Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"I know this, you don't have to worry about it, I will tell people to deal with it here. As for Apple Station, I will call in person to contact."

Lu Lanba didn't have to do this. He listened to Su Kui's words and she nodded quickly. "Yes, yes, thank you President Song, Afan can meet you, it is his blessing!"

Hearing the words, there was a chuckle on the end of the phone, which was extremely lazy and nice. Even the same woman as Lu Lan couldn't help but feel that the ears were numb. If you changed to a man, would you have to be a wolf?

"No, it's my blessing to meet him," Su Kui replied.

Lu Lan heard her heart beating, what does it mean? !

Isn't the outside world always rumored that Song Youshu is a decisive woman? But now this woman who is full of Yan Yue, even with love skills, is really the goddess Song Youshu?

How to listen is a little unbelievable.

Lu Lan felt that he was probably dreaming!

She laughed twice, not knowing how to answer.

Su Kui scratched He Yifan's chin and felt his skin burn hot, not knowing what he was thinking. A random glance, the two eyes met, why Vatican seemed like a kid caught doing bad things, and immediately opened his head.

Su Kui tickled his red lips and didn't mind.

When she was about to hang up, she suddenly remembered something and asked Lu Lan: "You still have other artists in your hand?"

Under normal circumstances, if it is not a big-name first-line star, the agent usually takes several people at the same time. Asking Lu Lan this is also Su Kui's own consideration.

Lu Lan was shocked when she heard the words and knew that it was time to test herself. Originally, she did have two people in her hand, but since she knew why Yi Fan was on the big tree of Song Youshu, and she liked it so much, Lu Lan couldn't say it!

"No, hehe, Mr. Song, Afan is a good seedling. You can rest assured that I must take him seriously. I will report to you in time when there is any situation!"

If Su Kui knew what she was thinking, she would tell her unkindly that she thought too much.

But since someone showed loyalty, Su Kui would not push people out. If all the people around He Yifan were replaced at once, it would probably cause him discomfort. After all, Lu Lan is the one he has been with for the longest time after he wakes up.

Su Kui nodded, "Well, it ’s better, I want to give him the best. He also deserves to have a better one. I do n’t want you to get him a supporting role like a clown jumper in the future, or as a decoration. Show, understand? "

Since you want to stay in the entertainment circle, then the script, announcement, endorsement must be the best!

This belongs to Song Youshu's overbearing and Su Kui's selfishness. After all, why is Brahma so simple in this life, and his identity is special, only to protect him in all directions. Avoid contact with too many people, then his identity will not be easily revealed.


With Su Kui's words, Lu Lan acted a little more domineering.

The day after Su Kui's speech, Lu Lan sent a bunch of assistants, some doing public relations, and had a dedicated makeup artist and personal assistant. A large group of people all wore uniform professional suits, women in skirts, and men in suits.

Lu Lan looked at it again, God!

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