, even those rich businessmen and nobles, what they dream of.

With wealth and status, people will be reluctant to die because they haven't enjoyed enough life now.

Therefore, the parents of the Leng family began to flee with Leng Tong and Leng Ran, but in the end, on the first day of returning home, the bad guy who suddenly broke in took his life, the medicine, and disappeared.

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