Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Do not……"

He murmured unconsciously, his face pale, his body shaking.

When the last trace of darkness completely overwhelmed him, letting him resist was still useless.

The boy with an exquisite look and a slender and tall figure slid slowly to the ground along the cold wall tiles, his eyes closed tightly, and his nose disappeared.

At this moment, no matter who saw it, he would think that the boy died without warning.

But is this really the case?

As time ticked off, Su Kui glanced at the clock beside the bed and looked at it for half an hour.

Wash for so long? Still shy, afraid to spoof him again, and dare not come out?

Su Kui couldn't help but smile, so innocent, and the contrast with normal days, it is too much. Doesn't he know how much lethality he has? As long as he is a bit tyrannical, as an ordinary human being, he has no resistance.

She put it down and turned over.

"Fan Fan, have you washed it? I'll go in if I don't come out again?" She screamed, and went out to drink.

She did not know that the shower was still wide open in the bathroom at the moment. The pattering water was constantly washing the boy's body lying on the matte floor. He was lying on his back, his eyelashes were glued to the wings that were torn from the insect, and his slender and thick, pale skin was wet with water. He lay motionless on the ground, without the slightest appearance, making him look like a doll of only body size.

"Da da da--"

It sounded one after another in seconds, silently telling the passage of time.

On the eighteenth floor, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bedroom, the ground is flashing with lights, full of traffic. And the bright moon covered by the dark clouds hanging on the deep black night slowly exposed.

When the moon was completely exposed like a silver plate, He Yi, who was lying motionless in the bathroom, opened his eyes and he moved.

There was a seemingly absent smile on the corner of his lips, as if nothing had happened, he continued to wash, and then walked out of the bathroom with bare feet.


When Su Kui came back after drinking water, he saw that He Yifan had been wearing a white velvet bathrobe of the same style as him and was sitting by the bed. He was picking up the book he had laid down to look at it, and his concentrated look fell into the book.

Upon seeing this, Su Kui raised an eyebrow, "Do you understand?"

Has he been in this world for only a few months? I have received ancient education since I was a child. Can I read financial books with various English vocabularies that appear from time to time?

"Unable to understand," He Yifan shook his head and put down the book in his hand.

"You're honest," Su Kui walked over and touched his hair with inertia, not realizing that at the moment she touched, the boy's eyes flashed coldly.

"However, I will teach you if you want to learn ~"

In the next sentence, He Yifan was completely stunned. The dark and deep eyes shrank, a little dazed.

"Who made me like you the most? Fanfan likes me too? I don't like it either. After all, I have been slept by you, right?" The woman said half-coquettishly, touching it from the drawer. A hair band with rabbit ears came out and quickly slipped onto He Yifan's head.

Then, two steps back, rubbing his fingers against his chin.

I saw that the boy was bathed under the warm orange wall lamp, and the white velvet seemed to be shining with light. He dangled his eyelashes, making him look unclear.

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