Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1545: My zombie lover (sixty-eight)

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Therefore, when the head of silver is covered, the aging lover always closes his eyes in his arms, and the heart rate of the ward will be 0 for an instant. Why did Vatican choose to be together with his lover, and return to nothingness.

He didn't want to endure a long and lonely life again, sleep for a hundred years, wake up again, and there would never be another woman in this world.

Therefore, he chose to leave.


Su Kui returned to the system space, she knew that her lover would not live alone.

However, there is no way to say goodbye to the two at the same time, which is a pity.

She closed her eyes and sorted out her emotions.

She was caught flat-footed by the events of the last life, and the chaotic design made her almost collapse. Especially when two souls living in the same body can't see each other, but are competing with each other, this is when she has the most headache.

Apart from the last world, apart from reluctance, there is also a sigh of relief.

After all, when two lovers with different personalities but full of possessiveness appear together, they are as powerful as Su Kui, and they are also somewhat uncontrollable. I don't know what my lover will know in the future when he fights against himself for jealousy.

Thinking about this, she hooked her lips.

The moment I looked at the display screen, the sound of the system ding ding ding suddenly and continuously sounded in my head.

"Ding-Congratulations to the host for completing the task! Welcome back to the system space!"

"Ding-the system is being upgraded, please wait."

"Ding-System upgrade is complete, data collation ..."

"Ding-the data is sorted out, the system space has been upgraded to level 3, please host to protect his soul body, the scene is changing."

"Countdown to scene change, five, four, three ..."

Afterwards, Su Kui only felt that her eyes were dark, and she knew nothing.

When I woke up again, my brain was clear, and my body was as light as a feather, floating like a feather. As soon as she opened her eyes, her consciousness was still somewhat blurred. She slowly opened her eyes. When the aperture in front of her disappeared, she saw that the former hut had become a luxurious bedroom.

The pale gold orchid dark-textured walls reveal luxury in a low-key manner. Retro European-style geometric dark red carpet, snow-white furniture, and a soft large bed, a light golden veil drooping down, and a small luxury crystal lamp above the head.

This change-

Her eyes flashed, and this was obviously the bedroom where she lived as Su Kui. All the decorations inside were designed by the person for her personally, and the decorations and home furnishing were personally purchased before finally entering her room.

It is also the bedroom where she lived for almost ten years.

She froze for a moment and raised her eyebrows, "Can you tell me why?" Everything is exactly the same as the bedroom where she once lived, as if she had never traveled through so many planes, reaching the client's wish.

Everything is nothing but his own delusions, Nan Ke dreamed.

However, the facts told her that it was clearly not the case.

First of all, the picture frame on the bedside table is gone, and secondly, all the furniture is neat and brand new and terrible. This is definitely not possible after ten years of living.

No matter how good the furniture is, it will be worn and scratched after so long.

But there will never be in the system space.

Because they are all fictitious, they will be repaired by the system's data with each scratch, and then restored to the original appearance.

Upon hearing her inquiry, the voice of the system's cold machinery rang in her mind. "The upgrade of the space in the past has been formed with the deepest picture in the host's mind."

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