Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1543: My zombie lover (sixty-six)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Bai Sien even resented her last time, but her reputation was completely black. In the entertainment world, she changed from a goddess to an object that everyone shouted, and she could never go back. And Bai, who relied on survival, was also acquired by Su Kui. Well, she can only rely on the Bai family.

At this time, the Bai family was pressured by her. If she does not resolve the matter, the end will definitely be miserable. At that time, she did not have the skills to survive, and even the title of Miss Bai was gone. By then, I do n’t know how many celebrities who had stepped on her feet would watch her joke.

She must never lose everything now!

Even if she hated it again, she knew that she couldn't beat Song Youshu. Why the company was quickly shot by his father, in fact, until now, Bai Sien did not understand.

It was only occasionally listening to Father Bai yelling at Rao in his dream, his face distorted, and his expression was frightened, as if something terrible in the dream was haunting him.

When he woke up, he was full of fear.

Bai Sien counted all this on Su Kui's head, thinking that she must have threatened Bai Father before he let him nod and sign the share transfer letter.

Although the money from the transfer of shares was enough for her to eat and drink for the rest of her life, Bai Sien was not reconciled after all. She once stood at the very top of the entertainment circle, and those old-time entertainers have to treat her and Yan Yue, even please. What she wants can be obtained without much effort. Once she shook her arm and was followed by millions of fans.

And now--

There are very few fans left, and her name is poor.

More often, it was fans who turned passersby, who turned black, and in turn began to trouble her.

As the saying goes, because of love and hate, this is true.

Just after Bai Sien apologized to admit that she had done something, she went back downstairs in the apartment where she lived and was sprinkled with sulfuric acid by a masked person.

Because of the rapid response, Tian Leng wore a hat and mask, and did not disfigurement, but the place where the sulfuric acid was splashed, still quickly burned a terrible wound on the bare skin.

Afterwards, Bai Sien was quickly taken to the hospital for treatment. Although he was not disfigured, all the sulfuric acid soup was deeply wounded around the eyelids.

For those who regard beauty as life, it is tantamount to a thunderbolt.

Su Kui saw this urgently pushed message and did not know what to say. This time, she didn't rush to kill, and even why Vatican gave the Bai family a wealth that was enough to live carefree for the rest of her life. As long as you do n’t die, relying on the Bai family will surely be able to feed and worry.

However, the mistake is that Bai Sien has so many fans, and there is no lack of extreme people.

The beloved idol tears off the disguise, and the tall image in his heart collapses instantly, which can't be accepted by countless fans. So, revenge began.

The masked man splashed with sulfuric acid was caught. After the police interrogated, the confession and Su Kui guessed that it was not much different. It was because of love and hatred.


In fact, no matter what Bai Sien looks like now, it has nothing to do with Su Kui.

Because, her task has been completed.

Bai Sien is not disfigured, but he can't restore the previous flawless appearance.

Su Kui and He Yifan have been very happy with each other. The innocent why Hefan and the blackened He Yifan are seamlessly connected on the 15th of each month, and the changes are very rapid. Later, the pure love He Yifan finally knew the existence of another in the body, he was angry first, and then even made a run away from home.

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