Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

After finally passing away the trouble, Su Kui felt a little vomiting again.

After Jiang Xiaoyu was kicked out and promised to invite her to a big meal some other day, Su Ku couldn't wait to enter the lounge and took a half-hour bath.

Now she finally knows why Mu Xinci is so distressed, and she is also distressed for her.

With a little physical contact with the person, he vomited dimly, completely unacceptable. Moreover, as a psychologist, she clearly knew that her illness was still incurable.

And, as she grows older, relatives around her begin to urge all kinds of marriages. The more she does this, the more she resists men.

Until the end, at the age of thirty-two, when someone pointed at her nose and scolded x cold old virgin, she couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide.

People are social animals, and the world is made up of men and women. As long as she goes out, she will definitely be able to meet a man. The final symptoms have gradually evolved to an unacceptable level. What can Su Kui say?

This has seriously affected her life, no wonder she will not think about it!

After taking a bath, Su Kui lay down in the lounge. The studio was large, and Mu Xinci was simply separated to make a small rest room. In fact, the bed and wardrobe are all available, and sometimes she works late, and she simply stays in the lounge for one night.

Anyway, she was an orphan, she was full, and the whole family was not hungry.


The next day, a new day began.

According to Mu Xinci's work record, Su Kui knows that today will be Song Heng's elder brother, Song Nan's appointment date. He will invite himself to be a psychological counseling doctor for his younger brother. At the same time, he will pay a high price to let her serve Song Heng for a year.

If Song Heng ’s condition changes in a year ’s time, she will pay her the remaining amount twice.

It can be said that the Song family has reached today's status, and money and the like are no longer in sight. For them, money is just a number, nothing more.

Su Kui wore an off-white professional dress and a pale pink silk shirt, but it seemed that she would not be so rigid. After a simple fiddle with her hair, Su Kui had a light make-up and applied a layer of lip gloss, and started her day's work.

Sending a guest away, Song Nan arrived on time at three in the afternoon.

Su Kui raised his eyes and looked to the man who was invited by Jiang Xiaoyu to come in. The man was extremely tall, about one meter and nine meters tall, and his black suit was wrapped around his thin and strong body. The figure of a man.

At least, in Su Kui's eyes, men can score 99 points.

One point less, afraid of his pride.

Su Kui got up and showed a light smile, said softly: "Hello, is this Mr. Song? Please sit down."

"Hello, this is Song Nan." Song Nan nodded and sat down on the sofa in front of his desk. His legs naturally overlapped and his aura was strong.

Although Su Kuisi was unaffected, she shook her scattered hair and tilted her head. She asked professionally, "Hello Mr. Song, I don't know what kind of pressure you have. Need consultation?"

While Su Kui looked at him, Song Nan was looking at each other.

Why didn't you choose a famous doctor in China, but chose this woman who was a little psychological counselor shortly after she returned to China, and she was also very sophisticated.

My brother can't be stimulated anymore.

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