Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

In fact, he hit nothing, as long as he does not hurt himself.

But recently, according to the servant who took care of him, he seems to have started to self-harm, every time he saw him, he was scarred. Regardless of his wishes, after taking the psychologist back to see, there is no doubt that he has depression!

The obvious world-wearing complex has appeared, and Song Nan is really scared. An unnoticed, his favorite brother, disappeared!

In his spare time, he found hundreds of psychologists in China. At present, he is only satisfied with this one.

"Ms. Mu, IMHO, he has already had a decade of anxiety and space claustrophobia, so what Ms. Mu said is what I am worried about. Recently, he not only had a soft thought, but also gradually started Relying on drugs, not giving him food, or even hurting someone with a shot! "

"Drugs are all irritating. Mr. Song, I do n’t know what this patient has to do with you? Even if you take the best medicine for more than ten years, you will still have problems? Mr. Song, this is yours. Dereliction of duty! "


He was speechless and wiped his face, "It is true that we did not care enough to make him look like he is now."

"Then your purpose here is for your friend?"


"He is your ...?"

Song Nan knew that he couldn't hide anymore. He took a deep look at Su Kui and pursed his lips, "Miss Mu, I hope you can keep a secret when you know this news."

Su Kui nodded his head and said unbelievably: "Of course, Mr. Song, this is the basic professional ethics of a psychologist, you can rest assured."

Song Nan knows this. There are not many psychologists that Xiao Heng sees. The only few are trustworthy. Unfortunately, they have n’t seen them after seeing them for ten years. What is it like being a younger brother?

He angrily wanted to strangle a person and threw it from the top floor of the Song's building.

He took a deep breath, "It's my ... brother, his name is Song Heng. He was kidnapped when he was seven years old. It was at that time that he was stuffed into the luggage box by gangsters. ... "

"What about anxiety?"

Song Nan recalled at this time that his heart was still in pain. He was ten years older than his brother. When he was eight years old, he was already at the age of college. He still remembered to skip class from college and searched for three with the police. God, he was seen in the dark basement.

It's terrible, bloody!

That was a child who was afraid of falling in the palm of their family, and was so tortured by the cruel man!

Afterwards, though he used the same tactics to retaliate back, he let the man's family die and stayed in prison for a lifetime. However, his brother's great years were completely destroyed by his hands, but Song Nan always wanted to kill when he thought of it.

He clenched his fists tightly, with great force, and the green muscles on the back of his hand were bursting. He gritted his teeth like he was from the cracks of his teeth. Presented to Su Kui.

Every time he heard something, Su Kui's face was whiter. After listening, her hands were tightly holding her mouth. "He, he is so small, is that man, is he still human ?!"

Song Nan's eyes turned red, "Huh! Of course not, something that is not as good as a beast! There is hatred to seek revenge from an adult, or come to me and do something to start with such a small child!"

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