Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As soon as I turned on the phone, there were a few missed calls on the mute screen. Why did Brahma's heart tighten, thinking of Lu Lan's charge yesterday, in any case, you must not be drunk, to maintain the best condition, last variety show!

And now--

He glanced down at the time, exactly twelve o'clock.

Missed from the agreed recording time! Hurry up now, I'm afraid the recording has already begun?

He squeezed the phone, thinking of Lu Lan's stern appearance, and his back was cold. He unlocked and found that there were dozens of missed calls, all from Lu Lan.


This thought flashed in my heart, and then he firmly occupied his brain, and he refused to give up at all.

The news of why He Fan was going to participate in the Apple TV variety show was posted online. Why Van Gogh's exquisite looks, in order to attract the attention of some Yan Fan in the beginning.

At this moment, Lu Lan has exploded. She sits in the office and keeps making calls, refreshing web pages, news from major forums and Weibo. It's all about why Van Gogh has a big name and plays big names, or is news that was directly cut off for some reason.

But Lu Lan could not find out why He Fan was able to formally clarify him. Her anxious head was about to explode, pinching her sore eyebrows, and she took out her mobile phone and decided that if she couldn't make a phone call to Vatican, she would solve it in her own way!

When the number was pressed, in fact, she had decided to notify the public relations, purchase the navy, and began to clarify.

But to her surprise, the phone was connected without actually ringing twice.

Lu Lan was surprised, and she asked softly, hesitantly, "Afan?" She was not sure if the other side of the phone was a fan, so the tone was very weird.

Why was Fan froze for a moment, nodded gently, and said, "It's me, Sister Lu."

At the moment when it was determined that the opposite was really Brahma, Lu Lan instantly ran away! She slapped the table sharply and scolded angrily: "Why did you go? Where did you go? Do you know that a notice was arranged for you today? How did I give you an account yesterday, eh?"

"Dare not answer my phone!"

"Don't you want to be confused ?! Do you know how much I lost my mind and how much human favor I used to tuck you in? The result? You just let me do pigeons in silence ?!"

"Have you ever thought about my mood? Why Brahma, even if you don't think about it for me, you have to think about it? Now there are so many newcomers in the entertainment industry like Jiang Zhi crucian carp, if you can't! Hold your head up, do you understand? Ah ?! "

He Yifan has always listened to her vent, listening to her anxiety and corruption. It seems to be conceivable that Lu Lan paced anxiously while slurping at the same time.

He knew that he was in a big disaster, and sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, Sister Lu." Lu Lan had indeed told him a thousand times that he must not be late, drink too much alcohol, and use the best state. , Facing today's shooting.

However, the plan will never catch up with changes.

Caused by a sudden change in the morning, his brain has been in a state of blindness, and he has no idea what he has experienced. Why have all of the things that have been arranged suddenly changed all the way?

Lu Lan scolded enough, knowing the boy's temperament, no matter how he scolded him, as long as it was his fault, he would admit it.

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