Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The elevator is embedded in the corner of the hall. The two floors are all her private space. The elevator can only be accessed by her instructions and magnetic card. Therefore, the format of the above two layers is completely in accordance with Song Youshu's preferences.

There is a lot of space where you can see.

All the walls are made open and the view is wide. The color invokes a simple gray-white stripe, which is not cold, but not like the girl's residence.

Because, color and decorate the home, it is too simple.

I can't see the usual colors that girls like.

He Yifan blinked and stepped in hesitantly. Su Kui took out new slippers from the shoe cabinet and threw them under his feet. Then he walked and took off his coat.

Along the way, it took off.

Why did Vatican just stoop down to take off his shoes, then changed his slippers, raised his head and froze.

I saw that the woman's black trench coat and white shirt and trousers were all thrown onto the carpet. The moment he looked up, she happened to have her hands behind her back and took the dark buckle of the bra. The fair-skinned skin looks more transparent and snowy under the sunlight outside the one-way glass. She seems to like fitness very much. She has thin, elegant muscle lines and a concave curve that extends from the back of the neck into the white shorts wrapped in snow.

Needless to say, he knows where the breathtaking dent extends.

The shoulder blade, delicate as an angel's wing, was embedded in her back, and moved slightly with the movement. As if the next moment, it will really break the skin and give birth to a pair of white wings!


In an instant, He Yifan's celestial cover seemed to be struck by lightning, and her eyes fell on her snowy back, her hands tightly stirred, not knowing what to do and where to put her eyes.

His eyes seemed to be stuck with invisible glue, and her skin seemed to be attracted, attracting his eyes, making him unable to divert his attention.

While he was foolish and stunned for a while, a woman with an exquisite and elegant face fiddled with her short black hair and flicked into the temple with a long eyebrow lightly, and said to him: "Sit yourself, I will take a shower first. Wait Me, eh? "

She always brought some hoarseness, a three-point lazy tone rising, and the ending sounded like a small brush, passing lightly through her heart.

Why Vatican nodded, "No ..."

"Good boy." She lip lightly, praised him indulgently.

If the woman was beside him, He Yifan didn't even doubt that she would reach out and pat twice on her head. Like a teacher in a kindergarten, when complimenting a child, the actions are consistent.

The woman finished, and soon disappeared behind the bead curtain made of transparent crystal.

And under the bead curtain that shook slightly, like a wave of water, a small piece of black lace fabric told him silently, just before, what scene he had experienced!

It's crazy!

He Yifan scratched his head, his head in frustrated hands, crouching on the ground annoyed. What stupid thing did he do, I don't know if his father knew under Jiuquan, would he beat him hard in the dream in the middle of the night.

Before last night, he had never even seen a woman, nor did she know who she was.

But just because the stranger last night had already experienced each other what only the closest lovers would do. He must be responsible to her!


Why did Vatican look at the large space in front of him, although the decoration is simple, but it reveals the low-key luxury ornaments.

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