Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Penetrated through the floor-to-ceiling windows and sprinkled on her, warm and very quiet and beautiful.

The honeysuckle headquarters is active underground all the year round, and the planet where it is located is covered with snow all year round and the sky is full of frost.

A life as stable as this, in memory, only experienced before three years old.

She slowly lifted the corners of her lips, a sigh of satisfaction in her silver eyes, her eyelashes quivered gently, and her delicate little face, all exposed to the gentle bright light.

When Jane woke up, she opened her eyes and saw a scene in front of her.

Breathing suffocated, he quietly got out of bed, grabbed her waist from behind, pressed her chin against her shoulder, and looked away with her, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Su Kui nodded, "Well, it's beautiful."

She looked back, cheeks rubbed against his stubble-jawed jaw, stab, some tingling, some itching.

Really like a cute cat, Jane thought.

The quiet girl is quiet and beautiful. From her, it is completely impossible to see that this girl will be the notorious leader of Lonicera on the interstellar.

Every time the army led by her said that there was nothing in the grass, and the means were fierce, more than people imagined.


Leng Ran saw the girl again.

In the lobby of the general palace.

This was the first time she had left the general's palace after a year of absence. At that time, she had short black hair and round eyes, like black grapes, moist and clear.

She is petite and looks familiar for some reason.

If she did n’t know that that person was absolutely impossible to appear here, she must have thought that the woman ’s death would n’t change and she came after the main star!

"Good morning, general."

"Hello, this lady is ..."

Leng Ran gave a salute and glanced at Su Kui's face from time to time, "I was embarrassed by accidentally pouring wine on you last time. I originally wanted to apologize, but I don't know where you went. So soon, meet again. "

She smiled, as if she did not care about Su Kui's provocation that day.

Su Kui shrugged, a flash of maliciousness in her eyes, her red lips lightly opened, "Hello, my name is Leng Ran, speaking, and you have the same surname!"

"I just moved from Planet Rila, and I will settle here in the future.

She smiled sweetly, as if she didn't notice it at all, her cold face suddenly became stiff, and then pale.

"You, what do you say your name?"

Su Kui blinked, puzzled: "Why are you reacting so much, Leng Ran, do you think it's too coincidental?"

Jane's cold eyes swept Leng Ran's body, then lowered her head, put a sandwich on Su Kui, and put it in front of her.

Being swept away by this line of sight, she suddenly looked back, and she smiled awkwardly, as if she had lost her soul, "Ah, yes, yeah, a little surprised, gaffe, forgive me!"

"It's okay, do you want to eat together?" Su Kui pointed to the chair and asked Leng Ran.

"No," glanced at Su Kui indifferently, her face complex, she pursed her lips, and looked at Jane, "General, I have something to report to you urgently, I wonder if I can, please take a step to speak?"

After hearing this, Su Kui waved his hands and devote himself to eating his sandwich, "Go."

Jian Weizheng, she did not care about the appearance, but she felt uncomfortable. He squeezed his lips tightly. "Just say it here, it doesn't matter."

Su Kui: "It doesn't matter? If it's a secret?" She smiled slyly.

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