Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1768: General, please have on the couch (ten)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Tao Wanshu didn't follow, "Sister, I'm less pretentious. In my opinion, your dance posture has long been so fascinating. Besides, you've only been vain for two or three years. How can I call myself an old man?" 'S arms, "No matter what, sister, this dance is so beautiful, you can teach me, I want to dance too!"

Su Kui raised her eyebrows helplessly and glared at her with a smile, "I'm really old and can't jump, you little girl don't come to toss me again, I'm thankful!"

After all, I took the teacup and took a sip.

Tao Wanshu also wanted to say that Liuying first interrupted her and said to Su Kui: "My Tao Gui, you don't have to toss the master. She has a bad bone, and it's okay to go crazy with you for a while. You really think of her as 17 The eight-year-old girl is full of energy all day long? "

"Stop, how about sitting here and drinking some tea?" Liuying hurriedly handed her a cup of tea and pulled her down.

In the past, Chi Zhan's body was worse, his mental state was not good, and he had a disease root in his mother's womb. Before being spoiled, the various nourishing and nourishing medicines were still not noticed when the tonic was broken, and when the tonic was broken, the underlying disease in the body immediately ran out of restlessness.

After Su Kui came, he insisted on taking a walk in the yard every day and basking in the sun. His appearance was much better than before.

Otherwise, Liuying wouldn't worry about letting her grow vegetables and blow her hair. At this time, she followed Tao Wanshu crazy.

Tao Wanshu looked at Su Kui and saw that her cheeks were blushing because of the tropics, but the lips were indeed unhealthy flesh pink, nodded disappointedly, and understood: "Okay, but sister, you need to exercise well. Well, the body is so bad, and the days to come! "

"Got it, little housekeeper."

Tao Wanshu is an unstoppable master. She gurgled a cup of tea, her eyes rolled, and she said to Su Kui: "Sister, you can do it without jumping, so can you teach me to jump? I really do I love this dance so much! Just now I watched you dance a little bit, and I ’ll just guide next to it, OK? Sister ~ "

She shook Su Kui's arm coquettishly, her dark eyes twitching.

Liuying frowned, looked at Su Kui, Su Kui raised her eyebrows, and nodded, "Okay, you jump over and show me."

Tao Wanshu immediately looked at her, nodded again and again, "Okay!"

Having said that, he walked back to the position where he had just danced, thinking of Su Kui's movement just now, and slowly jumped up.

The girl does have some talents, just watched her jump for a while, and remembered the movements almost, a dance only, Su Kui did not mind teaching. Seeing what was wrong with her, she corrected her patience with patience, and Tao Wanshu also took the advice seriously, and soon jumped in a pattern.

Days pass by day by day, and a few days later is the Mid-Autumn Festival. The De Guigui, who had a close relationship with Tao Wanshu, successfully gave birth to the dragon, the emperor Joy, gave the name on the spot, and gave a reward to each palace.

Even the cold palace was covered with light.

When Tao Wanshu thought of entering the cold palace because of her, she was not interested in the delicate pastries and fabrics she sent. Yanba turned a few times and threw it aside.

Instead, Su Kui picked it up and said with a smile, "What a good material, what did you throw away? We can't touch such a good thing on weekdays, take it to Liuying and let her make you a new dress."

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