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Once the double and multiple times of experience and exchange value are opened, it is one step closer to her hope of returning home.

Rubbing her face, she glanced at the property panel on the display, and the data was still terrible. Maybe after the system is upgraded again, will it be easier?

"Good, what is the next world?"

The voice of the system's machinery couldn't hide the surprise, "Is the host not going to rest this time?"

Su Kui raised her eyebrows and said lazily: "Naturally, I upgraded as soon as possible. Besides, I have high expectations for the next world." She pointed out something.

During the time before the death of the last life, she had a very peaceful life, and everything that should be put down was put down, and there was nothing to sort out.

Since Su Kui said so, the system has never refused Su Kui's decision.

It transferred the content of the plot to Su Kui's brain, saying: "Please read the plot of the next life carefully and wait for the plane to shuttle."

"Ding-the plane shuttle is in progress, it will start after the countdown."

"five four three two one……"

"The shuttle plane opens."


Every time I woke up, it was the same, but this time, Su Kui woke up in a magnificent nightclub box, his head was dull, and the air was filled with alcohol.

She opened her eyes slightly and raised her eyes to see a mess on the scene. The noisy music and the flashing lights intersect, making her brain full of irritability. This is the emotion passed to her by the original owner. The scene is very chaotic, and many people are playing crazy.

Many beautiful girls are wearing hot, **** suspender skirts, stepping on ten-inch high-heeled shoes, exposing their long legs and waists, exaggerated eye makeup on their eyelids, and glitter glittering in the light.

They are either nestled in the arms of men, or sitting directly on their legs, and some are stepping on a transparent crystal coffee table, twisting their waists frantically on the top, like a water snake, very tempting.

Their clothes jumped less and less, and from time to time they bowed their heads and hooked up a man's tie, and kissed him.

The box was full of whistling whistles, with a few laughs. As a result, the girls seemed to be encouraged, and the more they played, the more indulgent.

Su Kui is sitting in a quiet position. Of course, she is not one of them. After all, she has a special status among these people, and no one dares to provoke her. Moreover, her character has always been unpredictable, but fortunately, although she has a strange personality, she will not say anything about their playfulness.

There will be no rumors.

Just a few casual glances, and Su Kui's mind automatically appeared a few names. Among the men and women present, some are upstarts in the business world, and some are the tender meats that are relatively famous in the entertainment industry recently.

The name of the original owner of this body is Song Youshu, the only daughter of the Song family, one of the four major families in Beijing. There are two older brothers, all in the wind and water mixed in the military and political circles. She is the oldest member of the family and the only girl, showing how much she is favored.

She is also very eager to be a person. It may be due to family reasons. Girls who are not like ordinary people like to be coquettish. She does not like these. From the age of eighteen, she moved out to live alone and was very independent.

The mother is the only child of the grandmother ’s family. The grandmother ’s family has been in business for generations, and has been doing business since the beginning of the last century.

The two elder brothers joined the army and politics, and showed little interest in business. Eventually, the industry fell into the hands of Song Youshu.

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