Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1611: Big brother begs to feed (sixty-six)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Shen Tuo Xiaovangv: It has disappeared for a few more days, so that fans who like me are worried, I am sorry ~ In addition, the food after the store you are looking forward to will continue to be updated, please stay tuned!

The comments are more varied.

[Oh, who wants to eat something made by you, Biaozi, disgusting! Get out of the main star! The thought of breathing the same air with you makes me feel uncomfortable! 】

[Upstairs, please make the paper clear. Since you are not used to it, you will die. 】

[For the black powder in the comments, I have a mum that ca n’t hold back. 】

[Support Sister Shen Yang for ten thousand years. 】

[Regardless of what she was like before, I only know that I really like the current heavyness and the food she made. 】

[Miss Sister must be happy, hug, we have been ~]

[The bright-eyed people knew at a glance that it was a conspiracy framed by the big family. The younger sister had already said it before. She did n’t even know why she suddenly had such a scandal! ! 】

[Wow, no need to line up in the future, so happy! ! 】

[The brain powder is whitewashed, so disgusting! 】

[What's wrong, don't you want to talk about sucking du ****? She is such a woman who can do her best, and can now return to people's vision without knowing the dirty price paid. 】

[Rolling and rolling, see those who curse people, have reported, love can not see! 】


Someone scolded her that, in her anticipation, from the ancient to the present, violence of speech has always existed.

However, there were so many people supporting her, and it was also a relief to her. Ten minutes after the last post, Su Kui sent another post.

Shen Tuo Xiaovangv: I like some people who hate me the most, but I ca n’t do it. In addition, in the follow-up, I will jointly name the shop and Hiker. Presumably, people who hate me will not like to eat what I make? Meet you, bye ~

As soon as this remark came out, fans cheered.

Nowadays, the social network of the whole network has basically completed the real-name authentication, and many people can only have one account in their lifetime, and there is no hacking. Those who have scolded her in her activity will be directly dragged into the blacklist. When she co-branded with Hiker in the store on the main website, only fans can buy it.

As for those who yelled at her while refusing to buy.

Sorry, I'm not welcome! !

[Hahahahaha, the mighty sister! ! 】

[There are so many foodies on the planet, who rarely eats what you make? Disgusting? 】

[The people in the comments jumped. Are you sure you are angry? 】

[At this moment there is no fluctuation in my heart, and I even want to laugh. 】

[Retribution, Shen Yang should do this. If you were so tough two years ago, you should not be bullied? 】

[Distressed sister, come on! When you launch a physical store, I will definitely eat it every day! 】


Lou Ge didn't expect Su Kui's popularity on the Internet to be so high. Basically, those who scolded her would soon be sprayed back by the power of the fan organization, and he refused to give in.

And what she did next made him laugh involuntarily.

He has tasted what she has made and it is delicious in the world. Even after he has eaten it, he will never forget it. I am afraid that those people will regret it for life!


Two days later.

The planet Cerro is a few planets away from the main star.

"Da da da--"

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