Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

In this royal palace, even the old king who is high above him must bow to him. Countless wealth is at his fingertips, he can't bear it!

Soon, Su Kui walked to an abandoned small pavilion that was far from the back garden and covered with dust.

There, the cobwebs were densely packed, and the dust fell with the evening breeze.

Su Kui covered his nose and wrapped a layer of knot on his body to prevent the invasion of dust.

Standing lightly on the spot, she slowly raised her eyes, her dark eyes, and instantly turned into silver before Barton's eyes.

Barton was terrified. From then on, he was afraid of the girl in front of him.


He shook his head desperately, twisting his body, trying to break free, but no matter how hard he tried, he was almost exhausted, but he couldn't break free.

With a thump, he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, twisting instinctively like a clumsy bug.

Su Kui looked at it for a moment, his hands clasped his chest, his fingertips nodded his arms rhythmically, stepped on small black leather shoes, and approached slowly.

Condescending staring at the man, her silver pupils seemed to be reflected in the eyes of the bright moon in the sky, hiding endless confusion.

"Now, look at me, look at me ..."

The girl's voice was soft and low, as if the spring breeze was blowing, Patton's eyes began to trance, he gave up struggling, slowly lay on the ground, opened his eyes, and looked at the girl's bizarre, but very beautiful, calmly Eye pupil.

"Very well," nobody noticed that the girl's bizarre pupils, like a vortex, kept spinning, as if with endless suction, sucking the soul into the eyes.

"What do you see in my eyes?" She asked.

Patton was in a trance and his eyes were chaotic. "It's beautiful to see the sea under the moon."

"Do you like it there? There is peace, calmness, no killing, only you, and your loved ones." Su Kui's voice became more and more deceptive, low, soft, and was about to drip.

"Like," Barton dreamed of the scene, and happiness gradually surfaced.

"What about you now? How are you doing now?"

"I, I ..." Button's face instantly became distorted and full of excitement, and he began to shake his head, trying to escape this confusion.

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you, my friend," Su Kui squatted halfway down, staring at Patton's eyes, "Look at me, I won't hurt you, I'm here to help you, just say If you reveal your secret, you can go back to the land you dreamed of and go to reunite with your family. "

"Reunion ..."

"Yes, will you?"

"I ..." Barton blinked and regained his dullness again, "I will."

Every bad person's heart, if not pure, has malicious intentions since birth. Then there is always a soft place in his heart that will be easily deceived.

"who are you?"

"Me, who am I? I don't have a name ..."

"where do you come from?"

"Tu Mocuo Planet."

Su Kui raised her eyebrows, as expected.

"Are you a Zerg?"


"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my friend, like you, we come from the same place."


Even if he was hypnotized, he still avoided taboo about his origins. Su Kui turned his eyes and it was clear.

She stood up slowly, her eyes restored to the dark gemstone color, Patton excited, and suddenly woke up.

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