Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"I'm not sick."

In the endless chatter of the woman, He Yifan finally couldn't help the headache.

Su Kui suddenly stopped, she blinked, "But, you have no heartbeat? Do you want to tell me, in fact, you have been dead for a long time, is a vampire?" She raised her eyebrows and nodded his chest.

"how do you know?"

Why Fanfan was surprised, the woman gave him more shock than surprise, he frowned, "Are you afraid?"

"Funny dude, good boy, sleep, vampire? Watch more TV?"

She admits that she is well-informed, and that there are many things in the world. News reports often show where and where zombies appear. Some people have red eyes and people who like to drink blood. There are too many, the heart stops beating, but people are beating alive, maybe, it is just another disease that science has not discovered.

Su Kui's distrust made He Yifan helpless.

He squeezed his eyebrows, "So what do you want to believe?" He just got on with her. Is it not possible for him to believe if he takes a bite on her white neck?

Only, looking at her white and slender neck, he was silent.

Well, the woman's taste is so good, he doesn't want to kill her so quickly.

"No, I believe it, okay? Now, let me sleep, OK?" Su Kui surrendered, followed his words, and looked at the clock. It was already two o'clock in the morning.

At eight o'clock the next day, she still has a meeting to start.


This incident ended in a conversation between the two who made no sense. Su Kui fell asleep and smirked in his heart, feeling the sight that had fallen on him for a long time, hooked his lips, and slept peacefully.

Why did Vatican stare at the woman who was fast asleep, her thin lips tight.

He also committed the soft heart of the boy? Actually didn't touch her. In fact, at a certain moment, He Fan thought that if a woman panicked when she knew his identity, she might laugh, catching her like chasing prey. Then, ruthlessly, **** the blood from her body.

It must be delicious--

However, in the real situation, he also ate her, just changed the way, the taste is still the same, and a little addictive feeling.

The woman probably doesn't know that he is not a so-called schizophrenia, but is it real?

The first time she blurted out, it was actually quite right. One body and two souls, from birth, he has the same body with another He Yifan. In the first half of the month, what was awakened in the body was why the heart was soft and pure. In the second half of the month, the one who mastered this body was replaced by him, a dark soul diametrically opposed to another soul.

He was dark, lonely, and arrogant.

He tried to drive another soul out of the body, and tried to kill him, but he couldn't do anything about it. If you do that, it's only their bodies that hurt you in the end.

He gave up, but at this moment, he raised the idea of ​​trying to kill another He Yifan.

Because, he used to have this woman alone. From beginning to end, women did not know his existence, nor did they believe in his existence. Even if Fan Yi became like this, she seemed to like it very much.

I'm really jealous, lucky boy!


Later, Su Kui discovered the law, why the darkness appeared in Brahma for half a month, and when the sun rose in the following month, he changed back to the pure love of Brahma, and so on.

It's interesting.

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