Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1558: Big brother begging for feeding (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The woman's long black hair was picked up at will, wearing a simple lake green dress and wearing home slippers on her feet. Her slender, tall figure was busy with his back to him, and as the fragrance continued to drift into her nasal cavity, Lou Ge couldn't quite see what she was doing.


Lou Ge hesitated. He raised his sword and raised his eyebrows with his hands around his chest. He walked past slowly, leaning against the wall.

The closer you are, the more intense the fragrance.

Su Kui heard that he was calling her, but she didn't look back. She had obsessive-compulsive disorder in her work, and she had to do exactly the right second.

She was mixing the red bird's meat with flour and frying it into crispy yellow meat, which looked appetizing.

I have to mention that various appliances in this era are very convenient. At this time, the kitchen has basically eliminated the fire and replaced it with electronic heating.

The hot vegetable oil made a grunting sound, and the hot air was blowing. Su Kui was wearing a mask. After seeing the meat being fried into golden yellow, he quickly picked it up and turned off the electronic pot.

Sprinkle with pepper and salt, Su Kui wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, worked hard all day, and finally ended.

She didn't need to be so slow, but she was still not very familiar with the operation of these kitchen utensils, which almost caused an explosion. This is Su Kui, who has always been unfavorable, and the first time he planted the heels, it made people feel helpless.

"You just called me?"

After finishing everything, Su Kui remembered to turn around and asked Lou Ge.

When I saw a large bag of things on the table in the living room, my eyes were bright, "I bought them all?" There were some surprises in the tone, and my eyes were full of water.

When she looked at her like this, Lou Ge looked away a little uncomfortably.

"Huh" whispered, shifting the subject and asking her, "Will you cook?"

You should know that in today's era, few people will do these things. The rapid development of society has caused those ancient things to be lost in the long history of history and can no longer be restored.

Now, the chefs who are slightly active in the world are also the heirs of the family holding the secret recipe in their hands, and they will never easily spread the word. And those dishes--

Lou Ge is not uneaten, but in his view, but Er, it is not as convenient as eating nutrients directly. Those dishes, even if the appearance looks appetizing, but eating into the mouth is tantamount to chewing wax.

The price is expensive and there is no taste. Later, Lou Ge never eats again.

But what does this woman make today seem a bit different?

When Su Ge asked her to cook, Su Kui raised her eyebrows with pride and smiled, "Yeah, help try it? I just tried it casually, I don't know if it tasted good," she said, and she was not so hot Pick up the plate and stuff it into Lou Ge's hands. "Help me get it out. There are some others. You can wash your hands and eat dinner. Thank you today ~"

He couldn't help but push him out.

Lou Song: "..."

He twitched at the corner of his mouth, and obediently walked out of the plate of meat that was constantly emitting a scent, and suddenly stopped halfway through. Why should he listen to her?

She let him go, he went out? Also, how could she not be afraid of him all of a sudden? !

With a sad face, he put the plate on the dining table. In fact, this table has not been used once since it was bought.

Today, it finally came in handy.

A pair of slender little hands suddenly came from behind.

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