Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Yin Hong's blood rubbed his hand, and his couture suit was completely scrapped.

Su Kui clapped his hands and grumbled: "Then I hope that the retribution will be more violent, Song Yi, you are all bored, you can't find your wife, and come to stop the sister's lifelong happiness?"

"Do you believe me tell Dad to go? Who do you think is the first to suffer ?! Also, if you dare to tell Song 2nd, I will tell Dad that the Liu family's great money likes what you like, and swears you No one marries, do you believe it? "

Su Kui raised his eyebrows, his hands around his chest, and a pair of peachy eyes with a gleam of water glanced at Song Yi.

This time, Song Yi collapsed, "Don't, I said Song Youshu, you're so insidious! I care about you kindly, do you want my father to force me to marry me?"

He heard about Su Kui's affairs, and hurried back from other provinces, pushed a bunch of affairs, and waited back, fearing that he had already piled up a mountain. Thinking of a headache, is he still afraid that his sister will be deceived?

In fact, he wanted to ask, did he go to the last step with the man, and if he did, did he have any protection measures?

If possible, Song Yi also wanted to take her sister to the hospital for inspection.

Sorry, as a person with a superior IQ, then in some ways, he will be nervous.

For example, in emotional matters, Song Yi always believed that the **** of men and women only follows the laws of nature, and there is nothing to take care of. If Su Kui doesn't mind, he can even talk eloquently in front of her for three days and three nights and talk about the pros and cons between men and women.

However, seeing his sister's gloomy face, Da Yi dare to continue to kill him, and Song Yijue realized.

He raised his hands and made a surrender. "Okay, okay, I can't surrender? Don't say it, don't say it!"

Upon hearing this, Su Kui nodded with satisfaction. She walked over and patted Song Yi on the shoulder. Sober, know what you want. And, look at the figure of your sister, this face, and the man can refuse me? "

She raised her eyebrows, quite narcissistically.

Song Yi looked at her up and down, rubbing her face coldly, "I really don't see it," the woman who had no image in front of herself was not his dish.

Seeing his expression, Su Kui knew what it meant, "Brother, sometimes I really think you are a gay, otherwise why are you almost forty and can't find a girlfriend? Not even a lover, this is too Strange!"


"Song Youshu! I warn you, don't talk nonsense! Also, who told you that I don't have a lover ?!" How can he be a normal man?

"Huh, huh ..."

Suddenly, he spoke his heart out, and Song Yi was annoyed to slap himself. As soon as he raised his eyes, he looked at Shang Sukui's ridiculous gaze, and he pouted, "Okay, just know, don't talk nonsense everywhere."

A person has many facets. For example, in the outside world, he needs to disguise himself completely. For women, there are only two concepts.

One is for venting desires and the other is for petting loved ones like sisters.

Knowing that the younger sister knew what was in her mind, she made up her mind and waited to go back to start investigating the little star. It must be ensured that he did not intend to approach the younger sister.

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