Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1586: Big brother begs to feed (41)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

At first he was really annoyed. He lived with such a woman with all kinds of conditions at any time. His character was not good. Many times, he really wanted to pinch her slender and fragile neck.

However, there was always a voice in his heart telling him to do so, he would regret it.

Lou Ge didn't understand the meaning of the sound in the beginning, until this moment, he suddenly realized.

The bright moonlight poured into the ground like silver gauze, and Lou Ge bent the corners of his lips and retreated slowly.


Early the next morning, Su Kui found that he woke up in the bedroom.

He is back?

The thought came to her mind, and she yawned sleepily. The sunlight outside the window was just right. There was little cold air on the unknown star. On such a four-season planet, there are countless people exiled by the country and destiny. They were drunk and brawled and walked idly on every street. Their eyes could not reflect the sky above their heads, and their hearts were covered with haze.

This is where Su Kui is at this moment, a place with such a great contrast.


"Woke up?"

Just stepping out of the bedroom door, a pair of night-like deep eyes straightly looked around. His rare gentle appearance made Su Kui slightly uncomfortable.

She nodded, "I came back last night?" Su Kui didn't ask him if he had brought her in, because seeing him already showed everything.

"Well," the man nodded faintly, placing his fingers across his chin. "You seem to be doing live broadcast recently? Is it fun?"

He seemed to inadvertently ask a question, Su Kui's eyes flashed, did not deny.

"It's just boring, just play around. I haven't been out for more than a year, and then I'm bored, I'm afraid I will really be out of touch with this society." She finished speaking indifferently, walking into the kitchen and frying a few cakes at will And walked out with her pickled pile of pickles.

The speaker had no intention of listening to the listener. He had a rough guess about his thoughts. The house song was not as calm as before. He pursed his lips. After the two had eaten quietly, they suddenly opened and asked, "You want to go out." Or? Or leave this planet. "

Upon hearing this, Su Kui was taken aback for a while, and then he smiled, "Why is my attitude suddenly so good, I was a little flattered," she bent her eyebrows, "Actually, I think it's pretty good here, like spring all year round."

In fact, it was n’t that she did n’t want to leave, but somewhere else, except for the unknown star, there was no place for her.

The fifth largest family of the protagonist, the power in the hand is all over the interstellar. As soon as her identity information is exposed on those planets, the woman will take measures against her immediately.

Only in the unknown star, her minions, could not reach in.

Perhaps, she did not expect that she would be alive?

Lou Jia is such a shrewd person that he can naturally hear the reluctance in her words. Yeah, from the moment I met her, I knew that she must have been from an extraordinary background and had a good reputation since childhood. Only such a family can produce such a precious girl.

It's just that what wrong did she make her family ruthlessly banish her to this cannibalistic place?

Is it unknown to let her die?

It seems that it is time for me to check.

She used to respect her choice, but for now, she is obviously unwilling.

"Somewhere I want to go, tell me, I'll take you." He thought about it and saw her eyes lit up very quickly and dimmed quickly.

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